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GwL Record:
'Tha Don'
'Reality Check'
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Sit back.. and take the Reality Check.

:~:Scene opens in the middle of a GwL House Show. Two young wrestlers just finished a match. When 'Ambitionz Az A Ridah' by 2pac starts to play on the PA system. Smoke begins to fill the stage, as a guy wearing baggy blue jeans, and Timberland boots, walks through the smoke. He stops at the beginning of the ramp, and poses. The crowd gives a mixed reaction to this guy they've never seen before. He grins while walking down the ramp. When he reaches the ring, he climbs on a random turnbuckle, from the outside. And poses again. The crowd still giving a mixed reaction, he jumps into the ring, and grabs the mic. He awaits the crowd to settle down, then begins to speak:~:

Makaveli: A new era has waltz straight into the GwL. And it's taking over. If you haven't realized that yet.. then you're oblivion to the facts. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is.. Makaveli.. 'Tha Don' Killuminati. And yes, I'ma thug. Though, I'm not a killer, but don't push me. 'Cause inside my mind, I can't find a place to rest. Until, I got that 'Thug Life' tatted on my chest. And I'm screamin' ..FUCK the world! 'Cause I'm cursed. I paint pictures of my ememies killing me, in my sleep. I've become suicidal, so I advise that you don't stand near me. And now that I'm struggling in this business.. by any means, label me greedy. 'Cause I'm getting mine. Rather you like it, or not. And I'm not living well, so I know my destiny is hell. My life is in denial. I'm going blind. And my every move is a calculated step, to bring me closer, to embrace an early death. I'm lost, feeling erie. 'Cause there's nothing left. My mind is full of demons, trying to break free. And Lord knows, I tried. Been a witness to homicide. I know this ain't the life for me. I wanna change. But there ain't no future right for me, I'm stuck in the game...

:~:Makaveli begins to pace around the ring slowly. Checking out the crowd, with a smirk. As the crowd looks confused to Makaveli's rant:~:

I'm young, strapped, troublesome, and I just don't give a fuck. I'm hopeless. Living the thug life. Losing my focus. What you see, is the rough, rugged, and raw.. outlaw. And there is no one as real as me. In your wildess dreams, you couldn't picture a n#%## like me. And there isn't nothing worse than this cursed ass, hopeless life. Just how dangerous will I be? Anyone in my way, will feel my thuggish ruggish skillz. Can't nobody amount to me. No man alive, has felt the pain, I feel. I've been trapped since birth. And I'd rather die like a man. Than live like a fuckin' coward. There isn't one person here, I fear. I've been in the cut, waiting, watching. And now.. it's time for the Reality Check. I'm no rookie. I'm one-hundred percent pure thug. And I dare any of you bitches to step to me. I'll slap you back to ground. There's a new bad boy in town. And he came, to bring the pain..

:~:The crowd begins to boo Makaveli. With a few cheers, from the young adult males. Makaveli leans on the rope, looking at the camera, with a titled grin:~:

I've been notified of my first match here in the GWL. A single's match, verse Chris Steel. The real f'n queer. I've seen you wrestle, Chris. I know what you bring to the table. Which isn't much. And you have no idea what I'm bringing. What chance do you think you have? Honestly? I think you're a stupid mothafu.. Anyways, did you know? Did you know, I got your girl Britney suckin' my dick on video tape? She's a dirty whore. And I treat her like one. Shit, Chris you, yourself are a dirty whore. You get fucked nearly every match. How do you live with yourself? You reek of boredom. Just talking about you, is fucking boring me. I bet you wanna kick the shit outta me, right about now, huh? And you can't kick the shit outta me, that makes you even more furious, huh? Am I right, Steel? Just stay at home, and avoid the pain.

:~:The crowd slightly cheers at the Chris Steel comments. Makaveli backs away from the ropes. Walking backwards to the middle of the ring, stopping with a grin:~:

Chris, right here, in this exact spot.. You will absorb a Reality Check. Like never before. Get ready, bitch..

:~:Makaveli again paces around the ring, slowly. With a tilted grin:~:

Chris, you ask, who is Makaveli? And really who cares? Well, nobody cares right now. For this is my first appearance. My pain has just begun to flood the GWL. And my wrath hasn't even started. You never-was, Makaveli is 'Tha Don' Killuminati. Something your mind can't even begin to fathom. To you, it's just words you can't comprehend. But to me, those words mean everything. It's my way of life..

Who is Chris Steel? Chris Steel is the number one loser of the GWL. You think people laugh with you. When in reality(which you know nothing about) they're laughing at you. You're a fucking joke. No one fears you. You ask yourself, why? Why me? Well.. 'cause, quite frankly.. you suck. Literally, and metaphorically. You can't bring what I bring. I'm the realest, the raw-est mothafucka you'll ever see. I was gettin' my knob slobbed by your mother, when you was wearing diapers. I was whoopin' ass, when you was going to school in your perfect white world. And your little Power Ranger's lunch box. I bet, the school bully was ridiculing you every second he got. And just think Steel, I'm that bully from school. History repeats itself. I'm gonna slap you around like a lil' bitch. You actually think Vince is screwing you? How stupid can you be? Yeah, he's screwing someone. No doubt. But you, Chris Steel, are not one of them. Trust me. You just can't face reality. What's reality? Reality is.. you lose fair and square. And why? 'Cause you suck. Too be blunt. And you say you no longer care what anyone thinks? Yeah, whatever. I've been there, done that. Steel, I see right through you. You care. You're gonna care as you hear me bash your man-hood lyrically. You're gonna get pissed and throw a tantrum. And there isn't a mothafuckin' thing you can do about it. I'm already inside your head.

:~:Makaveli chuckles slightly:~:

Steel, you think you're gonna give me the pain and agony of defeat? Goddamn, when did you become a comedian? There's nothing you can do to me, that I haven't felt before. If anyone knows about the pain and agony of defeat, it's you. I'm willing to put my just started career on the line. How about you? If you win, which you won't. But if you do, I'll leave. Since you think you run this fed. Put your money where your mouth is. Put your career on the line. Are you man enough? No. I think you'll pussy out. Since you think you're gonna run right over me.. just put your pathetic career on the line. I am. Rather you want me to, or not. The question is.. Will you? Huh? Are you a coward? Do you think this would be career-suicide for you? Huh? What a legend you are. Won't even put your career on the line, against a rookie.

Chris, how is the reality setting in? Does it feel like a slap in the face?

A "living legend"? Are you serious? You held the GWL title one time. And I'm sure that one time, was a complete fluke. Hence, you haven't seen it since. Open your eyes, dumbass. You're nothing, but a "fill-in". You don't headline. When's the last time you headlined a Pay-Per-View? Ohhh.. that long ago? You don't even remember? Open your eyes. The only legend you are, is the legend of losers..

:~:The crowd seems to show approval. As Makaveli has confusion on his face:~:

So I better take heed to your words? I bet you can't even give me the definition of "heed". Chris, I do take heed to your words. I see how blind you are. How do you live with yourself? You bore the shit out of me. Talking about destroying asses. What a queer. And like I said if you kick my ass, like you say you will.. I'll leave. No questions asked..

Steel, I maybe a rookie in this fed. But I'm no rookie in the game of life. And the game of life is far more greater than this fed. I've been in gang fights, that would make our match look like a school girl fight..

I see your Cincinnati Bengals anology. It's funny that you mentioned the worst NFL team to ever grace America. It's symbolic, for you. 'Cause you are the worst to ever grace the GWL. 'Cause just like the Bengals, you had a chance. But simply fucked it up. Repeatedly. And by the way, I've forgotten more about football, than you'll ever know. Same goes for wrestling.

:~:Makaveli walks to the ropes, and stands on the second rope. He raises the mic to his mouth, and grabs his genitals:~:

Ha.. Ha.. Makaveli 'Tha Don'. The boss of all bosses. I ain't goin' anywhere. I'm troublesome. Call the punk police, they can't stop me. Outlaw forever..

:~:Makaveli jumps down, throws the mic away, and rolls out of the ring. As 'Ambitionz Az A Ridah' hits the PA system. The scene fades black:~:

:~:Scene re-opens backstage in the corridor with Sierra. Makaveli is seen walking down the hall. Sierra catches up to Makaveli, and stops him with a smile:~:

Sierra: Hello Makaveli. My name is Sierra.

Makaveli: Waasup Sierra..

Sierra: I heard your promo. And wanted to ask you some questions. May I?

Makaveli: Sure, whatever.

Sierra: Okay. First, I must say, you come off a little arrogant, just to be a rookie in this business...

Makaveli: What you call arrogance; I call confidence. I know what I'm capable of. I know my weakness. My reign will be sweet..

Sierra: Well your first match, is against Chris Steel. A guy who's been in the business, some time. By your words, you obviously don't fear him. And think you're gonna take him easily. You also said you wanted to put your just started career on the line. Are you serious?

Makaveli: Serious as a heart attack. If he pins me, I'll leave. But him pinning me would be some fucking miracle. So I don't expect him to put his pathetic career on the line. Though, he might just be stupid enough to do it. Who knows? Who cares? Sierra, you are now excused.

Sierra: What?

Makaveli: Excused. Leave. This interview is over. I have things to do.

Sierra: Okay, okay. Fine. Thank you for your time, and good luck in your career, Makaveli.

Makaveli: Baby, I don't need luck. But I do need your cameraman and microphone.

Sierra: Ugghh..

:~:Sierra hands Makaveli the mic, and walks away. The camera watches Sierra leave. Makaveli snatches the camera to look at him only. He chuckles sadistically:~:

Makaveli: Steel, do yourself a favor, don't show up Wednesday. Run from your Reality Check. Be the pussy you are. Don't put your career on the line. We know you're scared. And it's okay to be scared. Most bitches are scared. You don't want any of 'Tha Don' Killuminati. He'll make you beg for mercy. You should feel honored. Honored to be the first person to wrestle the next legend of the GWL. The first person to suffer the Reality Check. Are you ready to roll? Can you take the heat? Will you survive? Will reality be to much for you too handle? Are you listening to me, Steel? Can you hear me coming?

Listen carefully.. I'm walking out the winner. There isn't a fuckin' thing you can do about it. Cry, whine all you want. You're losing this match. You can't beat me. I won't allow it. See ya Wednesday..

:~:Makaveli winks at the camera, and walks away, as the scene fades to black:~:

Note: The views of Makaveli 'Tha Don' Killum... whatever he calls himself.. does not necessarily reflect the views of Lost Soulz Productions™. Maa.. fucka!

© Copyright 2002 Lost Soulz Productions™. Los Angeles, Ca. All Rights Reserved.