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Welcome to EX Clan - The Source of Gaming!


the clan
EX on Diablo 2
EX on Tribes 2
My Links page
News of EX
EX Ranks
Bulzome Sect Clan Site
Click HERE to sing my geustbook!
Pso Page!
My Games PAGE!
Top Scores for the Gamez
Jonathais' site
EX Chat Room!
Anime Page
EX Clan's monthly magazine!
DBZ Page (under construction)
Sing up for the EX Squadron on FF11
FF11 List of members so far.
Release dates of gamez.
Trailers for numerous films.

What's On Update

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EX are in MANY games.. Just search for the .EX symbol on the end of peoples names and that should be one of us....This website has alot of information on it like......who our enemies the ranking system works....and ya know...other stuff like that....well get on your way now and start clicking that goddamn mouse!!!!! Enter your weight in kilograms and your height in centimeters in the form below and press the "Let's see" button (Please read disclaimer below before using this form)
Your Weight (kg)
Your Height (cm)
Your BMI
My Comment

Disclaimer: This form is based on the calculation of "EX Clan's official site"By the way this wieght tester does not affect your actual weight and could be wrong but trust me..IT'S HARD TO FIND THAT IT'S WRONG!! IF IT SAYS THAT YOUR FAT THEN MATE UR FAT!! TOUGH LUCK!! HAHAHA!

----------------------Sorry but The web pages I have made on Microsoft word do not work...Please bare with me and I should get them up and running as soon as possible...thank Webmaster----

YOU ARE IN THE EX WORLD! Webmaster-----------I have just recently added a cool games page with over 30 games!!!!! please feel free to go to it, select a game..and play it...if you manage to get a high score on one of the games or if you get a fast time on my response time game (the one on this page with the block and you have to press start and stop) then email me ya time/score and I will make a page with the highest ranks/highest times/and top scores for the games. Or you can just enter it into my Guest Book thank u! Lol check this Chinese pet game!! LOL!

Enter your birth year. For example: "1975"

Swampy's site!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign my guestbook!---------------------------------- If ya wanna ask Jonathais anything about EX his email is if ya wanna ask bout how ya wanna join and other stuff like dat lol so just feel free to mail him one day! Email me your star sign and I will post it on the internet!! dont ask me
 Month   Date    :   Sunsign 

JavaScript Kit

Test your Response time!

Click on Start, then when the block changes colour click stop as soon as you have seen the colour change!"

I hope You Like my GAME!

Up | Down | Top | Bottom ---------------------------I have now added a geustbook page so ya'll can now sign my GUESTBOOK!! Webmaster------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Down Up Stop Top

- Welcome to EX Clan!!! in this website u will find loadsa useful information! Remember to visit my gamez page for cool games and send me ur scores and I will post them on the internet. This site has been made by! EX Clan are ready for new recruits in the new year! We are recruiting for EX As of from the last day of febuary! So if ya wanna be in a chance to join EX U know the e-mail!! Enjoy the site!





- Jonathais' Site!

<BGSOUND SRC="twopieces.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> Anyway as I have said please will u enjoy the site and get alot of EX knowledge......NOW GET CLICKING!!!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA NOW U CANNOT RIGHT CLICK ANYWHERE ON THIS PAGE!!! soon all my pages will be like this to STOP you lot stealing stuff! MUAHAHA!!..
Please be sure to go to ALL of the sites. Also E-mail me your thoughts on this background whether you like it or not. There will be a new section coming soon and it will be an anime page where YOU can send me art works that you have done about anime and I will post them on the site. Laterz!

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Now the the Tribes 2 Tournament has started please send me the clans u hate on there and We will arrange a war with em!!!!

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