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Basic Degu Info
Past Crazy Photo Winners
Web Links
My Degu Gallery
Crazy Photo of the Month
Current Contest


Welcome to my Web site!

Welcome degu owners of the world to America's coolest degu website: Degu Craze. Here you can see great pictures of degus,degu info, worldwide contests and so much more! (Check out what's available below.)

More and more will eventually be added. Feel free to suggest content you think would look great on Degu Craze. Contact me at:

Recommended Links



bulletDeguland Society - Great source of contests and degu info
bulletDegu Craze Store - Official degu merchandise store

My Degu Gallery


Check out photos of my Degus that have won medals!  

Home | Basic Degu Info | Past Crazy Photo Winners | Web Links | My Degu Gallery | Crazy Photo of the Month | Current Contest

  Degu Craze is a sub page of Really Pathetic Productions© which is a Copyrighted company.