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5 Jan The allies enter Libya.
22 Jan The allies captures Tobruk, Libya.
6 Feb The allies captures Benghazi, Libya.
11 Feb British forces invades Italian Somaliland.
12 Feb Erwin Rommel is made commander of the german Afrika Korps.
16 Feb Bulgaria and Turkey signs non-aggression pact.
16 Feb 10.000 jews deported from Vienna.
25 Feb The allies captures Mogadishu, Italian Somaliland.
1 Mar Bulgaria joins the axis powers.
7 Mar British troops arrive in Greece.
9 Mar Italian offensive in Greece. It is halted within a week.
11 Mar The Lend-Lease act is implemented.
25 Mar Yugoslavia joins the axis powers.
27 Mar The pro-german regime in Yugoslavia is toppled.
30 Mar German troops begin their offensive in North Africa.
3 Apr The pro-german general Rasch Ali Gailani takes power in Iraq.
4 Apr German troops captures Benghazi.
4 Apr The allies capture Addis Abeda.
6 Apr Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.
10 Apr German troops captures Zagreb.
10 Apr Croatia (Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska) is declared independent.
10 Apr Danish Greenland is placed under US control.
10 Apr German troops besiege Tobruk.
12 Apr German troops captures Belgrade.
13 Apr Soviet and Japan sign non-aggression pact.
17 Apr Yugoslavia surrenders.
17 Apr British troops begin leaving the greek mainland.
17 Apr Croatia declares war on Britain.
22 Apr German troops captures Thessaloniki, Greece.
24 Apr The allied troops are evacuated from Greece.
27 Apr German troops captures Athens.
2 May British troops begin an offensive against the pro-german regime in Iraq.
10 May The german deputy Führer Rudolph Hess flies to Scotland on a peace mission.
16 May The italian forces in east Africa surrenders.
20 May German airborne assault on Crete.
24 May The german battleship Bismark is sunk by the British navy.
31 May The british forces on Crete surrenders.
31 May British troops troops captures Bagdad.
8 June The allies invades Vichy controlled Syria and Lebanon.

22 June Germany invades Soviet Union.
22 June Italy and Romania declare war on Soviet Union.
25 June Soviet Union bombs Finland.
26 June Finland and Hungary declare war on Soviet Union.
28 June German troops capture Minsk.
29 June Finland begins offensive against Soviet Union.
15 July German troops capture Smolensk.
21 July Germany bombs Moscow.
24 July Japanese troops occupy French Indo-China.
31 July Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring orders the SchutzStaffel (SS) to prepare the "total solution of the Jewish question".
16 Aug German troops capture Novogrod.
25 Aug British and soviet troops enter Iran.
29 Aug Finnish troops recapture Viborg.
1 Sep German jews ordered to wear a yellow star.
5 Sep German troops capture Estonia.
15 Sep The german siege of Leningrad begins.
16 Sep British and soviet troops occupy Iran.
19 Sep German troops capture Kiev.
28 Sep The Lend-Lease act is expanded to include the Soviet Union.
1 Oct Finnish troops capture Petrosadvosk.
16 Oct Soviet Union moves government to Kuibyshev.
17 Oct General Hideki Tojo made Prime Minister of Japan.
16 Oct Romanian troops capture Odessa.
24 Oct German troops capture Kharkov.
3 Nov German troops capture Kursk.
14 Nov British carrier HMS Ark Royal sunk.
22 Nov German troops capture Rostov.
22 Nov

Britain orders Finland to cease all offensive operations against Soviet Union within two weeks or face war.

25 Nov German troops begin attack on Moscow.
5 Dec German attack on Moscow is abandoned.
6 Dec Britain and Canada declare war on Finland.
6 Dec Soviet counter-offensive at Moscow.

Pearl Harbour

7 Dec Japan boms Pearl Harbour.
7 Dec Japan declare war on USA.
7 Dec Japan invades Siam and Malaysia.
8 Dec The allies (not Soviet Union) declare war on Japan.
8 Dec Japan invades Phillipines.
8 Dec The first gassing of jews (in Chelmno, Polen).
9 Dec Egypt, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic etc declare war on Japan.
10 Dec Nya Zealand, South Africa, India, Bolivia etc declare war on Japan.
11 Dec Germany and Italy declare war on USA.
11 Dec Guatemala, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic declare war on Germany.
13 Dec Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia and Romania declare war on USA.
19 Dec Hitler takes complete personal command of the German Army.
25 Dec Japanese troops capture Hong Kong.
25 Dec British troops capture Benghazi.


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