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To my world...enjoy


Date: 7-15-02

I FINALLY updated the daily advice today, and I added another picture of me on the PICTURE section of my page!

Date: 7-15-02

I haven't updated anything on this site (besides add my poll on people's Opinion on Gothics and add a forum. But today I added a daily advice (lately it's been like a weekly advice...geeez) well i'll try to stay up on things, have fun!

Date: 7-15-02

gAh! I've been slacking on my daily advice! I might have to make it into weekly advice...but that's BoRiNg! Oh well, i'll try to keep it updated, enjoy!

Date: 7-15-02

Well I didn't do much today...I just made new buttons for the site and then posted my daily advice...well I hope you enjoy all of my advice

Date: 7-14-02 I basically built the page (lol-laughing out loud) I hope you enjoy it so far. I will be adding more pictures and artwork...and whatever I can think of. If you have some ideas or a request then e-mail me by clicking HereHave fun and enjoy my page!

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