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Summer Tidbits!

Beach Entertainment
July 4, 2002

Every year Holly's parents take her to Pioneer Park on Lake Michigan. So this year Holly invited the rest of her crew to join her. The first week the girls went up there i could not attend. Blasted drivers training!!! But the monday d.t was over i went up there with them... The girls were sick of it already, so far they had already built all sorts of things out of sand, including private parts not mentionable on this PG site. Basically the girls wnated to leave and were sick of the place when i arrived. However i was very much digging the new scene, not too many hot guys but Just enough. So im gonna keep this summary short and lets just say i had tons of fun!
Stale Popcorn Revenge!

So heres the scene... Us girls walk into hollys house, we all are cravin food and i have the biggest sweet mouth, holly can have a bit of a sweet tooth also. So i desperatly search hollys cubbards in search of sugary foods. I immediatly find some Crunch in Munch. I sneak over to a corner where none of the other predators can steal my food. I tear open the box to discover the carmel had melted together leaving my sweet popcorn as one huge block of popcorn. I decided 'what the hell' and i ate it anyway... little did i know holly was eyeing my 'kill' she soon took over my popcorn!!
Stay away James... or whatever-your-name-is
July, 2002

While camping at Pioneer Park us girls met many new friends.... while i was not with the girls they met a group of really cool guys through someone holly had known previous years. Unfortunatly when i arrived they cool guys had left and they left behind the most annoying kid ever.. i forget his name.. ill call him James. Well James had the biggest crush on Jenna and he followed her around Everwhere. He forced Jenna to sit in a hammock with him and even tried to kiss her! There is no point to this story.. or maybe there is: Stay away from James... theres a pic of him.. hes behind.. guess who.. oh .. duh .. JENNA hehehe:
July, 2001

I did tell you that the girls were vacationing a week wihtout me at Pioneer Park... well during their sand phase they had discovered the best way to bring out hollys 'better side' They girls made holly into the perfect Fat Sandy and she is very anotomically correct! ;)
Got Kayla?
Feb 22, 2001

Ryan, Ryseeboo, Rysee whatever you want to call him.. has the cutest niece. Her name is Kayla and she is going to be four in October so we decided to take a picture of us while we were in Pioneer Park and write We Love Kayla in the sand.. the pic didnt turn out too well but here it is.. also when I get a pic of Kayla i will definatly put it on here shes soo cute!!
Have a Zeppelin Summer!
All Summer

Emily found her dads old cassettes that had some zeppelin, pink flloyd, the doors and other favorite on it... now i wasnt really into all that kind of music until you listen to this tape a few times by the pool, lake, in the car, house, garage! Wow ive become obsessed with this kind of music, also im into a lot of bluegrass and will be attending Wheatland wiht the girls!!!!!