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Christine Concepcion

Full name: Christine Antoinette Concepsion
Nickname: Chris, Tin-Tin, Sissy
Age: 16
Sex: female
Relationship Status: Single
Birthday: May 14, 1986
Pet Peeves: burping without excusing yourself, and talking with accents that's not yours (wannabes) 2m2m
Favorite Color: black
Favorite food: nothing fattening (im a picky eater when it comes to fats)
Favorite Hangout: Where my friends are
Favorite movie: I cant recall one right now but im mostly into horror movies cause they thrill me but also into love movies cause they make my emotions come out (i cry a lot)

What do you look for in a person?
They have to be someone nice and understanding. Someone who's not absorbed in their own life and thinks that they know everything. They also must be a mixture of good and bad. Someone who's wild and crazy at times but also thoughful and caring. They must have responsibilities in their life and not always doing what they want. They must also have respect for themselves, family, and friends.

What is your ideal date?
When a guy takes you out somewhere beautiful and romantic. he does some crazy and ild things though to make you laugh but being romantic at the same time. At the end of the date he kisses you goodbye and tells you how much fun he had and how he wants another date with you.

What type of person are you?
Im a nice person who is easily take advantage of because i cant really say "NO". I have a wild side as well as a good side. Im afraid to get into trouble but daring enough to do something crazy. I make people laugh because it makes me happy to see smiles. I care very much for my family and friends and ill go the distance for them.

What i hate about people?
When their so absorbed in themselves and brag about everything. Also when someone pretends to be who they arents. I also hate obnoxious people who only make rude comments about less fortunate epople. I basically hate people who have uncaring souls and only care for themselves.

What is a friend to you?
Someone who i snice to you and will so a lot for you. Someone who doesnt always have to be better than you and tries their hardest to be on top. Someone who doesnt pressure you to do things you know arent right. Mostly, someone you know who will love you even if they dont say it (friendship wise)

What is your sexual attitude?
Not many people know this or think of me like this cause i hide it most of the time but... im very kinky. I have become more into the sexual world and i wonder about a lot of stuff. However, im very serious when it comes to sex. I believe that im too young to do anything righ tnow and it should only be done with someone you feel is truly worth it. Sex should be treated with respect and not flaunted around everywhere and with anybody. I feel sex is a part of love and should only be done if you are truly in love!