new: Apparently, I'm not dead. there is a new article about Britain here.

about the site (guarunteed fun™)

Crazy Rants, and Anti-"the man" propaganda.

Dedicated to the hard working geeks of America.

When facts just aren't enough.

"Feminists hate us, for reasons still at large"

If you've been here before, then you're probably surprised that I'm still around. That's okay, it's to be expected that you have no faith in me. After all, everything else I've been associated with has fizzled and died. Communism... the bubonic plague... Scientology... they all had one common link: Me. But, what you masses couldn't possibly know, is that I joined those causes to bring them down from the inside, then have a great laugh at their expense... I think we can all agree I succeeded...

*I own this site (except for all the pictures I, ummm... "liberated" from other places, and for the fact that I don't actually OWN the site...) Nothing on this site is to be taken seriously, if you don't want to... If, I offend you in any way then I apologize that you're so easily offended, and I'll try not to upset you while taking over the world.**

**jon has no desire to take over the world, only to make it a safer place... FOR HILARITY!