
Hey Lil Woman, I want you to know that I will be your big brother always and anytime you need me I'm right across the straight or a page away. And whatever life you choose to take I behind you all the way. I may not agree but I'll have to be support of the lil ones. And take of my lil mama too cause if something happen to her I'm coming after you. Much Love.


Hey Jess! I've only known for you like a year or so and I would have to say that your the craziest, most down to earth, truthfully ladie I know. Me and you can chill at any time. And if you ever need some advice you can always come to me, even though I can come arcoss crazy and have you doing some wild things. Be good. My Ladie Forever.

Boob aka Rock

Yo Nigga. Well, I will have to say, as crazy as you are and your crazy girl too, still be my nigga for life. You got that easy mentality to which make you easy to hang around wit. When you get big dont forget about a nigga cause I'll be around to eat your food and raid your house. One Love.