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Dress Up To Dress Down...

June 19, 2004

Ska show was AWESOME! brought the camera, check out the pictures! Tri-State Conspiracy may very well become one of my favorite bands soon. The show consisted of: JadeFire, Miasmics, Interceptors, King Django, Westbound Train, and Tri-State Conspiracy. So Awesome, So Rocked my Socks.

June 15, 2004

hey what's up group? I just posted a show review for Decoy and River City High on June 11th. There's a link for pictures and stuff too. Rock your socks! I'm going to a SKA show this friday, and i'm hoping to bring my camera to that as well. Skank on boys and girls!

Show Reviews
SkA MuSiC! (history and articles)
Rock 'N Roll Heroes
Links Of Use

If you don't know them; check 'em out!
