Where to ?? To Las Vegas... To be the Prince...To make a life away from all the pain she has seen, felt, and caused...They can come to her when they decide what they want...For she spent the last few nights alone...Searching herself and finding the answers... She knows what she wants and needs... The remaining question is… Are any of them man enough to break the curse that haunts her still ?
Will life ever settle down for her ? Taken by a Church Knight on her way home from Des's, she was told to repent her sins and god would save her...Thinking it was a joke she played along until he put her blood in a chalice and it turned to water...She felt her heart beat again and when she walked out into the sun...She lived through it...But what now ? Mortal again...Not tied to anyone, all the bonds broken again...No Blood Bonds, no slave bonds...She could start over but then again can she live the mortal life again ? Maybe a new sire ? What to do, what to do... Should be interesting to see though...Her decision made she denounced the Nighthaven name and blew up everything she owned when she was one of them in front of Desolute's mansion...Noticing Lia's note left there that she had done the same thing...Leaving her a message because knowing Lia like she did everything would be changed, cell, address, e-mail...She was just that way...Going home to Vegas she closed the realm and added a complete new security system...Nothing was getting past her or her guards and ghouls...Any kindred who tried were in for a big suprise...Acid and fire certianly are going to hurt...Every aspect of her life changed now...She runs Vegas with the few she trusts slightly and avoids the Nighthavens like a plague...Her phone numbers all changed, her e-mail no longer the same, her address unknown, they cant find her and if they try they will face those around her...The diab of Thruxus Nighthaven coming as a shock to her, his generosity astounding her...But still something is missing, something isnt right...What is it ? She cant put her finger on it exactly, all she knows is that something is missing... But what is it ? Can she find it now ?
Life seeming to take another turn for her...Mina killed by a madman...Her need for honor overcoming her commen sense one night and all was gone for Bridget...Overcome by grief she wandered into the desert, not speaking, not hearing, not seeing anything or anyone...Yet a man came to her, offering her peace...She escaped in his arms for a brief period...Telling him what she truely was, who she truely was...The secret of the Nighthavens in the hands of a stranger...Could Marcus keep her secret ? Could she find that missing link ? It seems as if she couldnt...Disappearing, she left with Kat for a time, going back to Bulagari...Looking for the key to her neverending saddness...That which keeps making her run away from the ones who claim to love her...Her heart gone, taken in more ways then one...Is it possiable for her to return to Vegas and make things work ? When will she return ? Will she return ? Sending Kat home, needing time alone she wanders the land where she was raised...Where Constance cursed her...Seeking the graves of those long dead for she has walked this earth so much longer then any know...Sitting on the cold ground where Steven lays she speaks to him of the past...The curse of a love she is never to feel looming yet again over her head...Her tears staining the grave marker of her mortal father...A final whisper of goodbye as she walks into the darkness...

Standing alone a shadow coming over her, blocking the sun...She turned and behind her was a man...His name Enigma...Looking up into his eyes she wondered where he came from and why he was bothering her...They talked for hours as he seemed to reach a part of her no one had in so long...Not the lover, not demanding anything from her as so many do...He just wanted to be needed...She could tell that by looking into his eyes...A bond was formed between them, something unspoken, foreign to them both...Enigma, now her childe...
The two of them return to Vegas...He silently next to her...Forboding in demenor and stature...Walking down the pavement, their forms shourded by darkness...then, from no where...a third...moderately sized being walks up and takes the other flank of Bridget...The trio taking up the sidewalk...as they pass...only one thought can be formed..."Lil Miss Bridget's back...and no one will ever be the same again...."
Amazingly enough things seem to be improving for our heroine...She is flanked by her son's...Then out of the distance steps another figure...This one female...Her daughter, Kali...The one who has made up for so much in such a short time...Mina being gone, the recent loss of Kat...Kali, the one who shares her secrets...The one woman in her life who isnt threatened by who and what she is...The relationship simple yet complex...The bond formed because of the embrace, yet mutual respect strengthens it everytime they are together...

It would seem that things are perfect now...She has her children, her city, her best-friend "Angel"...He lets her be Bridget, not the Prince, not Mom...Simply Bridget...Accepting the quirks and quams of the woman who is so complex...Different sides of the woman appearing at every turn...Something though is in those dark aqua eyes...Something missing...What could it be..??
Maybe the answer lies in the return of her adopted son Riley...Putting her past to rest and curing the old hurts, healing the wounds left so long ago...Banishing all the old ghosts...A feat most would run from but not this woman...Not the new and improved Bridget...She has scores to settle and old rivals to bring down...The burning hatred alive again...The family who changed so much and hurt so many...Now with her children she can do this...She isnt alone anymore...She has the support of her "family" and her friends...Strange to think of this woman with friends, never before has it happened...Something changed...The question is...Is the world ready for the new Miss Bridget ??