Jeepers Creepers.. where to start..great movie.I totally think you should see it. I downloaded it and like, I have to watch it EVERY day.I liked the whole movie. Usually, movies don't get interesting untill like.. half way through but, I loved like... every second.When he said Beating you, the look she gave him makes me think that her bf does hit her. Ok, so the Creeper comes out every 23 Springs for 23 days,right? Well, why couldn't they just keep running untill he had to go back?They could've gotten away so many times. Like, they ran all the way around instead of going out the front door in the Police Station. Plus, he should've let her run the Creeper over a few hundred times.They shouldn't of went down the pipe anyways. I mean, most people wouldn't,would they? I really want to get the DVD so I can see the alternate ending. The original ending just... disturbs me to the fullest. Its one of the main reasons I can't stop watching the movie.It was just plain disgusting when they showed the Creepers pulling the tounge out of the head with his teeth..bleh, almost puked the first time i saw that.I can't find the version of the Jeepers Creepers song that I want. The one that they hear in the car. Thats like, the only version I can stand. Jeepers Creepers is now my fave movie of all time.. but eh.. Titanic..JEEPERS CREEPERS! I keep going on about how Trish should've died.. then I find out her real name is Gina, Go Figure.I suggest seeing this movie.
GinA (gia_iki)

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