*~*DaRk HuNtReSs*~*

Welcome to my hell :D this is my site some of it is REALLY old.. its been a while since i've done anything on here so yeah its UNDER CONSTRUCTION so yeah keep checking back alto i have a myspace account ill get the link up here soon so ya'll can see that
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Pizza Maker!

*~* ThInGs On My SiTe *~*

*~* MaH MaN *~*
*~* My FrIeNdS*~*
*~* My PeTs *~*
*~* FaMiLy2 *~*
*~* KiDs *~*
*~* WhItNeY *~*
*~* My CoUsInS *~*
*~* FaMiLy *~*
*~* CuTe CuDlEy AnImAlS
*~* MoNkEyS *~*
*~* My JoUrNaL*~*
*~* CaSeY *~*
*~* KoRn AnD oThEr BaNdS*~*
*~* VaMpIrEs *~*
*~* kOaLa's FoR MaH MaN*~*
*~* My MySpAcE PrOFiLe *~*