
November 14..So long ago the year has been forgotten...A small town in what will be known as Tennessee...The exchange taking place in the dark of night, two days after she was born...Constance Lockley taking the bundle of pink into her arms with the promise that Eric and Michelle would have letters about how she was doing as often as she could...Taking her home she unwrapped the baby and sat by the fire, string in amazement at the perfection in her arms...Noticing the heart-shaped birth mark on her right shoulder-blade she smiled as she whispered "Someday little one you will know the truth but for now you are mine"...
Naming her Bridget Katrina Lockley she was pleased when her husband came home and took to the child instantly...Stephan was so proud as if he had helped in her creation himself...Her dark hair and eyes giving her the look of his blood, Gypsy to the soul...True to the old ways even in the modern times they lived in Stephan taught Bridget the gypsy way of life...Traveling, magic, healing...All of it at her fingertips as she grew...
Taking the child back home to Bulgaria when she was but three Constance and Stephan thought she should grow up in their country, surrounded by the old ways... Arriving one night at the ancestral lands of the Lockley's Bridgets silence as she glanced around with laughter in her eyes telling her parents how happy she was there...Their gift to her that night was Damien, a wolf puppy who was to become her faithful companion, never leaving her side...
A deeper meaning in this child’s eyes as she grew...Past her years in intelligence she soaked up everything Constance taught her faster then she could show her new things...Bridget growing up in the flowing dress of the gypsy's, dark hair long and flowing down her back at ten...She had a touch of the seductress as she danced at night around the bon-fires…It seemed as if she was born to be gypsy…
Stephan arranged a marriage for her with one of the other gypsy families...Bridget spent a lot of time with her adopted brother Chade as she was growing up…They became so close that it seemed to most around them that they thought with the same mind...Finishing each others sentences most of the times, the silence between them speaking more then any words ever could... At the age of seventeen she knew she was to marry the one named Devin but she saw in his eyes an evil that touched her soul and scared her enough that she went to Chade with her fears...He listened and finally one night as the walked in their field he told her he loved her...He had for years now...Three years older then her she simply looked up at him with eyes filled with love and innocence...She loved him too and had forever...
That night they sat and talked until the sun came up and Chade promised to talk to Constance about her fears...With a soft tender kiss he left her at her bedroom and went to find his mother... He found her in the garden and he sat and told her of his love for Bridget and her fears about Devin...Watching her eyes grow darker in rage she forbade him to do anything more with his feelings for Bridget...She was intended for Devin and nothing was going to change that...In his haste he told her he would have Bridget no matter what the cost...She stood up and looked down at him...Do this and you shall be disowned, having nothing, stripped of your name...
He walked off in anger and seeing Bridget in the hall he told her what had happened and she cried against him, knowing it was useless...She couldn’t cost him his name...She ran that day, away from Chade and everything, hiding in the meadow she was suprised when a shadow blocked the sun...As she looked up she couldn’t conceal her suprise when she saw Devin in front of her...A chill ran down her spine as he reached down and yanked her to her feet...An evil smile forming as he hissed at her You will be mine Bridget, to do with as I wish...Remember that, no matter where you go or how far you run, I will find you...Damien sprang from the shadows and attacked Devin, causing him to leave…Bridget felt then the evil in the man she was to marry even more…
For the next two years she lived in fear of Devin and the looks he gave her...Chade and her meeting in the meadow whenever they could, swearing sweet words of love and freedom as soon as he found a way...But it was not to happen when one night while walking in the courtyard Devin found her...Dragging her to the cottage he stayed at while on the Lockley lands he chained her to the wall, her hands and wrists held so tight she didn’t think her blood was flowing...A look of pure hate in her eyes as she asked him what he was doing and why...He simply smiled and told her trysts with Chade would end soon as soon as he worked this spell on her...
Fighting him with everything she had, calling upon the Lockley ancestors for guidance as Constance had taught her...Her silent pleading answered as the chains fell from her wrists and ankles... Devin’s back to her she moved swiftly before he could react...The knife plunging into his throat as she yanked to the right and pulled...The blood flew as he threw her against the wall...Turning to her his head wobbling as she looked at him...A dark mist leaving his body and his scream of pain ripping threw her as he fell at her feet...At nineteen she had killed her fiancée and as she fell to her knees she didn’t know what she would do now...
A quick search of the cottage and she found a secret stash of money, slipping it into her pocket she made her way from the cottage to her room...Stripping off her clothes she burned them in the fireplace before she washed all traces of his blood from her body...Glazed eyes looked around her room as she packed a bag with some clothes, the money she took plus her own...Hiding the bag just in case she was going to see what happened when the body was found in the morning...Laying in her bed she waited as the sun rose and she heard people moving around...What seemed like hours passed as she dressed and went about her day...The scream of the woman who cleaned the cottages reaching her ears as she stood in the stable saddling her horse...She looked around and as she straightened her spine she made her way to where everyone was gathered...A look at Chade, her eyes betraying nothing...Constance looked at her and taking her hands she whispered in their ancestral tongue...As her eyes widened Bridget knew that Constance could see the truth...
The ancestors betraying her...Constance whispered...The thing I didn’t teach you child you should now know...With there help comes a cost, you must give in return...You failed to do that, now I see what you have done...She stammered and tried to tell her what Devin had said, the fear she felt, everything coming out...Constance hearing nothing, only seeing Bridget killing him...Chade moved to her side and his arm slipped around Bridgets waist as he looked at his mother...I love her and I want her...Constance in blind rage screamed NO you shall never have her, she is banished from this family...A curse I place upon her head...If ever she uses her magic I shall find her and kill her, if ever she loves it shall turn to ashes...Go now Bridget, I never wish to see you or hear your name again...
Bridget in tears ran to her room and taking up her bag she flew down the stairs only to crash into Stephan... Seeing him in tears breaking her heart and she kissed his cheek and told him she was sorry...Touching her cheek softly he whispered "You shall always be my daughter, Bridget Katrina never use your magic for if she finds you she will kill you"...Handing her a package he told her to go and read it away from Bulgaria...It held the truth of who she was and how she came to them...As she walked away she didn’t hear his whispered words as he removed the curse of her love turning to ashes...His final gift to her...
Bitter sweet were her tears as she stood in silence in the meadow, hearing him slip behind her and wrap his arms around her...I shall love you forever Chade and I must go...Before he could say anything she kissed him sweetly and was gone...He sat and cried for hours and vowed to find her one day and make her his...Traveling for hours she finally found a place to stop and opening the package her father gave her she read in silence...She learned of her birth, Daminenna and Kat, all of it...Sighing she looked up at the night sky...I cant go to them, they will hate me too...Slipping the package into her bag she made her way to the train station, from there she went to the airport and booked a flight to Tennessee...Making arrangements for Damien first of course...Her loyal friend always by her side...

Once there she walked in the town she spent three years in...Finding the house they lived in she shook as the terror overtook her again...Devin’s eyes haunting her...She went then to Alabama and finding the Nightborn Tavern she watched silently from across the street and Eric and Michelle came and went...Seeing her sisters also she knew she didn’t belong there and so she started out...Exploring the world...Making a living working as a waitress or a maid, it didn’t matter to her anymore...Her heart torn and broken...
Putting herself through school, she learned three languages and business skills to survive...Slipping into the abyss one day she found herself in Rhydin...Strange to her yet she felt so at home...One night in the tavern she saw a man across the room who took her breath away...He seemed so ominous to her as he looked her way...The danger in his eyes as he told her his name...Lord BlackMage...She bowed and told him her name...Taking her home that night he introduced her to his pet Keeya...A huge red dragon...Amazed she looked at him, unable to believe what she was seeing...This land so strange to her...After bring him a gift of a huge black stallion, naming him Nightwing she smiled as he told her that night she would be as he was...
They met later that evening and he took her, making her his...Wakening the next night she was scared at first then in his arms he told her what he had done...You are now like me, Vampire...You must have blood to live...You must hunt...Go now and I shall be around somewhere, never shall you be alone...For the next few nights she wandered the taverns afraid...Needing something she couldn’t explain...Feeling he had left her alone since she never saw him or heard a word...
Spending the next few nights with a man named Dan she found herself falling in love with him...Thinking of Mage and what he had done for her she tried to explain it all to Dan and he said he would find him and talk to him...Hearing Constances curse in her ear she was frightened knowing she could never know real love...The next night walking into Dan's home she saw him and Mage fighting...She screamed and Mage looked at her and asked her if she loved Dan...She simply nodded and with that Mage plunged a dagger into his heart...Kneeling beside him she took his head in her lap and asked why...Its simple my dear, now you shall be as you were, mortal and free to love him as you didn’t love me...Watching him fade from view she sobbed...Now she had the blood of two on her hands...
Dan picked her up and took her home then, swearing to keep her safe forever...They lived happily for a time...Meeting many people as she went along...Some so close others just there...Her favorite though was Catalina, Cat to everyone who knew her well...Black Eclipse becoming a thorn in her side since they fought every time the saw each other...Her mouth taking hold and the anger making her challenge him at every turn... Dan began spending more and more time working with his guilds, leaving her alone to often...She found solace in her nemesis’s arms one night...Black showing her a tenderness she had never known...Her "Warmonger"...Their affair unknown to anyone as they fought still at every turn...Black trying to teach her to control her tongue and her temper...She wanting nothing but his respect started learning from him more and more...
Leaving Dan one night his threats never ending as Black grew angrier and angrier watching her suffer at his hands...He ended it one night when he took Dan's life, an end to the pain they all were suffering...Cat at her side as she cried for the man she had loved so much at one time...Feeling his blood was on her hands again she vowed never to love again...
It was about this time that she met Aiden and he took her as his own child, Turning her Ventrue...Honored by this gift she strived to become everything he wanted her to be...Living life alone now she found peace for a time...Black and her affair never ending even as he married another...Meeting Shadow he melted her heart and she married again...Hoping the second time had more chance then the first...Her and Black coming to a standstill for a time as she gave her all to the marriage until everyone around her started complaining about him...Shadow wanting her all to himself, her friends angry cause they never saw her anymore...Torn in different directions she was reckless one night when her dearest Lacey was taken by a monster named Mirrion...
She offered herself in exchange for Mirrion leaving Lacey alone...He agreed and what became a love hate relationship started...He challenged her to use her mind more...They affair they had igniting something wanton in Bridget...Armageddion finding Bridget one night, her mouth once again getting her into trouble...They fought a slave match and Bridget lost...Army using her in an animal fashion, Shadow come to save his wife and in the end lost his life for her freedom...Once again she felt another’s blood stain her soul...Seemingly lost and not knowing what to do, she wandered around in a daze for a time…Spending more and more time with Black and his wife Mel…
It was Mirrion she turned to in this time of crisis, he alone who let her be herself...They were a sight to see, the dark haired siren and his paramour...Aiden and Bridget fighting more and more as Bridget became wanton and disrespectful...One night Aiden having had enough when Bridget challenged his authority he thrust a poison dagger into her heart and as she laid in Mirrions arms and thought it was the end of her life...Mirrion suprised her and drained everything in her and made her his child...Caitiff now...
She took over Shadows old tavern and made the Broken Dreams Tavern in its place...Adopting an orphan she came across changing her in someway...Riley, her five year old son now giving her a purpose and a meaning...He brought laughter back into her life...Mirrion bringing her passion...Her world seemed peaceful for a time until everyone started pulling her again...Riley disliking Mirrion, her love torn between two...Her friends pointing out his faults at every turn...She couldn’t take the pressure anymore when it all come out and she almost lost Riley...Leaving Mirrion behind he swore she would be his forever and in her heart she knew it was true...
It seemed to her that she could not escape her past either because one night sitting with Mel and their friends Chade walked in…She knew this day would come but she thought it would be Constance who came looking for her because she couldn’t deny what she knew and the powers she had…She was using her healing abilities and other gifts now more and more frequently…Chade took her in his arms and she stiffened noticeable…Why are you here now after all this time ? He simply looked into her eyes and told her he had been searching for her for years...Constance was dead and he wanted to take her home…Unbelieving she looked at the one who had held her childhood heart…So many changes, so much loss…She couldn’t go now…She had a life here…Chade left her that night to think about things…As she sat and talked to Cat she was torn between what could have been and what was…
The next night Chade kidnaped Bridget, thinking she was just confused he wanted to remind her of what they had before Devin was killed.…She explained the things she had been through since she had left Bulgaria and he didn’t want to understand…All he wanted was for her to come back with him…Refusing seeming to drive him over the edge as he started beating her senseless... Dragging herself home she called for Mel to help her heal herself…She and Black came and he gave up a part of himself to save her that night…The next night she found Chade and killed him, once again more blood on her hands…