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WMF ran its first show at the Tokyo Differ Ariake to a sell out crowd. WEW's Tetsuhiro Kuroda teamed with his former tag team partner Hisakatsu Oya to score the upset against Mr. Gannosuke and Jinsei Shinzaki after Kuroda pinned Gannosuke with a lariat. After the match, Mitsuhiro Matsunaga came out and attacked Mr. Gannosuke with a barbwire bat right in front of an embarrassed Hayabusa who was sitting down watching the show who had earlier stated he didn't want Matsunaga and death matches being brought in the WMF. GOEMON would come out and would shake hands with Matsunaga to signify his heel turn. Mammoth Sasaki would end up scoring the pinfall victory over Garuda with a Mammoth Driver after a great 20 minute plus match. The next WMF show will be at the Tokyo Shinjuku Island Hall on September 16th.

Hayabusa gave a very serious interview about a week ago as he talked about everything from his early life to the recent tragedies he has gone through. He said he started out always a wrestling fan with his favorite wrestlers being Mil Mascaras and Tiger Mask, but was always frowned upon for liking wrestling until he met Mr. Gannosuke in college who was also a wrestling fan and pushed him to go into training with him. He picked FMW because of such a fan of Atsushi Onita he was, and the style that FMW (which was a year old about the time) was so new, fresh and exciting. He said he didn't in particular like Fuyuki's Entertainment style route that he had pushed FMW into as everything would start and then be cut off, not giving anything in the product to be given any emotion towards to. He admitted he feared for his life when he was paralyzed on October 22, 2001, mostly because of how sick he had got right away while in the hospital, but doesn't remember anything shortly after the accident up until December 12, 2001 when he had surgery to remove the germs from his heart, so about a month and a half is a blur to him at this point due to all the medicine they gave him that wipes away your memory. He said he practices walking 2 to 3 hours everyday in a rehabilitation center and his goal is to learn how to walk again and then be able to make a return to the ring as Hayabusa again. Hayabusa was then asked about Shoichi Arai and his death, Hayabusa said that right about when FMW went bankrupt, he got a call from Arai who mentioned thinking about suicide due to everything that had happened and how it would get his family out of depth that he had caused them. Then on May 14, 2002, he got a call from Arai who brought up the suicide again but Hayabusa eventually managed to think he had convinced Arai otherwise to not kill himself by the time they hung up. But then two days later, he got a tape with Arai talking about by the time he were to have this gotten this tape, he would have already committed suicide and that he was sorry and that he hopes he didn't disappoint anyone and that he hopes everyone from FMW would help Hayabusa out. Hayabusa admitted he had became very depressed afterwards. He was then asked about his promotion, and asked about starting a relationship with Onita FMW and Fuyuki's WEW, and said that it might happen in the future, but not right away and he hopes WMF will do a good job at trying to replace FMW's soul.

Eiji Ezaki made his first public appearance in Tokyo on July 3rd along side friends Jinsei Shinzaki and Mr. Gannosuke in a wheel chair to deliver the announcement that he would be starting the new promotion "WMF" Wrestling Marvels of the Future. "I want to do my best desperately also for one day aiming at an early ring return. Until then I will be commissioner" said Hayabusa whose voice was notably shaking during the press conference. Jinsei Shinzaki will be a General Manager for the promotion and will work talent exchange with WMF and other promotions, most likely Michinoku Pro and All Japan Pro Wrestling. Eight wrestlers were announced as official WMF wrestlers, all being former FMW wrestlers. Mr. Gannosuke, Garuda, Mammoth Sasaki, GOEMON, Onryo, Flying Kid Ichihara, Satoshi Makita (who will work under a different ring name), and Happy Ikeda (who will work under the name Mr. Ikeda). The financial backer for the WMF is Laing, Incorporated which is computer gaming enterprise corporation in Japan.. The first WMF show will be on August 18th in Saitama Kawagoe and then the next being at the Tokyo Differ Ariake on August 28th.

Hayabusa broke his silence for the first times in months, the last report I had was that back in March was that he was able to stand with doctors assistance and was still in the rehabilitation center and today Eiji Ezaki announced that he would start his own promotion "WMF" Wrestling Marvelous of the Future with the initials being FMW backwards. Eiji was greeted by Mr. Gannosuke today who after 6 months is finally able to walk and finally released from his own hospital stay where the two came up with the idea of the new promotion. They plan on running their first show on August 28th and Mr. Gannosuke will be the center of the promotion with Hayabusa promising to show his face to the public for the first time in 10 months no matter where he is at the time. The promotion would mostly include the likes of Hayabusa's friends GOEMON, Onryo, Mammoth Sasaki, and Ricky Fuji. Hayabusa while still being unable to walk is still rehabilitating and hopes very much to be able to walk and attend the show in August.
credit for the news goes to Bahu FMW