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11/29/03 - New fic added in the fics section, called Nailed, by Bob. go read!!! reveiws can be left in the guestbook. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10/13/03-3 new links!!! one for a new and improved dolls page, one for my livejournal, and one for my hp buddy deanna. go check out her site, it's mucho nifty!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10/11/03-one new link added,for my friend georgie's page. also, a new dolls page for your viewing enjoyment. The authors of the fics on this site would also like to mention to anyone who is waiting for fics to be updated that they are updated more regularly on, a link of which you may find in the fics section. thank you. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8/23/03 ... ATTENTION AOL MEMBERS!!! I've started a new group at aol, called The Sour Sugarquill, for writing and reading fanfiction. If you'd like to join, email me or leave a post in the guest book with your AOL address, and I'll send you an invitation. By the way, we still desperately need an artist, so see the post below for those details. exit stage left. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7/11/03 ... ARTIST WANTED!!! uhm... we need an artist to draw stuff for some of our stories ... we'd be willing to write a 1-shot fic customized just for you (or make a doll like the ones shown above, your choice) ... all you have to do is pick a scene from one of our stories (go to for the most updated versions of our stories) and send the picture to my email below, or to bob's : Thank you and good night. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 7/7/03... Been awhile since I last updated... we're slowly trying to change this site, so please be patient if things don't work sometimes. New fics have been added to the reccomended fics section, and we're trying to seperate them into categories for easier reading. Also, we've opened a little store type thingy at *points to link* . I know it seems boring now, but we'll add more one of these days... oh yeah, and we have a new guest book so everyone sign it please!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5/13/03 ... First off, there is a new story in the fics section, called Blood, Lust and Bubbles. To lure you all in to reading it, i'll give a little excerpt: ~*He quickly began to undress, soon standing in only his boxers. As he hooked his thumbs into the hem, he hesitated, when a certain dark haired boy emerged at the edge of the bathtub. They looked at each other for an awkward moment before he unhooked his thumbs and layed his hands on his hips, "Potter, what the hell are you doing in my bubble bath?"*~ _______________________________________________________________________________ Secondly, i tried to add a message board for your chatting pleasure, but being as nobody (including the first half of BaF *glares at bob*) wanted to join it, i took it down. so, if you have any reviews or just want to chat, you'll have to use the email. ___________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: We have never, do not now, nor will we ever own Harry Potter and his magical little world. If we were making money from this adventure, we would prolly be at Giant buying large quantities of Reduced Fat Skippy (best peanut butter in the world)but sadly we are not, so don't sue us! (like you'd get anything anyway, we're both flat broke. Also, we do not know J.K. Rowling, or any of the cast members in the Harry Potter movies... just to set that straight. Strangely yours, Fred, aka: Elf Princess Bloom. and Bob, a.k.a uhhh... Bob P.S.....yep, still both girls ______________________________________________________________________________
days till ROTK
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Bob and Fred's Character Quiz *new*
The Scary annoying page that is beefy
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