Brujah Ice Queen..


The sun just coming up over the horizon in Bari Italy, the light hardly entering the delivery room as the woman's screams echoed around the room...A huge man standing by her side watching as the doctors rushed around trying to stop the blood which flowed from her body...The doctors scream of "Were losing her" piercing his soul...Turning blue eyes to her husband she took his hand and squeezed lightly as she whispered "I love you Antonio, take care of the baby"....With that her eyes closed and she took her final breath as the doctors pulled the screaming baby girl from her womb...Laying the child in Antonio's arms the nurse looked up shock in her eyes as he looked down to her and whispered "you took her from me, my darling Yvette, my life"...The nurse quickly took the babe from him and to the nursery hoping with the lessening of his grief he would change...
Those became familiar words though for the child born that 7th day in July..It being the day of her birth and the day her mother died...Taking her home to her six brother's, raised by them and the women in the building...The Italian flew from their lips as everyone around her tried to control this wild one...Antonio never showing her anything but hatred and contempt...Marco, Anthony, Devon, Sebastian, Michael, and Kristian, her brothers...Her tormentors, the ones who teased her endlessly as she grew...They named her Brianna not her father, not her mother...The brothers who tormented her...Brianna Yvette DeAngelo.. Never knowing the loving touch of a mother, she became the ideal tom-boy...Racing through the Bari streets at an early age no one being able to control her, she became wise in the way of the streets...The friends she had were rough...Unable to tell her from the boys as she ran around breaking windows, throwing punches, bottles, insults as well as any of them...Antonio barely looking at her when she was in his presence which wasn’t often, the hatred in his eyes hitting her harder then anyone ever could... Suddenly though her body changing, puberty hitting, developing...Things started changing as her brothers noticed and then suddenly Antonio did too...He tried talking to her more, watching her as she moved across the room...Comments of how she resembled Yvette...Finding herself working at the garage at the age of fifteen, learning from the man who everyone called a genius with people...It was here that she learned English and Spanish...
Vinnie taking her under his wing and giving her the first taste of love she had ever known...Kind words from him brought the biggest smile to her eyes as she tried even harder to please the man who became a father in her eyes...Marco and Anthony worked there also, showing her some respect as she became more and more knowledgeable...In one year she knew as much as they did if not more...The night of her sixteenth birthday, Vinnie giving her a car to call her own...She went home late that night to tell her brothers and Antonio...Walking into the dark house something inside her screamed as her father clicked on the lamp by the couch...The look in his eyes foreboding something horrid as she stammered "Hey Pop..Want to see what Vinnie gave me for my birthday ?" He stood up and was at her side so quickly she didn’t know what to do as he dragged her to the window, parting the curtain’s to look down at the street...Snarling as he back-handed her onto the couch "WHY IS HE GIVING YOU A CAR ? DID YOU SLEEP WITH THAT MAN ?" Holding her cheek as she stood up glaring into his eyes "NO Pop he gave it to me cause I work hard and he is more of a father then you have EVER been to me...It is my birthday but then again you wouldn’t know that would you since you NEVER remember"...
Their screaming bring her brothers from their rooms as the stood in stunned silence watching the scene unfold...Back and forth the insults flew between father and daughter...He calling her a slut, she calling him weak...The final words of her father piercing her soul "YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED NOT YVETTE, YOU COST ME EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED AND YOU ARE WORTHLESS TO ME !!!!! "...Marco stepping in and taking Brianna's arm, dragging her into her room as Anthony tried to calm their father...Marco throwing her on her bed and landing on top of her as she screamed, anger in his own eyes as he cried..."Brianna, stop it, calm down now before you make it worse...You were born as she died of course he said those things..She was his life then as she is now"...Kicking at him, wanting out she screamed at him to leave her alone...Let her go...She got up and raced out of the house, the sound of her shoes hitting the wet ground the only thing he heard as Marco stood shaking his head... Where she went that night is still a mystery, walking for hours as the tears streamed from her eyes, blinding her at times...Ending up at the cemetery sobbing as she kneeled by her mothers tombstone..."Oh mama why couldn’t you have lived, you are wanted here I am not"...All of this sparking in the the will to survive at all costs..
Leaving the cemetery she walked home at three in the morning and silently let herself inside the house...Making her way to her room she laid down on her bed and drifted into a fitful sleep...Waking what seemed like minutes later as she felt the clothes being ripped from her body, her fathers voice in her ears as he held her down..."You killed her now you can replace her at least in one way"...Antonio raping her and taking her innocence that morning, time and time again he used her body all the time muttering of how she was no good and shouldn’t be alive..."Killer" echoing in her ears as she finally gave into the blackness...When she awoke she thought it was a dream until she went to stand and the pain shot through her young body and as she looked down at the blood stained sheets, it all rushed back and she crawled into the bathroom, turning on the water as hot as she could stand it she stood there for along time...
Knowing she couldn’t say anything to anyone she quietly dressed and went to Vinnie's...Working like a demon that day...Vinnie, Marco, and Anthony noticing she hardly talked and never looked at any of them if they spoke to her...Vinnie tried and she just shrugged him off and went about doing what needed to be done... For the next six months Antonio came to her room every night and she silently died inside each and every time he forced her to do these horrid things to him...Survival was strong in her though...She wouldnt give up even though her eyes grew darker and darker, ringed in black no one could touch her or get her to talk about what was wrong...Kristian calling her a bitch every time he saw her...The others watching silently, wondering...One night her father with her again as she snapped finally, throwing him onto the floor...The sound wakening Marco who came into her room, their naked father on the floor and Brianna in tears...Antonio looked at Marco and told him it was his turn to have what killed his mother...Shaking his head he just looked from one to the other as his father stood up..."Be a man, take her...She killed your mother, she deserves it"...
Antonio grabbed her and through her on the bed once again, tying her hands to the headboard and spreading her legs for Marco...Tears streaming from her eyes she looked at him and pleaded for help... Antonio talking softly now almost seeming to put Marco in a trance as he walked to the bed, his pants falling to the floor as he stood looking down at Brianna... Closing her eyes as he touched her, everything in her finally dying as he entered her...Time after time, one after the other they took turns taking Brianna that night...Closing herself off from everything she did what she had to do automatically from then on... Unfeeling, uncaring, surviving somehow through shutting everything down...For the next six months they came to her, sometimes separate, sometimes together...Anthony learning the truth joined him on those nights when he was drunk or stoned enough...She was their slut, theirs to do with as they wished...Echo’s of tramp, slut, worthless going through her at all times...Her seventeenth birthday passing like any other day...Working for Vinnie still, one day he brushed against her breast as he was walking by and she snapped finally...
Falling to the ground screaming over and over again...Taking her into his arms the whole story came out as she cried like a child in his arms...Anger flooding him to the core he stood up with her in his arms after three hours of listening to her tale... Tucking her into the bed above the store he tucked her into his bed with a kiss on the forehead and a soft touch on her cheek..."Ill be back Brianna, don’t leave this house unless I come for you"...Complete exhaustion overtaking her she closed her eyes and slipped into a deep sleep...Vinnie drove to the DeAngelo home and kicking the door in beat the hell out of Antonio...Dropping his bloody body to the ground, a finger pointing to him "You touch that girl again and I will kill you myself"...Leaving the house he drove around until he found Anthony and Marco in a bar around the corner...Knocking Anthony out as soon as he walked in since he was drunk yet again...He took more time with Marco, beating him senseless around the bar, from one corner to another...
As he walked out he passed Michael and throwing him against the building he uttered in a voice filled with venom "I’m telling you this once and once only, keep away from Brianna..She wont be coming home EVER...Keep yourself and your brothers away from her"...Driving home again he walked inside and seeing Brianna still asleep he showered and then sat by her side all night, making sure no one came in and nothing bothered her... Waking with a start she looked around and seeing Vinnie the tears started again...Taking her in his arms he soothed her with soft words of love and comfort, telling her all the good things he had seen her do as he cried with her for her lost innocence and youth...Telling her to shower cause they were going to get her things so she could live with him from then on she looked at him with huge eyes and did as he told her too...
Arriving home there was no one there and she packed her clothes only, leaving everything else there but the money she had hidden in a shoe box under the floor boards...Everything packed in her car she stood in the kitchen and wrote a final note the her family... "For what you did to me may you all rot in hell...May mama haunt your dreams for betraying her final wish Antonio...Do not attempt to find me because I will never step foot in this house again unless it is to spit on your dead bodies...Farewell Forever, Brianna DeAngelo"...Taking a knife pushing it through the paper and then slammed it into the front door as she closed it behind her...Getting into her car she followed Vinnie to his house and unpacked in the spare room...After that they both went to work in his truck, her fear of Marco and Anthony being their in her eyes, she held Vinnie's hand tightly...The only thing there was a note saying they quit and wouldn’t be back... For another eight months she lived in relative peace, finishing school and working harder then she ever had for Vinnie...Saving every dime she made so that when she turned eighteen she could leave Bari...The only one hearing her screams at night was Vinnie and he held her gently as she slowly let what happened to her slip away...It never completely leaving her but she put it in the past and looked to the future...A part of her cold now but nothing would ever change that...Surviving was all that mattered to the young girl...Two days before she was to leave Bari, Vinnie had a heart-attack and died…Going home that night she went into his room and as she was putting away a few of his things she found a letter written to her... "Brianna, my daughter you have been since the day you walked into the shop and picked up a wrench, tuning your first car with me at your side...You have brought me so much joy in the last few months and I want you to move on and let the past go...Sell the shop for it is yours now...I want you to travel, my lawyer has my will and he knows that everything is yours now...I have made a decent amount of money at the shop and it should be enough to see you through life comfortably...Live well Brianna, love again and move on...Your father in this life and the next, Vinnie"... Seeing the lawyer the next day she learned just how much Vinnie had left her and how smart he really was in investing his money...She could live happily for along time to come...Burying Vinnie two days later, she dropped a red rose on his coffin as she stood in the rain, a soft whisper "I loved you Vinnie, like a dad...Rest well"...With that she walked away and stepping from the grave, she walked home for the last time...Packing up everything she owned she sent everything else to the right places, shelters, hospitals, needy families...Vinnie would have wanted it that way... The next day she stopped at the shop and met with the lawyer again...Telling him to sell the shop and letting him know she would be in touch when she could...She asked him to keep doing things as he had while Vinnie was alive...Handing him the keys she took one final look around and as she walked outside she saw Marco leaning against the wall...Stopping dead in her tracks she glared at him..."What do you want ?"...He simply looked at her and nodded as he let a lone tear slip down his cheek..."I’m sorry Brianna, for everything we did and I’m sorry Vinnie is dead...Come home please"...She laughed and pushed him away from the door and got inside..."I told you when I left I would never come back unless it was to spit on your dead bodies...I meant it then and I mean it now...I’m leaving Bari and never coming back...Rot in hell all of you"... His eyes turning cold he looked to her and whispered "We will find you where ever you go and you will come back someday"...With that he walked away and she simply shook her head and walked off... Fear inching in she went to the train station and got one the next train to France...Wanting to go to where her mother was born and raised she felt free finally...In the little town she found the house her mother grew up in and spent three months learning all she could of her...Traveling around the world for four years, Always moving around has its advantages, no ties, and no bonds..No one to answer to or hold her back...Breaking men’s hearts as she traveled, finding it easier then letting anyone in she simply didn’t let herself become attached to anyone...
Finding a man to spend forever with just does not appeal to her..Nor does she think it will ever happen because who besides a major bad ass could tame her, not that she couldn’t be tamed or even held for a certain length of time IF and she means IF it was the right man...Finding herself in a small town on the eve of her twenty-second birthday she was enchanted by the town and the people...Running into Celest changed her life....Showing her a different way, one she was born for, one in which she can be herself and it is accepted without question and if there is a problem well then they can talk to Celest...She finds undead life much better then the one before...Her childhood friend never losing contact came to her one day and she ghouled him because she needed someone around, someone she could trust...Darien never leaving her side, taking care of her in the times when she wants to just be alone...Loyal to the end, fierce and protective of her...He isn’t going to let anyone or anything touch her unless she says so...
Taking a chance with love one time finally, she met and let Chris into her heart...What a mistake, a blood bond...Thinking it was going to last she did these things but fate had another twist for her...Love didn’t work and she lost Chris to another...Could this be the final thing that throws her over the edge ? Could this woman EVER care about anyone or anything again ? Deciding it wasn’t worth it she packed a bag and told Darien she was leaving for awhile...He went with her as he always does in the end...Keeping her safe, making sure she isn’t too reckless when she goes off on one of her frenzies...Keeping in touch with Celest as she travels, a brief stop here and there to feed her hunger, to steal a few items of interest...An interesting gun here and there, a new toy to play with, a broken heat left behind, a string of bodies in alley ways...She traveled for years and years…The world changing around her greatly…
Apon her wanderings once again she found herself in Italy...Wondering what had become of the "brothers" she had left behind...Bari called to her and she wandered the streets she knew as a mortal...The bar coming into view she stood shocked as she saw a familiar man come outside...Michael, her brother...She moved to him with Darien at her side, a fierce look on his face knowing how she felt and what had happened...She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned..."Hello Michael, I see that Angel never left hell..." A quiet smirk formed upon her lips as she looked him over. Not much had changed in his complexion. Yet, something was wrong. No response came from him...A cold, tired blank stare was all that she was met with...A cold black void of nothing filled the space between them as she waited for a response from him. Growing impatient she gently shoved him and waited once more for an answer..."...Can you ever leave the hell that you've created in your life Brianna?..." As he looked her over something struck his eye. She had never changed...not one wrinkle, not one mark of imperfection flawed her body...catching it in his eye, a quiet; dark laugh rung out from her frame..." Michael scared of what he sees?"..Of course, he was. HE had not known what had happened to Brianna that one night oh so long ago...Placing a slender finger upon his crusted lips, she laughed once more before speaking..."Don’t be afraid my Angel, I have not come back to clip your wings....oh, for you see I've come back to help you gain a new set..." With a slight curl of those angelical-devilish...Michael saw and realized what she had meant with those words. A glimpse past her lips and he could see it all...the formation of a set of pearl fangs...yet...he wasn't, on the opposite...he was willing to gain his "new wings" as Brianna had put it...
Leaning in closer to her older brother...she gently whispered her past into his ear...then, in a sudden flash of control, she grasped his neck...his body tightening all over as those angelical fangs sunk deep into his neck...sucking at his a matter of moments...her brother was drained and slumped up against the wall...knowing what she had to do, she slit her wrist just enough to let her own blood trickle down and past his lips...Brushing the hair away from Michael's eyes she watches as he stirred back to life...his body jolting this way and that as he stood up and looked down to her...wiping the excess blood away from his mouth he looked to it, then to his baby sister...gently smirking he whispered to her..."Thanks for the new wings..." she stood up she began to explain everything to what was once her her childe...
A call to Celest as Darien makes the arrangements for the three to return to home..."I’m coming back, I’m bringing a kid and you might want to warn the brat...He knows him"...Ill see you soon...Bri back to normal,the defiant streak back in place, the bond broken...Knowing she has a few new brothers to meet, a few plans to discuss with "mom"... A sadistic smirk, a hint of laughter in those blue eyes as she looks to Darien and whispers "Ready to go back and play ?" All he can think is "Look out, there is another bitch coming home and she isn’t alone"...The home coming not as she expected...Fighting with her new brother every time they are together...Celest acting strange...She wandered onto Cass’s Haven...A plot to take over the town, she told to her and yes she joined the ranks of Cass's crew...Taking her kids with her...Darien and Angel by her side as always...Cass being a "mother" to her, showing her gentleness and oh god even love...She never had a mother, then there was Celest and well showing love wasn’t one of her stronger suits...Cass though showed her those things...Maybe it was just the Torrie blood mixing with her own from the battle with Morgana...Maybe it was having all of Morgana's thoughts and memories intertwined with her own that was confusing her...But then again maybe this was right and normal...
The inner battle still raging, she fights to keep control of herself...Keep that Brujah side intact yet Morgana was strong...While the battle rages on things happened...In a fit of insanity one night she killed Angel…They were having one of their normal fights and it simply happened…She couldn’t let it be known though, it was going to be hard to explain…Going to Cass, she was taken into her arms and told she would always have a place and she would take care of it...She was told to say that Angel simply went away and disappeared…God she even smiled and hugged Cass back when she returned from taking care of things...A gentle side emerging, a tender side to the woman known as Bri ?? Maybe...Cass could work magic they say...So much has changed..The hard-ass woman herself softening slightly..Maybe being respected finally had done wonders..Maybe it was just the simple fact that now she could be herself and not have to worry anymore what anyone thought..She certainly didn’t have to live up to anyone else’s standards anymore but her own and Darriens..Life was definitely changing now...
Cass talked her into going back to learning...Bri fought it at first but then realized that the world was changing and she had to change with it...So back to school she went…Night classes at the local college…She studied a variety of things…Mainly with one professor who caught her eye…Damien Blake…She took all the classes he taught then taking a bold step she walked up to him and asked if he would teach her privately…He agreed and she spend a number months with him…They developed a great working relationship that turned into something more…Darien left at this time to discover his own world…He kept in contact though and would pop in every now and then to see how things were…The relationship between Damien and Bri growing to the point that he trusted her enough to tell her he had cancer and was dying…She thought about it for a very very long time and the night that he ended up in the hospital made her decision for her…Once he was released she went to his home and sat down explaining everything to him about her life style…He had always wondered why she wasn’t out during the daylight hours and he understood now…She offered her life style to him…It would save his life…He came to her a few days later and agreed to it…She embraced him and life became very different for both of them…
They spent even more time traveling to different places…Damien showing her another side to life…The world ever changing around them…They changed with it as hard as it was at times…
Some how they ended up in California..San Bernardino, to find her wayward sire and her grandsire...What a mistake that was..AJ was killed her first night in town..She wanted something done but no one would listen..Struggling to make a name for herself she moved on..Things strange in this new town, this new group of things to adjust to..

Bradbury House

Main Floor

Second Floor


Guest Houses

Brianna's Life

Vital Bri Dates