The Extreme BYTCH!
That's my name....
..::.. Disclaimer ..::..
I don't own Dawn Marie. She are property of WWE Inc. Proper copyright notation has been used, so WWE can bite me if they've got a problem with it. Also, I can make anyone a banner however they'd like, if you're interested just e-mail me. (though I'm sure you could make one better.. LOL) The layout is © me, so please let's keep it that way. LOL.
Achievments at AwF:
People Used:
People Mentioned:
Dawn Marie: 6-0
Dawn Marie: Women's Euro Champ
The Dream Team, Chris Jericho, JR, King & Pamela Paulshock
Ivory, Lizzy Borden, & Lance Storm
The Anarchy-tron flickers on and we open up in the Degenerate Flock's locker room. Lita is looking in the mirror, fixing her hair up. A pair of hands come around and cover hers, a giggle heard.

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ Hi Dawn…

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Aww… how'd you know it was me?

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ Who else would be coming up behind me and trying to scare me?

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Good point…

Amy turns away from the mirror, doing a little twirl before looking at Dawn.

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ So… how do I look?

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Different…

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ Different? Gee thanks Dawn!

The two laugh and Dawn grins, looking over at her Women's European title on the couch.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ You heard Leia didn't you..? Me, Lizzy Borden, and Ivory for unification of the Women's Euro title and the Queen of Extreme title…

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ Yeah I heard. It'll be fine! You can beat her. I mean, I did didn't I? Well.. I HAD her beat that is. And Lizzy? HA! Don't worry! You've got plenty of time until it's time to step up and get in the ring. You've got plenty of time to train, think, just don't worry…

The door swings open, a male walking through the door. Amy and Dawn both look up and Dawn looks slightly confused by their presence.

\~\ The Y2J Problem Chris Jericho /~/ Oh um hey Lita. Looks like you're a little busy. So I'll be back in a little bit okay?

Chris retreats and Lita just looks after him, her cheeks tinting red. Dawn Marie looks from Chris to Lita, her smile growing wider and wider by the minute.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ See something you like? Or just browsing Aimes….

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ Dawn!! What are you talking about..? I… Um… I haven't any idea what you're insinuating!

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Uh huh! Sure Aimes!

Amy gets up, grabbing her hair brush from the table under the mirror and turns around, looking ready to leave. Dawn grins, playfully singing under her breath that she's won. RVD walks in and looks at Amy's red cheeks.

\~\ Rob Van Dam /~/ Yo Aimes… your hair dye catch up with you?

\~\ Amy "Lita" Dumas /~/ UGH!!!!

Amy storms away, leaving Dawn Marie laughing her butt off. RVD gives her a funny look and Dawn turns around, picking her title up off the couch and puts her hand on the doorknob.

\~\ Rob Van Dam /~/ Whoa whoa whoa… where are you going speedy?

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Have to talk to my people Robbie!

Dawn winks at RVD and heads out of the room. The Anarchy-tron flickers off and we join JR and the King at ringside.

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ Well it looks like Dawn Marie is going to join us out here ladies and gentlemen…

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ You know, they called her extreme… does that mean we'll see some extreme cat fighting?!

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ I don't think that's Dawn Marie's style King…. We'll be right back with the AwF European Champion Dawn Marie, right after this break!

Commercial - K-Mart Back to School shopping; Vin Diesel in XxX; the NBC Sitcom Satan and the Schoolgirl

We come back to the show, watching the Anarchy-tron. Dawn Marie's entrance video pops up, showing various shots of her doing her thing at AwF, WWE, and ECW. "LoveFuryPassionEnergy" accompanies it and Dawn Marie comes out, AwF Women's European title in hand.

\~\ AwF Announcer Pamela Paulshock /~/ Introducing… the AwF Women's European Champion, a member of the Degenerate Flock Dawn Marie!

Dawn Marie holds her title up for the crowd, coming down the ramp and sliding into the ring. She does a little taunt to the crowd and gets the microphone from Pamela Paulshock standing in the ring. Brushing her brown hair back, she smiles and does a little circle in the ring.

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ As we all know, Dawn Marie facing off against Ivory at Chaos Unleashed, August 25th.

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ In a title unification match JR! The Women's European title and the Queen of Extreme title turning into the Baddest Bitch title!

Dawn Marie looks down to the two, making sure they're finished hyping her match, as it appears Dawn Marie is ready to do enough of that herself.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Ivory… the Queen of Extreme Champion. You know, I've watched you out there plenty of times, and how you keep complaining about being booked against some air headed blonde bimbos…well Ivory, the heavens have opened up and I'm sent to answer your prayers! You've got a brown haired bitch who's one of the hardest hitting honeys in this federation. Undefeated, and unchallenged as the Women's European Champion. I think that rectifies as a suitable opponent huh? I mean, 6-0, you can't get much better than that can you? But, there is only one slight problem… Ivory? You're stale.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ You see, while you're still the reigning Queen of Extreme Champion? I'm in no way shape or form worried about whether or not I can beat you. Hell, Lita my dear friend… had you beat 1,2,3. It's not her fault the Anarchy Corporation loves getting involved whenever, wherever possible. They're camera hogs, we already knew that. The Rock though, got involved one time too many and now we all see where he is don't we? He's sitting in his pretty little Florida home, watching all this on TV while being stripped of both his Tag Team titles, and his Inter-Gender US title. What a pity…. Sad thing is, you may find yourself there as well Ivory. Right there next to Rey Mysterio Junior. And we wouldn't want that…

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ Is Dawn Marie threatening to injure Ivory?!

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ I thought Dawn Marie and Ivory were both on the same side!

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Now, I know how so many of these women here at AwF love to remind everyone of their achievements at WWE or ECW or even WCW and some Indy feds. That? Doesn't matter. Sure, you could be multi-time champion at WWE, but what does that make you here? Look at the Undertaker! He's a worthless piece of crap since he's walked through the doors of AwF. That there exhibits my primary point. Now, unlike my past opponents, and many of YOUR past opponents.. The two of us? Aren't like those cases. We've made a serious mark on AwF since we've joined, and we have plenty of things to give us credibility. So, unlike those other bottle blondes and masses of WWE T&A? We're truly pieces of work. We both realize that WWE? GLOW? ECW? They don't matter. No. AwF is all that matters. And at AwF? I'm 6 and 0. And by the time Chaos Unleashed has finally settled? I'll be 7 and 0, and the first ever Baddest Bitch Champion. Everyone seems to think that I'm another flash in the pan. That I'm a one-title wonder? Hell… when I got here people only saw me as Lita's little lackey. And while no offense to Amy in the least, I AM my own woman. I made it into the Women's European title match myself, I won it by myself, and I've kept it by myself. I've had no outside help, I've had no special stipulations in my favor, no referees in my favor. I've done this all without anybody helping me, and I'll continue doing this all without anyone helping me. Rob isn't a factor. I made it through Summer Showdown without Rob's help, and I've been on a roll ever since. I won the title fair and square, and I'll become the Baddest Bitch champion… fair and square.

Dawn Marie pauses a moment, taking in what she's said. Her most rabid fans screaming their agreement while the fence sitters are cheering, though not as loudly and the die-hard Ivory fans look a little irritated.

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ Dawn Marie looks to be setting up the grounds for this match…

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ Setting up grounds?! She sounds like she's trying to lay down the law with Ivory!

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ Well I don't know how good an idea that would be for Miss Dawn Marie… Ivory's no push over in the ring and I think by this time Dawn Marie would know that..

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ Ooh there is one good thing JR!

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ What's that King?

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ Aggressive women!

Dawn Marie reaches into her back pocket, pulling out a small scrap of paper. She smiles a bit and holds it in the air.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Ladies and gentlemen… let me all point out a point here. Ivory. She's done a lot here. She's beaten some of the best in the business, and she's given Sable a run for her money time and time again. But, she just can't seem to win the big one can she? So who's to say she'll actually step up to win the unification match at Chaos Unleashed?? She really does crack me up.... I mean, this is a woman who's threatening both Lizzy and myself to not underestimate her, when she's doing the exact same with me. I'll admit, I did some dirty things in my minor stay at WWE, but it's a whole new day honey! And incase you've neglected to notice? Vince? Is about as popular with me, as Kurt Angle is with this capacity crowd! **Mega Heel Pop** At first, I did look at this match as a way to get some more experience, maybe a learning experiece.... who knows. All I know is that now? It's a totally different story. I'm not out here to do the whole "I'll do my best" crap, no not anymore. Now that I KNOW you're out here walking around like you're the baddest bitch in the yard, I just may make good on that little proposition earlier. I just MIGHT sideline you along with Rey Jr. Hey, at least this way your sister Gina can get allllll the inside dirt she wants and you won't have a reason to complain... somebody's going to have to keep you company won't they? You won't be the one hitting Poision Ivory.. no, you'll be lying in the middle of that ring.. truly FACINATED!

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Ivory oughta know that I'm going in there and I will do anything in my power to obtain that title. It's all common sense... but there is another obstacle, and that is Lizzy Borden... The blonde, deer-in-headlights bimbo. She wants to think that it's pathetic, and it's sick that people like Ivory, like Sable, and like myself are running around with these titles in our hands? Well maybe she should step up and actually try and take them away. Her and her holier-than-thou bit reminds me so much of Jackie Gayda. A woman who got hit with a time where it was put up or shut up, and well you can all see very clearly that she chose to shut up! This entire "the only person with authority over Lizzy Borden, is Lizzy Borden!" deal is starting to make me wonder if the voices in her head are getting to her. Any one like to be that's why she uses "Basket Case" of all songs to represent her?! She doesn't care about Vince Russo, Leia Meow, Vince McMahon, Cyrus, none of them. And that's all fine and dandy. It's just that I know that can come back and bite her in the ass... and I don't burn any bridges that I haven't crossed. Maybe Lizzy ought to keep that in mind. I watched her out there against Ivory on ReVenge, and I listened to her run her mouth on and on before ReVenge. Now? Now I sit back, and laugh. I mean, listen to her! "must I stress to you all, just how talented I really am? Must I stress, just how far to the Extreme I will take anyone who posses a threat to me? Must I stress the fact that no one that I've seen here is any match for me?" Well honey, don't stress yourself too much or you'll end up pulling a brain muscle and then you'll end up incapacitated and won't be in the match period... and with the way you keep complaining on and on about how we're not good enough, it wouldn't do your case much good to get yourself injured would it? Maybe that'd do you a bit of good though. Since, if that were the case? You could complain about how if you were in the match, you'd have won. And not screaming and kicking about how Dawn Marie wiped the mat with your broken body.

The crowd is loving it! The idea of Lizzy Borden being used as a mop sounding pretty appealing.

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ How much better can this get JR?! Three women in the ring and all fiesty and riled up... Woo!

\~\ "Boomer Sooner" Jim Ross /~/ Easy there Tiger.. I don't think any of those three women's primary focus is on giving you a good show!

\~\ Jerry "The King" Lawler /~/ Dammit JR! You've always gotta ruin my fun!

Dawn Marie pauses, walking forward and raking her fingers through her hair.

\~\ ECW Head Bytch Dawn Marie /~/ Lastly though... Lance Storm. You know Lance... at one time? You were something. You were talented, you had so much gold you needed an assistant to help you carry it all! Oh wait.. that was ME! Ever since you dropped me and went to WCW, and then WWE, and now here? You've been nothing. You're nothing without me in your corner Lance.. and come the 25th? You'll be nothing again, when Rob Van Dam takes that TV title and puts it around the waist of someone who deserves it! Team Canada doesn't stand a chance... not when your biggest gun Chris Jericho looks to be heading away from your precious team. Sad really... maybe with Chris you could have been something. But I guess you lost that too. Such a pity.. I'll see you the 25th Lance, because I can't wait to rub that unified title in your face with RVD.

Dawn Marie sets the microphone down on the mat, flipping her hair back before sliding out of the ring. She heads up the ramp, doing her own taunt of her middle finger and pinkie finger in the air while heading backstage to the locker room to meet up with RVD. Will she beat Ivory and Lizzy Borden? There's still so much time between now and Chaos Unleashed... will she keep her undefeated streak alive? Tune in on August 25th and see for yourself!

Dawn Marie pictures are compliments of, and