Damienna Lockley Nightborn Noctourne, such a long name for one person...Mina is so much easier to say and so many have started just using it that Damienna seems like another person entirely...So many wonder where I came from and why I stayed...So many reasons why...For myself, for my sanity, because I didn’t want to go home after awhile...Making something for myself here...Becoming who and what I am now...Mina, simple to say but does that mean I am simple ? Far from it, ask anyone who knows me...Better yet judge for yourself as I tell you my story...

I was raised by Eric and Michelle Nightborn in Alabama...Born January 30...Believing I was the oldest child...Katalina Michelle Nightborn came into our lives on June 7...My baby sister or so I thought...Life was filled with games and laughter...Eric spoiling his girls and the whispers in the night being ignored for so long...Life was simple, Eric and Michelle running a bar...The Nightborn Tavern...Small but profitable...The town small, everyone knowing everyone else's business... School was simple for me...Having no problem excelling in my classes...I graduated early at the age of seventeen...Staying with the family instead of going to collage, choosing to remain and help with the tavern...Kat following me everywhere I went as we were growing up...The ever present Kitty in my life...Always there no matter what was going on...Eric and Michelle liked that though, their daughters safer together then apart...Growing up was easy, nothing seemed hard or painful and I was happy until I turned seventeen and my parents finally decided it was time I learned the truth about my older sister Bridget Katrina...Given up at birth by Eric and Michelle because they were so young...Thinking they couldn’t take care of her they gave her up to a woman in Tennessee, Constance Lockley...Receiving letters from her now and then they knew she was safe and taken care of...Living as a Lockley now...Not knowing who her real parents are, safe and taken care of until recently...Sent from the woman’s house because she had killed her fiance..No one knows why exactly but someone had to find her...Bridget would be nineteen and on her own afraid that she was going to be taken by the law so no one knew where to start looking for her...Mina decided who better then her sister...Learning that Bridget bore the same mark that she and Kat did...The heart birth-mark on their right shoulder blade...The mark of the Noctourne women...All bear it and few really know the magic it holds...
I learned so much that night when I learned of Bridget...The magic that had been passed down since time and the family began...Noctourne blood coursing through me as Michelle did a secret ceremony to help me and to keep me safe...Meeting first with the Lockley woman to hear about Bridget I started my search...The Lockley Crest around my neck now, more protection from Constance...She loved Bridget and made her what she was now...A hint of witchcraft in the air around Constance...Telling me the things she had taught Bridget...Gypsy blood flowing through her veins, somehow connected to each other because of the bond with Bridget...The Crest giving me the ability to sense Bridget as I drew closer to her...Traveling to many places, searching many lands...I learned so much about life as I traveled...Calling and writing home now and then to let my parents and Kitty know I was fine...I met so many people who had known Bridget, trained her...Business, life, love, nothing seemed to faze my older sister from what I saw... Finally slipping into the abyss that led me to the strange land Rhydin...The last place Bridget was heard from or seen...I meet her the fateful night that her life was taken...Mere hours of talking to my older sister before she was killed for silly reasons...Not understanding completely this new world or the ways of those around me...Staying to learn more about Bridget I made many friends and decided to stay...Making a life for myself...Fascinated by the people, the change, the differences...Trying to leave Bridget's shadow behind as I became something on my own...Stepping into the positions she left vacant in ToB...Shadow Darkside taking me her under wing to help me overcome the pain of losing my sister...Shadow making me something I never thought I would be...A leader, someone respected for my own abilities...I sent word home that Bridget was dead and Kat joined me after a time...Deciding to stay also, Kat became involved with Jason Ice Dragon and that is her story to tell...Kat being who she is and I being who I am...Yet the bond of our birth holds us together...The very first man in her life, Rain Mantigo...The pain they shared, the betrayal...I was meant to be his before the world around us went insane...Scared Rain would kill me because of a simple mistake and my not knowing the rules he lived by...I went searching for death one night among the tombstones in an old graveyard...That’s where he found me...Lafayette De Lazarus...Who is he you might ask yourself and why does it matter ? I told him my story of Rain and the fear in my eyes touched him somehow...He gave me the gift of his blood and his heritage...I became Cappadocian...Little did I know then that he knew my sister or her grand-father...He took me in and I became "Daddy's Little Girl"...Oh the benefits of that...Having him when she needs him, the whimper he answers when she cries...I still had to face Rain though and the our two clans were unable to tolerate each other...Our love was doomed or so it seemed...Rain disappeared after I told him of what had happened...Leaving no word I thought he was gone forever...I went on and learned all Laz had to teach me...

Losing my virginity to an absolute oaf, oh the damage he caused...Never wanting another man to touch me again I went to my sisters confidant Mirrion and he repaired the damage...Showing me that love didn’t have to be so cold and unsatisfying...I shall forever remember what he did for me and now I wear two crosses he gave me for protection...Mirrion and I though it seems were not meant to be since at this point in life Bridget returned from the dead...Being brought back by her grand-father Thruxus...Introducing Kat and Bridget, we became a family of sorts...As best as we could seeing that the three of us all have different "blood"...We three live separate lives yet never forget that we are sisters...That bond unbreakable...All wearing the Lockley Crest now…If one is lost the others can find her…For awhile I moved to Atlanta, slipping into Rhydin to work with Shadow...One day a man approached me right after I had been taken and beaten by Krow...Starting as my friend Ramm was there when I needed him...We fell in love despite the warnings my heart screamed...Laz and Ramm not getting along at all created a problem...Unfortunately Atlanta fell and I decided to move to Vancouver to be closer to Bridget...Ramm was going to Baton Rouge and because of who he is and his rules we fought to see if I would go with him...I lost but he let me stay...Laz trying to put Ramm in Torp didn’t help at all...I wouldn’t let it happen though, I woke him up and he left...Taking a piece of me when he did...Finding solace in my work I asked Shadow to give me as much as she could...She did and I took it to heart...Making work my life until the fateful day that Nacrom walked into my office...Nacrom changed my views of finding love...Sweet, gentle, willing to take time...Ours was an enchanting affair while it lasted...We couldn’t fight the past though and the things that kept pulling me away from him...Hiding what I had become from my real parents, I had to go home now and then...I couldn’t let them know...When Eric died things changed for the three sisters...It was too late though for Nacrom and I...Swearing never to give my heart again I remained friends with Nacrom after a lot of fighting...Once again hiding in my work I became colder as time went on...Life changing around me...Bridget calling me uncaring, unfeeling...Maybe but I was safe from anymore pain...Times calling for Bodyguards around me...I took Eden as a lover for a time...That didn’t work though, he wanted what I couldn’t give...No one touched me though, not like those I lost...Burying myself in my work I tried to hide from the loneliness...ToB gave me what I needed...Becoming Second in Command giving me the thrill of a life time...I had done it finally...Life went on and no one got closer then she allowed...Ramm coming back now and then to check on me puts a smile on my face...But still something was missing... Rain comes back now and then also...I cant deny that I love that smile he gives to only me...My Dark Avator...So cold yet he can be so tender and gentle with me...It is suprising to see him change when I came into a room...He will always hold a piece of me...

The night Nacrom came to me saying he was leaving for good...His heart broken by his ex-wife...We fought so hard, and in the end he took me savagely, a side of him I had never seen...Ko'laring me in the end...Saying I was his for as long as he wanted me, to do with as he wished...Laz fought him until the demon form took hold and Laz put him to sleep...Upon waking him up we fought yet again...Doing a secret ritual without my knowledge then taking me again...The ritual he told me later granted me a dream I had since I was mortal...What is going to happen now ? Where am I going from here ?

A question many want answers too...I alone know...Well maybe Bridget and Kat do to but my secrets are safe with them always...Is it possible though ? Can true love be found ? Has any of this made me softer ? Don’t count on it...Only for the right one...Only for the man who finally takes my heart and keeps it safe...

Rain...The answers lie there...Finding the peace I need finally in his arms...My Dark Angel...So well we work together...Evil personified or so they say...Protecting Bridget yet again from herself, her enemies, our past...Rain and I have our hands full but we do it together...As we will do everything from now on...Nothing taking him from my side for long, nor me from his...