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Hello there. Welcome to my personal website. Please make yourself comfortable by taking a look at the numerous stuff  that I made up all by myself (or completely stolen from other people). Enjoy your stay.

I have made shortcuts to several pages of interest that would be of some interest. Such topics are:-

Sermons   Forcing myself to stay awake in church to bring you the latest in EFCGC n HELP C.F.
V Factor My very own theories, philosophies, and lame jokes thought of when I'm bored or pissed.


Personal Note: You might've realize that I haven't been updating this website as often as before now, and I apologies to that. I've got a good reason for it, and that reason is LAZINESS! (Refer to animation above of freak Kenny-V Purpose Statement) Cheers. Bwahahaha.


 Purple Heart by Noah Yap - March 22nd, 2004

 Every night, I lift my heart, 
 Vacant entreaties, wish we weren’t apart. 

 Adoring you, was never hard,
 Of course it was just a draft.
 It was, loving you part, I went up and down in a cart. 
 I thought to myself, there are no buts, 
 And we ended up getting cuts. 
 Forgetting you eats my guts, It feels like being a rug. 
 Now that I’ve got the Purple Heart, I think it was an art.


Fiction of Love by Valery Siew - Unknown, 2004

If love isn't real, why do people die for the lack of it? 
If love isn't real, what is that unexplainable feeling you get inside? 
If love isn't real, why is every book, film and song about it? 
If love isn't real, why do we search for it our whole lives? 
If love is real, why am I the only one who doesn't have any?




It's something every human being has to go through at some point in life
A burning feeling inside so hard to hold, so hard to restrain
The longer the delay, the bigger that feeling grows
The more you think about it, the more pain you get
It's a feeling that brings no joy, but sheer remorse of its undying pain

It’s the reaction of chemicals inside that makes you wanna cry
And the need to see that particular someone makes its more intense

 The only joy will come when we finally meet
When I have you in my sights
I won’t be able to take my eye off you
Only when I feel your lips can feel relieved 
And only when I let it all out to you can those feelings subside





THE KEY OF SUCCESS by Pastor Danny- October 2nd, 2003

To start off this topic, we should first post this question to ourselves: What is success? How do we perceive this word? What does it mean? And how is it significant to us that makes success something everything would just looove to have?

 Success in the modern day society is usually associated with being rich, or marrying a smart and wealthy partner, being extremely “blessed”, etc. In short, success means everything that goes right for you. This maybe true to a certain extent depending on the individuals wants, but only in the short-run. This is truly evident as we see time and again, people who had their success end up loosing it after awhile. And those who are living in their success, well, the bad news is its never gonna last for long. In the end of the day, we all drop our jaws and will go on asking ourselves, “Eh, we work so hard for what?” We’re all gonna die some day people. Is it a dead end? The end of success itself is death? These are the important questions that I'm posting to you.

 Sad tales aside, the Good News brings – death is not a dead end. There is no death. Got lah, but that’s physical death. Remember John 3:16? For God so loves the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

 That was just to make us feel a little better, a ray of hope and sunshine. At least we know now what success should be in the end. Ultimately, getting into heaven to be with God and our Lord is the greatest achievement anyone can get, and it last for eternity!

 From the midst of this, another questions arise – What about life right now? How do we maintain our walk with God, meanwhile being successful at the same time, before we actually be with Him? It’s a subjective question, with many answers. It totally depends on an individual’s expectation on how he or she views success, thus deriving it for him or herself. Therefore, its best as we put it as this - An individual’s success depends not on what he or she achieves but on how they are in their walk with God. Many of us tend to forget the true meaning of life. Here are a few tips where we can bring victory back into our lives.

1- Know Jesus! 

We might know and understand who Jesus is, but do we know Him in our hearts? Do we sincerely acknowledge what he’s done for us and do we know what He is continuously doing in our lives? This we will have to identify in order to understand God's love. Love Jesus as how you love yourself.

 Colossians 3:17  And everything. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the father by Him. -MJKV

2Follow Christ. Involve God in everything

In the Christian living, it is crucial to realize that God knows everything. In that context, we have to behave in an orderly fashion. In whatever we do, we must remember to set an example for those who are not yet saved, for you bear the name of the Lord Jesus in the inside and outside of you. 

Acts 9:11-15

15But the Lord said to him, Go! For this one is a chosen vessel to Me, to bear My name before nations and kings and the songs of Israel. - MKJV

Colossians 3:3-4

3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. - NIV

3 - God owns us, not ourselves.

Know that this life ain’t belong to you. Your very existence is no accident or coincidence. You’ve been put on this Earth because God has put you here, and for a distinct purpose. Find out what God want you to do with your life, and we will find purpose and success.

1 Corinthians 6:19  19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own - NIV

4Confess your downfalls

Acknowledge our weaknesses and mistakes to God. He will provide you with answers and strength to overcome. If not, God will take away the light… or rather you have thrown yourselves into darkness by avoiding Him.  

Revelations 2:5 5Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

5 - Return to our first love with God

Believe in the power of Christ. Remember all that He has done. Have faith and know that He is Lord above all. You’ll never go wrong. 


Edited by Kenny Voon
