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4/6/03---Well, gee, sorry i haven't updated much on the site (i have added a link, go check out Max's page in the link section). There happen to be a few reasons for that.

Reason 1 No time. i have been consumed the by the all terrible demon that is school. It's true.
Reason 2 I can't upload pics because angelfire f***ed my image account. I can't access the page to upload pics upon.
Reason 3 I plan on moving anyway. where? to a much COOOLER domain (yay!). You see, i registered, and as soon as i get a hold of my hosting and bandwidth, i'm going to be packing up and leaving angelfire, the never ending source of frustration. The good news is, the new site will be much better than this, thanks to Shadie who is going to use her awesome talent to make me a layout.

So that's it, probably for a while. Please do still email me and sign the guestbook (after updates on this page), which i still check frequently. If you want, you can also find proof of my existence at the following sites:

My Dead Journal (updated obnoxiously)
The Jaded-Soul Weblog (i share with friends)
The Jaded-Soul Forum (I post here frequently)

And, as always, you can see new any new art via the Links on the Images section. Just because i don't update ehre, doesn't mean i don't update elsewhere. Good day to y'all!

-K Chan

1/13/03---Nothing updated. i have more pics, but i can't seem to get my other account to work, so i'm unable to update them. i hope to have it figured out soon tho. I keep getting emails at my yahoo address ( but they're all blank and i'm getting failed delivery messages everytime i try to respond. Any way, sice the email i give you guys here is the yahoo one, i'm think maybe it's you guys trying to reach me. I'm not being an ass, it's just my mail screwing up. If you're one of those people who have tried to cantact me and haven't recieved a response please try i regret giving this one out because it's my personal no spam addy, so please don't abuse. Anotehr GREAT way to talk is thru the guest book (just under the updates on this page) hope this helps.

-K chan

11/23/02---WEE! Big update today. Spent the entire after noon hate HTML. Pat on the back for me for accomplishing something today. Here's what's ben updated:

Annnnnnd that's it, aside from some technical stuff, that you guys probably wont notice anyway. The only page left to finish is the Blurb page, but, as of now, i have no junk to fill it with. OH well, the most important part is the fact i made the image pages. more pics to come (as i draw them)


11/15/02---Slowly, but surely, it's all coming together! A little more work done, no images yet, those'll probably come last, because the coding for the image pages will take a while (for me at least). However, if you're interested in seing my art, visit the Images section anyway for links to other art sites i'm on.

Links page updated with.....LINKS! yay, go see the sites i like, and stuff....information on how to get your link on my site is on the page. For a limited time i'm offering to make link banners/buttons for those who have none. so yeah, check out Links if you're midly interested.

That's all for tonite, and right now i'm craving tortillas and sunshine (mexico withdrawls). right now it's 40 degrees and raining, quite contrast from the 80 degrees and sunshine i'd gotten used to over the course of my week stay in Cabo San lucas. *whine....*

Until next time, i'm over and out..and hungry
- K-chan

11/4/02--- Woot, it lives again. I was planning on scrapping the whole thing, and getting new, WAY better layout (I, of course, wouldn't be making it....) but, well, I'm impatient, so this is going to be my home for a while, until the new layout get's done, if it ever does. Any, if you'v ever visited the old site, you've noticed that the color scheme and site name are different (to see the old color scheme, just sign my guestbook ~_^). The new layout will also be called Irregular, and i didn't want to have to make new link buttons and stuff. So that explains that. As of now, the following pages are up and ready for viewing. The others are up, but have no real content.
  • About Section
  • Images (just links to art archives where you can find my art
  • Links (no links, but a few banners you can link me with, more to come)

WHOO! anyway, i think i'm done for tonite. No updates expected for at LEAST a week, i'll be going south of the border Wednesday.

- K-chan

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