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Frog in a blender!!
It's a flyin midget!!!
Cool elibs!!
Cute lil' rascalz!!!!!!!!
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Hey!!!! This is our F.R.E.A.K.S. Club!!!! F.R.E.A.K.S. stands for Fighting, roleplaying, entertainment, acting, kids and social services........ We like to get together and do thingz to help out other ppl, we might have a volunteering party sometime or hold shows to help some kind of organizationz, and just for fun we roleplay and learn martial arts.....its gonna be soooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!

To learn more about each club members' unique interests and qualiities just click on the members' nickname. Also we're gonna start posting our characters on our webpage too.



To join simply email one of us club memberz:


email directly to the club email

Our main thing right now is getting members, cuz we need to get everything organized for our shows, we want to put these shows on to raise money for the children's hospital. So anyone interested in drama/acting/organizing shows or helpin out ppl, contact us: the more help we get the better:)We need to get people to do any number of things, help us with our sponsers, setting dates, handling the "public", coming up with ideas, designing webpages, and any skills you think will benefit our club. We're all trying to learn differant self defense skills and if anyone is a good gamemaster, you're more than welcome to come forward cuz we need to form our rpg right now too. So far we've got a wizard"MiKe", a vampire"PaNd0rA", a evile blue pixie"SkY", and a few more new ones I'm uncertain of........its ok to question the game master. EVERYTHING IS WORKED OUT DEMOCRATICALLY HERE!

Thank you for visiting our site!!:) LoVe, F.R.E.A.K.S.