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Welcome to the home of the Super-Saiya!

And now a breif Introduction of what we're all about!

On this page you will learn various techniques such as:


Gathering energy


ki wave

power up methods


super human

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Would you like to learn how to do this pansy bitch?

This is Jon and Dan's Ki Website!
This is where you will learn about ki, and what ki is and also what you can do with it.
E-mail us and tell us why you are intrested in learning the art of ki manipulation and we might consider training you!
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:Make a horse stance like you would in karate with your knees bent slightly and your hands making fists drawed down to your sides. (we insist that you meditate first before doing any ki exercises). Close your eyes while still in the horse stance trying to keep your balance, open your mind and try to feel your ki if you can concentrate and feel every part of your body at once(every little part including behind your eyes and the sockets them selves)then feel your ki moving throughout your body mixing with your blood. Now visualize your ki mixing with your surroundings(visualize yourself as a tree and your energy going into the ground like tree roots then visualize the energy coming back to you). (for advanced users see below for more techniques requiring this technique).

WARNING:If you feel any fatigueness or light-headedness or any sickness of any kind, stop immidiatley and rest until you feel better. If symptoms don't disappear see a physician A.S.A.P!!!!!

preparing oneself by centering his/her ki.Centering
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:Is learning how to tell yourself apart from other's ki wise. (This also comes in handy when scouting auras later on.) To do this technique you must frist meditate and ground yourself, then, as if through someone elses eyes recognize yourself and learn more about yourself. This is one good side effect of frequent meditation, and can also make you a better person, by understanding yourself you can understand others.

Gathering enourmous energy for a ki blast!Gathering energy
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:There are several methods to do this:
1.Gathering internal energy into your tantien(which is the spot right above your bellybutton)this helps build internal energy storage ability, so you can store energy for later use (This is our most recommended technique).
2.Gathering energy from your surroundings such as, earth,water,fire,wind, basically the whole planet.(This is also a very good method but is not for have to be intune with nature in order to do this and recieve great benifeits,(This is not saying that you can't do this if you are not intune with nature you just won't get as great a benfeit as you would if you were intune with nature)
3.(We don't recommend or condone the use of this technique so use at your own risk) Gathering energy from other people, this can give you negative energy(bad Karma)has been known to give people who's energy has been drained headaches, and has been known to cause people mentally insane for a little while.

this is what a ki blast should look something likekiblast
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:Ki blast are nothing but shapeless energy. First Meditate or if you have gotton good at focusing your energy, Focus all of your energy through your body to arms, then to your wrists. Then hold your hands out in front of you in a fan like design with your wrists together your thumbs straight up and together and your fingers fanned out like wings. Once you have done this focus all of your energy from your wrists to the center of your hands(where your wrists come together)and create a small ki blast and use your will(yi) to project the blast at something(not alive preferably)


This is what a ki ball or ki wave should look something likeki wave
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:A ki ball is similar to a ki blast only formed into a ball.(This takes quite a bit of will power(yi)to do but is worth it.) The way to do this is the stepps above(refere to making a ki blast)only this time cup your hands like you are holding a softball and bring them down to one side(Hip height) one hand on top of the other(also i didn't mention in the ki blast section: you may feel a tingling sensation or feel hot or cold sensations)on hand at least 4 inches above the other. (It matters which hand is on top, your dominant hand should be ontop and your ressesive hand)then make a ki blast as described above. When you get the energy into your hands use your will(yi) to form it into a ball, then use your will to project the ball at an object.

power up methods:
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as for powering up just visualize yourself exploding with ki.Visualize flames coming up around you, feel the heat of the flames,feel your ki flowing from your body.(Visualize your favorite anime character powering up)This will help you power up.
This is what you should should visualize or something close to it.
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First, you must realize that there is no gravity, just energy holding you down. This is because the negative and positive energies are coliding to heep you in place. Your body has the negative charges, while the energy coming down has the positive charges. Here's the effect. Raise one hand up above your head, and the other below your waist. Make the bottom one come up, and the top one come down. They'll colide mid-way and hold eachother still. But if you hold one hand out at chest level, and the other above your head, then when the top hand comes down, if the other goes with it instead of colides against it, the top hand looses all it's force. It's the same way with "gravity." Realizing that, make the negative charges in your body go with the positive charges(go with the flow). This will neutralize all effects that the energy had on gravity. At this point, your legs should feel waitless. Bring that feeling up through your entire body. At this point all you have to do is close your eyes and use your will power to lift you up. "feel" yourself going up in your mind. If you can make that feeling realistic, then when you open your eyes, you should be hovering about 3-4 inches off the ground. The stronger the will, the higher you go. All you have to do is keep the feeling inside of you to stay up.
Also here is another technique i made myself which works well too...first you have to be calm and relaxed but not to relaxed...then concentrate and push all of your ki downward through your body and push it out of your body to where it would make like a plateform or a cloud underneith of should be floating(levitating)

Their are also high levels of ki that can be accessed through extensive and intense training, such as the LIMIT BREAK and also the mysterious energy known asSHEN.
LIMIT BREAK:Is the strongest you will ever become and is so far uncontrollable becuase it happens subconsionsly. You gain extreme strength and do super human things. You won't even know you did it unless someone was around to see it or tell you about it. It is also where you become a mass of energy to where nothing can harm you..or you could take a human form..more or less you become one bad mofoe!!!
SHEN:There is not much known about a shen..Only that in order to reach it, you have to be in extreme emotion..such as anger or a deep sadness ect...this attributes to the limit break.
super human
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:Their is a form called super human that is the most can make yourself look like a super saiyajin by doing a little technique called throwing a glamour..This is where your concentration comes in handy because how ever strong you can concentrate on how you want to look the more you will look like what you want..YES you can make your hair gold and spiky and using your ki you can mix it with the glamour and have a gold whirl wind around can make your muscles bulk..but it doesn't mean that you will be stronger...remember a glamour is only an allusion but the super human is real and combined with the glamour you would look like one bad all of yuo dbz fans out their who is interested in ki energy might want to check into this one!!!!!!!!ALL you have to do is close your eyes and concentrate and imagine what you want to look like and feel sort of like a mask or an outer layer covering your entire body...also you must feel the part of your body you want to change changing.

This will take some time and practice so don't expect to get it right off the bat...CHEERS TO ALL!!!!!

For any additional techniques and or tips mail us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!:) also if you have any techniques you would like to share with us mail us please...Thanks in advance!! I am also going to start up my own page just for weird stuff and also cd burning tips...but thats coming soon, i will put a link to my page on this page and vice enjoy everyone!!!!!
Also here are some thumbnail pics of the greatest show ever...DBZ!

thumbnail gallery

mail us all you ki fanatics!!!
send us some mail!!!!

All the info about ki on this site is totally free..but if you want to get in depth info ...mail us and we will gladley share what we know with you. By no way are we affiliated with dragon ball Z it is strictly a product of funmation Inc.


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