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I am I n v i s i b o.
W e l c o m e to my V i r t u a l - E x i s t e n z.

P o r t a l to R e a l i t y

Fear Me
D a y 1
Welcome. If you are reading this journal, there is a good chance that you are bored, stupid or a bit of both. A bit of background info: This journal will not correct the latter, but maybe a small glimpse into my reality may provide some sort of twisted entertainment to satisfy your boredom.
Firstly, a bit of background info for those who know me not-so-well. My name is Ian. I reside at the University of Waterloo where I am studying computer science, although my true home is back in Toronto. It`s not great here but it will have to do for the next eight months.
For those who don`t know, Waterloo is not a bigtown. It`s essentially a town of students all attending the two universities located in the surrounding area. Many of the residents are Caucasian, a noticable change from the large Asian-population that as made their home in Toronto. At my school however, almost all the engineering students, math students and accounting students are Chinese -- whether they are CBC, FOB or Mainland. Although, you can always tell who are the mainland people since they ride their 35 year-old-right-from-China bike everywhere. Anyhow, I live with my roommate whose (a.k.a Zee) on the Waterloo campus as well as and my girlfriend Vinx and her friend Xena who live in the building across mine. Across the hall, live two Russians who find it essential to play their electric guitar attached to an amp with their door open at 2:00 am in the morning. The showers and washrooms are pretty bad -- shared with 23 other guys excluding Zee and myself but they are cleaned every day by our housemother Helena -- whatever that`s supposed to mean. The University as a whole isn`t too bad, except on rainy days where the humidity causes the smell of cow ass from nearby farms to waft down onto the campus. But other than that, the residence is almost bearable. I`ll stop here since you`ve got a good glimpse of where I live. If you would like to put yourself in my shoes, try imagining how cow-ass smells. If you live in the city, it`s the equivalent of chowing down on 15 meals of vietnamese food and then spending the next day on the can. The only difference is, at least you get to enjoy the Pho before you realize it causes gastrointestinal discomfort. Game Downloads