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PLAYS: Vocals & keyboard

WAS FROM: A Black Metal band (which shall remain unnamed....)

ETHNIC ORIGIN: Thai, Malay (mix!!)

WHEN TO SEND YOU PREZZIES: Everyday, if possible .... 20th May.... remember dat date.... tattoo it onto your forehead if you must....

FIRST TASTE OF MUSIC: Scorpions (!!), Firehouse, Meatloaf & ABBA (haha)

DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES: I have a lil naked fairy who goes everywhere with me named "Trixie"....sshhh....

DO YOU WEAR BOOTS: Yeah. My fav are my UNDERGROUND boots (shameless advertising).... anybody know where da hell I can get anymore of 'em in Singapore? And in MY size (9 1/2)?? You know what they say - da bigger the feet, da bigger da....socks

WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, YOU WANTED TO BE: A superstar. Be it actor, singer, or whatever, I just KNEW dat I was cut out to be in da limelight!! But then again, there actually is no such thing as "superstar"....

MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THAT YOU: Are sick and twisted in da head? Hmm.... a closet Britney fan?? (dat was a JOKE by da way)

FAV QUOTE: "Talent Is God-Given; Be Humble,
Fame Is Man-Given; Be Grateful,
Conceit Is Self-Given; Be Cautious."