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Bucky_85210's Poetry Domain

Bucky_85210's Poetry Domain

Hello there!!!  Bucky_85210 here. 

Feel free to drop a note or sign my guestbook.
Last updated: 04/16/07

 Also, be sure to read my "Dancing Naked in the Rain" poems. OK, here we go...

     I am the human puppet.
     Led around by the strings of authority.
     To remove my strings, I would fall on my face.
     No emotion, no happiness,
     Only to be used until no longer needed.

          Copyright 1999


     Relationships are like stain-glass windows.
     The more you work on it, the more
     The sun shines through, the more
     Beautiful it becomes.
     But, one lie, one deception,
     Could be the stone that
     Shatters the entire image.

          Copyright 1999

          "Are We Really Together?"

     The people on Earth are like
     Stars in the universe.
     You seem to think they are so together.
     But, if you travel to one, the others
     Are still many miles away.

          Copyright 1999

          "High School Outcast"

     Earlier on in life,
     I was an outcast,
     Stabbed in the back with a knife,
     How much longer must this last?

     The nerds always fearing the jocks,
     The cheerleaders who couldn't spell,
     And that weird guy who didn't wear socks.
     It was pure hell.

     And the homecoming queen
     Who was always dressed rich.
     Everyone thought she was peachy keen,
     But, to me, she was a real bitch.

     And the fear of being in a fight,
     The tough shall prevail.
     Doesn't matter who's right,
     To the winner, all hail.

     And the teachers somehow seemed worse,
     not a care, whatsoever,
     Except the student nurse,
     Was she mean? Never.

     And all those "friends" who would torment me,
     And they just laugh or shout out with glee.
     Seeing me suffer made them so happy,
     At times, I just wanted to flee.

     And as you are judged by onlookers:
     The hicks, the stoners, the nerds,
     Those wealthy ones, as well as the hookers.
     But, they seem to travel in herds.

     And it just makes me cry
     The way society judges you.
     You have no idea why,
     But what can you do?
          Copyright 1999

          "Lone Figure"
     He is truly alone in the universe.
     He roams the entire galaxy,
     Looking for someone to talk to,
     Someone to be with.

     He has no description,
     For he is a faceless entity,
     Probably not of human character.
     Will he be your doom?

     What do you fear about him?
     The fact that, for once,
     He came out of hiding
     To hopefully find One of heart.

     Can he find one,
     That won't fear him?
     Can he find one,
     That will love him?
          Copyright 1999

          "Am I Many? Am I None?"

     Of all my personas, I had many.
     Of all that still exist, there is hardly any.
     Each one exists within the other.
     As it turns out, they need one another.

     One is barbaric,
     Mean and cruel.
     One is a joker,
     A downright fool.
     One is a gentleman,
     Polite in all ways.
     One is the servant,
     Who carries the trays.

     Each one fights the other,
     But, the powers negate.
     Each one needs the other,
     I guess it's just fate.

          Copyright 1999

          "Can We Erase Hate?"

     Can we erase hate,
     To the point of complete lack?
     Or is it too late?
     It just keeps coming back.

     Nice to think of a world
     Where nothing goes wrong.
     But the image is hurled,
     Is it totally gone?

     People use us, abuse us,
     Neglect us, Disrespect us.
     They play with our feelings,
     Like a banana, pulling back the peelings.

     Keeping in myself, an emotional load.
     You better watch out,
     For when I explode
     Yelling profanities above a shout.

     So, in this world, we can not erase hate.
     Other people do things to make us aggrevate.
     It is a nice thought, 
     But, look at the society we got!
           Copyright 1999


     They do not know us.
     They do not understand us.
     They do not accept us.
     They do not feel for us.
     They do not want us.
     They do not want to know us.
     They do not want to understand us.
     They do not want to accept us.
     They judge us.
     They categorize us.
     They banish us.
     They thrash us.
     They bash us.
     They wish we weren't us.
     They. They. They. They. They. They!
     Who are they?
     Us. Us. Us. Us. Us. Us.
     Who are us?
          Copyright 1999

          "Untitled #1"

     The way I view society is not very pleasant.
     We are repelled and shunned,
     Treated like a common peasant.
     Why am i not stunned?

     At times, I wished I were dead,
     Although, something remains alive.
     It's a wish I often dread,
     A wish since I was five.

     I don't fit in because of my behavior,
     My repulsive looks, My foolish thought,
     Who will be my savior?
     Or who will not?

     Is it you who shall save me?
     Or shall I just be vanished?
     And if you do save me,
     Will I be banished?

     "Stop it", I say,
     With a thin sheet of fear.
     Kneel down and pray
     And hope that the end is near.

          Copyright 1999

          "Will Happiness Last?"

     Is happiness being what you want to be?
     Is happiness having a blast?
     But the question that remains for thee,
     How long will it last?

     Is happiness being in love?
     Symbolized by a certain flying creature,
     A white-crested dove,
     Beautiful in all it's feature.

     Is happiness no longer here?
     Banished from the hearts of all,
     It is something that I always fear,
     Shall be my weakness to make me fall.

     For me, is it no longer in reach?
     Was once within me,
     Sucked out like a leech.
     Now, am I truly free?

     I wish I could understand
     The emotions I lack,
     Erased by other's demand,
     Will I get it back?
     And suppose I do,
     Get it inside.
     What will I go through
     If I open wide?

     Would you still like me without it?
     Often, a thought,
     But, I sincerely doubt it.
     Look at the emotions I got.

     I know the way it may seem,
     Like I'm a heartless jerk.
     It still is a dream,
     That all the emotions lurk.

     Do I want to regain the emotion I lost?
     Did I "drop" it?
     Or was it "tossed"?
     Emotionally, I wish I could stop it.

     But, part of me needs it within,
     To control all the others.
     Now, I ask with a grin,
     Will I lose another?
          Copyright 1999

          "Love and Romance"

     Is the want of love a basic need?
     Do we need it to survive?
     Is it my words you heed?
     Or is it the drive?

     Many questions I have asked to date,
     But, none dealing with love or eternal joy.
     Most of them deal with hate,
     Or topics yet to annoy.

     I never thought love could befall me.
     And yet, it is still yearning.
     I have been taught many things, you see
     And I am still learning.

     There is a lady I wish to meet
     And romantic words I would say.
     But, I would have to travel far to greet
     In a city four thousand miles away.

     But, there is something called Hope,
     Something called Chance.
     So, I won't mope
     At the thing called Romance.

          Copyright 1999

          "The Day My Heart Died"

     I can still remember the day my heart died,
     I was in love with a girl, I say.
     But, it was to me she lied,
     I just accepted it and said okay.

     It took a while for the lie to sink in,
     I can't believe I believed her.
     What was I thinking?
     That was the last time we were together.

     Then, I found someone who wanted to fix me heart.
     And I thought she truly cared about me.
     She punctured my heart like an arrow or dart.
     She didn't really care for me, and me for she.

     I am so tired of having 
          my heart broken all the time.
     I seem to always give love a chance
     Then it turns out the girl is a slime.
     Or she is always trying to get in my pants.

     Hopefully, there is a girl I shall meet,
     Who is everything I am looking for
     And just sweep her off of her feet.
     Or shall that be strike four?

          Copyright 1999

          "Am I a Poet?"

     Is poetry in my blood?
     Coursing through my vein?
     Is my poetry good?
     Or even a little insane?

     From my emotions, I write what I feel,
     Anger, Happiness, Humiliation, or Sadness.
     But, is this the real deal,
     That adds to my madness?

     People say my mind is bent,
     Even though, I follow the norm.
     I write my poetry to vent
     Because I'm writing up a storm.

     I don't care how great I am,
     Of if I am at all.
     You probably see me as a ham,
     Or as some looney bouncing off the wall.
     So, I crawl back in my hole from which I came.
     A burrow, called by some.
     When I come back out, I'll be the same,
     With even more poetry to come.

          Copyright 1999

          "How Shall I Die?"

     Holding a gun in my hand,
     Pointing at my head.
     I'm not going to Disneyland,
     I'm going to be dead.

     Or do I get a sharp projectile?
     Possibly a knife?
     Stab my heart for a while,
     Until it takes my life.

     Or do I make myself suffocate?
     My friends wonder why.
     But, they will be too late,
     Because, I want to die.
     Or do I jump from a great height?
     Seeing the ground below,
     Before I hit, everything turns white,
     The ultimate deadly blow.

     Or am I made to roam the land
     With great emotional strife?
     At times, I get so confused, and
     Want to end my life.

          Copyright 1999

          "Dream Poem #1"

     Dancing near the tombstone,
     I see a spot for me.
     But, in the hole, I see bone,
     A few feet from a tree.

     I lay down inside and look above
     And try to put my mind at ease.
     And see a white-crested dove,
     The symbol of peace.

     But, an ominous figure is tailing
     And attacks and kills the creature of white.
     The dove starts moaning and wailing
     And is now blood-stained and falling in flight.

     I stand to get a better view
     Of all that's transpiring.
     The ominous figure says "You!
     Your time is expiring".

     He was bashing my skull, bashing my brain.
     I was coming apart at the seams.
     But, not even a gigantic crane
     Can control what exists in my dreams.

          Copyright 1999

          "The Power"

     There is a power.
     A power beyond the limits.
     It's enemy is equally as powerful.
     We have all experienced this power.
     It is a power to which you have no control.
     The more you try to control,
     The more it overtakes you.
     I can see the power:
     I fear it,
     I loathe it,
     I want it,
     I miss it.
     It fills the empty void within.
     I try to embrace and hold on,
     But, compared to it,
     I am a mere grain of sand.
     No one knows the origin of the power.
     But, we know exactly what it is.
     We show that we know of it.
     By now, you all should know,
     To what I am referring,
     It must be Love.
          Copyright 1999

          "Real Me vs. Who I am"

     She is in my mind, 
     She is in my head.
     She is so kind,
     "So are you" she said.

     But she knows not the real me,
     For that she can not relate.
     Sometimes I want to flee
     Or tell her before it is too late.

     For no one has seen the real me,
     The real me is scared of life.
     He hides in the back of my skull, you see.
     I wish he didn't have to deal with this strife.

     Should I let the real me shine through?
     Many questions are at stake:
     What about me? What about you?
     Is it safe to be in his wake?

     The real me has caused much destruction,
     Has hurt others to the point I was no longer kind.
     That is why while the real me
          is under construction,
     It's best he stay in the back of my mind.

          Copyright 1999

          "The In-Betweener"

     I negate myself.
     I am not what I am.
     I am the hate, I am the love.
     I am the confusion, I am the clarity.
     I am the black, I am the white.
     I am the point between fantasy and reality.
     I am the fear, I am the bravery.
     I am the sight, I am the blind.
     I am the child, I am the adult.
     I am the point dividing laugh and scream.
     I am the continuity, I am the reverse.
     I view the possibilities, I view the actualities.
     I am the dirty, I am the clean.
     I am the bad, I am the good.
     I am the guilty, I am the innocent.
     I am the killer, I am the hero.
     I am crazy, I am sane.
     I am your destruction, I am your savior.
     I am the strength, I am the weakness.
     I am the inch, I am the lightyear.
     I am the genius, I am the imbecile.
     I am just beginning, because I am already done,
     For I am the In-Betweener.

          Copyright 1999

          "For What It's Worth"

     For what it's worth,
          I am sorry for offending.
          My intentions were good.
     For what it's worth,
          I deeply apologize
          For all the hurt.
     For what it's worth,
          You know I would never
          Intentionally hurt you.
     For what it's worth,
          I enjoyed the time
          We spent together.
     For what it's worth,
          I never wanted
          What we have to end.
     For what it's worth,
          You have put up with me
          And I am hopefully still your friend.
     For what it's worth,
          I am emotionally confused
          About how you feel about me.
     For what it's worth,
          Could you at least
          Give me a sign?
     For what it's worth.
          Copyright 1999

          "Dancing Naked in the Rain" (Part I)

     I stand there,
     Can only stare.
     She is dancing,
     Dancing naked in the rain,
     Holding the only cloth that can cover her.

     She spins around
     And looks up at the sky.

     She was a true vision of beauty.
     She used to dance in the rain,
     All the time, baring everything.

     Now, she is still dancing,
     Dancing naked in the rain,
     Still holding the only cloth that can cover her.
     She still spins around so eloquently,
     And still looks up at her sky.
     Her sky is now different,
     For she has left this dimension.

     I can no longer watch her.
     But, sometimes, just sometimes,
     I can still see her dancing,
     Dancing naked in the rain.
           Copyright 1999

           "Inner Storms"

     The streets were laced with blurry reflections,
     Of what they thought they saw.
     Rain hinders your ability 
     To see what's really there.

     Storms going on inside the mind,
     Confusing what is actually there,
     Clouding the mind with thoughts,
     Which brings a violent storm.
     On an isolated island,
     A man waits for the oncoming storm.
     But he will never experience it,
     For his mind is clear.

     If we clear our minds of all the storms,
     We would see things for what they truly are.
     But, the mind is clouded up:
     Let your skys be clear.

          Copyright 1999

          "Dancing Naked in the Rain" (Part II)

     I thought I saw her today,
     In the distance.
     She's gone.

     Was she even there?
     Why am I seeing her?
     I thought she left this world.
     I thought she left me.

     She and I were survivors.
     It was not our time,
     It was not her time,
     But, she left me.
     But, before she left,
     I saw her as I remember her,
     Dancing naked in the rain.

          Copyright 1999

     Relationships are like candles,
          Only a short time until
          It's blown out
          Or burnt away.
          My candle is never lit.
          I can't create a spark.
          Just one spark is all I need
          To make the candle burn.
          The wax has never dripped,
          My candle has felt no warmth.
          It just stands there by itself,

          Copyright 1999

          "Would It Help to Say I'm Sorry"

     Would it help to say I'm sorry
     For confusing your emotions
     As well as mine?

     Would it help to say 
     That I meant no harm
     In the way I acted?

     Would it help to say
     I wish I knew how to talk to you
     And what would be said?

     Would it help to say
     It's not easy for me
     To express my true feelings?

     Would it help to say
     That night, I felt more uncomfortable
     Than this poem can express?

          Copyright 1999

          "I Remember"

     I remember the first one,
     I remember being lied to.
     I remember the second one,
     I remember being treated like a piece of meat.
     I remember the third one,
     I remember the emptyness.
     I remember the last one,
     I remember the fake care she gave.

     I remember many things about many people,
     I remember facial gestures and body language.
     I remember the insensitivity,
     I remember being blind,
     I remember not seeing it.
     I remember how I hate myself 
          So much for not realizing
          That people can easily take
          Advantage of another one's heart.

          Copyright 1999

          "The Clearing"

     I dream of a time,
     A time lost by clocks and watches.
     A time when I am standing,
     Standing in the middle of a clearing,
     With only a large tree stump
     Which perpendiculates the ground.
     Signs of past visitors,
     Lay strewn on the ground around me. 
     The trees that surround the clearing
     Are old and dying,
     And stretch in ominous ways.
     the sky has turned black,
     And stormclouds gather.
     As the rain engulfs me,
     I can hear the screams,
     Screams of the ghosts
     That seem to haunt the clearing.
     I try to escape the clearing,
     But, the trees won't let me past.
     My clothes have changed to tattered rags,
     And boots of a more medieval time.
     I am trapped here,
     Just awaiting the even more impossible.

          Copyright 2000

          "Happy Poem #1"

     Through the complex passages
     In the labyrinth that is my heart.
     No one has ever found what is truly there.
     Before, people have often tried to manipulate
     What they know they can't change forever.
     But, she accepts me the way I am.
     And the thought of that
     Brings a smile to my face.
     A smile not masked by depression or guilt.
     A true smile,
     One lost in a world long ago,
     The last time I felt comfortable 
     Within one's tender embrace.

     Oh! To have someone to hold me,
     When I need to be held.
     To have someone be with me,
     When I need someone to be there.
     To have someone care for me,
     When I need cared for.

     The pessimist within is worried and scared
     As to what will happen next,
     But, the optomist just blind-folded him.

          Copyright 2000

          "Dancing Naked in the Rain" (Part III)

     I can see her dancing again,
     Spinning around and around,
     With her arms flailing about.

     But, something has changed.
     I don't lust after her
     The way I did
     When I first saw her.

     Now, I see her,
     Not as a woman,
     But as a work of art,
     A functioning, movable work of art.

     She still spins around,
     Totally oblivious to me,
     Like she was the first time
     When I admired her from afar.

     The rain has stopped pouring
     And the surrounding flowers
     Have died and withered away.

     This is the end of the girl,
     The girl who was dancing,
     Dancing naked in the rain.
          Copyright 2000

          "Dream Poem #2"

     I sit at the base of the tree,
     Gentle breezes caress my body.
     I look out as I ponder.
     I look beyond the chainlink fence,
     Pondering what to write.
     I examine the perimeter;
     No way out!
     But, why am I all alone?
     Why is there no one in sight?

     The trees of the distant forest sway harmoniously.
     The grass has never looked greener.
     How did I get here?

     I don't remember how I got here.
     Inside, there are many to talk to,
     But, no one to listen.
     No one even noticed,
     As I stepped outside,
     And sat against the tree.

     I never noticed the sundial,
     In a juxtaposal position,
     Casting a different shadow
     Than what is supposed to be.
     The shadow moves rapidly,
     Confusing time itself.
     I'm lost, I'm alone,
     I'm scared, I don't exist.

          Copyright 2000

     I travel in large groups of one,
     Watching many others
     Walking in herds.
     Gathered together,
     They laugh and joke
     And know each other
     Inside and out.
     Nobody knows me,
     Nobody wants to know me,
     Nobody wants to be
     Close to me whatsoever.
     I am a disease,
     I am a cancer.
     Everyone who was close
     Withered away or died.
     Not died physically,
     But emotionally.
     They changed.
     They all changed.
     And not for the better.
     They all repel me.
     No longer wanting contact,
     No longer wanting me.
     On an alternate plane of existence
     I have many friends, many allies.
     But, I exist on this plane,
     Where I get walked on,
     Used and abused,
     Neglected and disrespected.
     The fakes and the phonies
     Who dupe the unsuspecting
     Are harder to reveal
     As we grow up in an adult world
     Full of people who find it fun to
     Hurt and warp the mind,
     Laugh at being so unkind.
     Who, even the most innocent soul
     Can turn 180 to get what want.
     And what above all else?
     Money? Power? Prosperity?
     No, to see others fall,
     Brings temporary happiness.
     Why does seeing others fall
     Make people so happy?
     A nickname,
     A unique personality trait,
     Any open opportunity
     To make others feel inferior.
     I am inferior.
     Why must it be proven?

          Copyright 2000

          "The Girl"
     Let me meet the girl with originality,
     A sparkling and lovable personality,
     Who knows what to say
     As my mind wanders astray,
     Who knows I will always be there
     Even though it seems I don't care,
     Who can give a warm embrace
     And who can touch my face,
     Who isn't a dull drag
     And doesn't overly brag,
     Who can be generally smart
     And knows the words to "Don't Let's Start",
     Who can be ever so polite
     And set everything just right,
     Who doesn't act, at all, mean
     Who will let me treat her like a queen,
     Who doesn't smoke or drink
     And knows to stop to think,
     Who won't laugh when they see me cry
     And who knows I'm an emotional guy,
     Who won't dress like a sleaze
     And knows how to dress to please,
     Who will truly listen to what I say
     And will speak her mind from day to day,
     Who can be the most giving
     And make everyday worth living,
     Who knows things can be much worse
     And who can help me lift this curse.

          "Random Whim Poem #1"
     I pour half of a goblet of holy water
     Over the train tracks where she died.
     For my own reasons no one would understand.
     I drink half for myself.
     The other half I give to her.
     No one remembers her.
     No one knew her.
     The train never stopped.
     She may have done it on purpose.
     It may have been an accident.
     I will never know.
     Only she knew.
     She knew me and I knew her.
     The world tore us apart.
     We were never meant to be together.
     But someday, we will be.
     The world won't stop me.
     She had no family.

          Copyright 2000

          "Relationship Martyr"

     A Relationship Martyr am I,
     For I have suffered greatly
     From the trials of companionship
     Trying valiantly
     To win the heart of one.
     More recently have I tried 
     Than attempts in the past.
     Putting forth my all.
     Then, I see her.

     I freeze.

     Her beauty strikes me down,
     Blown away by her radiance.
     A radiance uncomparable
     To girls I've tried for in the past.

     She will never know how much
     I am affected just by her presence.
     She will never know
     The amount of pain in my heart.

     I have become a Relationship Martyr.
     But, I will always keep trying,
     For they will possibly never truly know
     Who I am...... Who am I?

          Copyright 2003
          "Athena: An Apology"
     We were much too different
     And we drifted apart
     But, I was the one
     Who broke your heart.

     I was a different person then
     A body forever growing
     I only hope I can set things right
     Without ever truly knowing.

     I have been living with this guilt
     For the past eight years
     And every now and again
     The thought brings me tears.

     This is no way
     An invitation back into my life
     This is just my way 
     Of dealing with the strife.

     Please know that I am truly sorry
     For everything that I have done.
     I treated you so badly.
     I treated you so wrong.

     But, I am a better man
     Which you will never know.
     Here, I say goodbye
     And I will let you go.

     You need not respond to this.
     You need not reply.
     I just wish you the very best
     In Luck, and Love, and Life.

          Copyright 2006

     Deeply searching through my past,
     Digging to find something.
     What am I looking for?
     I don't know.
     Past events are linked together.
     People are linked together.
     It all comes full circle.
     The clues left behind
     Have nothing to do with the present
     But they help tie up the past.
     I'm digging deep
     And few people pop up
     And they disappear
     Into the void
     Where all disappearing people go
     Under the hair
     Under the skin
     Under the bone
     To an abandoned room
     That houses the people in my life
     And it sits in the back of my skull.
     Several of them, buried under floorboards
     Refusing to be found
     Others trying to be found
     And others are lost in the shuffle.

          Copyright 2006

          "Blurry Reflections"

     The streets were laced
     With the blurry reflections
     Of who they thought they were.

     Several of us look
     But we never truly see
     Who we really are.

     The streets are right there
     In front of us, in our face,
     The weather-beaten street.

     I look into the rain-drenched street
     And see me for the first time
     The way I truly am.

     Others never see the reflection
     Or maybe the term I should use
     Is they don't notice the reflection.

     Some go on, thinking their life is normal
     Avoiding what our blurry reflections
     Are really trying to tell us.

          Copyright 2006

          "The Wooded Land"

     There is an opening in the wooded land.
     A beam of light beats down
     On a lonely tree stump.

     The tree stump is highlighted
     By the mysterious shaft of light
     As if beckoning our eyes to see it.

     A small, humble cottage
     Abandoned and ramshakle
     With dust-covered windows.

     It exists in a time
     Before I was born
     Yet, I have been here.

     I know the layout
     I know the rooms
     I can see them vividly.

     I remember standing
     Between the stump and cottage
     But walking away.

     I had to walk away
     From all of it, from everything
     But, I don't remember why.

          Copyright 2007

          "Hazel Eyes"
          Dedicated to: Adria

     Her eyes draw me in.
     I am entranced by them.
     Beautiful hazel eyes.

     It is almost hypnotizing
     When I look into her eyes,
     I can not resist.

     It has been eight years
     Since I looked into those eyes
     Still as mesmerizing as before.

     Those magnificent eyes
     That melt my heart
     Into a little puddle.

     I become jelly in her hands,
     Under her control
     With those powerful hazel eyes.

     I can't help but stare
     Into those hazel eyes,
     The windows to her soul.

     They shine on,
     Amplifying her beauty
     She is perfect.

           Copyright 2007

          "Valley of Nightmares"

     An old ex
     At my work
     Reminding me who I was.

     Relationship doubt
     Are we together
     For the right reasons?

     I died
     Falling from a great height
     But did I jump?

     In a dark, anonymous room
     But how do I get out?

     By the very things
     I do not understand.

     I a barren wasteland
     But am I really lost?

     As I stand amid the chaos
     Of a happy celebration.

     As I hang from the rafters
     But why am I not dying?

          Copyright 2007

          "Time is Broken"

     I am not of this timeline.
     Time intersected with time
     And so here I am.

     Einstein was right.
     The whole, wide world
     And time itself, changed.

     I don't belong here
     But trapped as I am
     I struggle to adapt.

     How do you tell someone
     That you came from far away,
     A whole different timeline?

     But, can time be repaired?
     Can I go back to a time
     Where I truly belong?

     I must find a way
     There must be balance
     And I am here to restore it.

     I get to see everything,
     The Grand Tour of Time,
     In all it's full glory.

           Copyright 2007

          "Universe Flyer"

     I roam the universe
     Trying to find a connection
     Between nothing I canm define
     And that which I have seen.

     Infinite space waits for me
     As I sail through it
     Entering myriad vortexes
     From one end to the other.

     Seeing the stars fly by
     As I enter the planet's atmosphere
     A small, blue-green planet
     My host calls it: Earth.

     There, I inhibite the body of a mortal
     And he knows not my intentions
     But knows that he is my human host
     As I study through him.

     As my host sleeps, I fly.
     Seeing the world all at once
     From the summit of the highest mountain
     To the bottom of all the oceans.

     I return to him before he wakes
     Erasing all my traces,
     Ready to leave him at any second
     But where will I go?

          Copyright 2007

          "The Gathering of Confessions"

     Four people waiting in a forgotten diner
     Out on the interstate at midnight
     The fifth person arrives at last
     "Now we can begin" one says.
     Words are exchanged, secrets revealed.
     True emotions come to form.
     Love has been lost this night.
     True words come out.
     The others understand the confession of one.
     Words expressed not soon forgotten
     But now there is no Fear.
     Just a sad, emptying of emotions.
     And they all leave, knowing this day
     Would be a day that will make them
     Stronger and Wiser.

          Copyright 2007

          "Relationship Martyr" (Part 2)

     I tried once more
     To get close to another
     But the emotions died down
     And love refused me.

     One must be happy
     On an emotional plane
     Above all else
     But, love refused me.

     Refusing conformity
     To be what I really am
     Which no woman understands
     Because love refused me.

     The hurt is getting less painful
     Remembering those long ago.
     With them, nothing seemed to work.
     Always, love refused me.

     Doubt implants inside me
     With each disturbing fact
     That reveals itself
     And so, love refused me.

     I see a flowing pattern
     As clear as day
     And so now I truly know
     Love will always refuse me.

          Copyright 2007

          "New Life"
     Buried deep beneath the ocean
     My casket lies in a giant bubble,
     A large mahogany casket.

     But the bubble has burst
     And my body begins to rise,
     My lifeless, limp body.

     I make it to the surface and touch air
     New life is breathed into me,
     Breathed in exponentially.

     More powerful than before
     I make my way to the shoreline,
     A shoreline void of people.

     I have been here before
     But don't remember how or why,
     I only remember when.

     But the world has changed
     And not for the better,
     On the decline of a civilization.

     I confront the scientists
     And try to get some answers,
     Solid answers to my questions.

     They performed hundreds of tests
     And only came up with one possible answer:
     God sneezed.

          Copyright 2007

          "Last Minutes"

     My body is paralyzed
     But they think I am dead.
     They drop me in the water
     And I see the water's surface
     Getting further and further away.
     Soon, I can not see daylight.
     It's so dark that I can't see
     The things passing in front of my face.
     I can't move or hear anything
     But I know my eyes are open.
     They were open when they dropped me.
     I see something shiny in the water.
     It must have come off when they dropped me.
     I think it was a necklace, maybe.
     Water is getting in my lungs now.
     I think I am going to die soon.
     Everything is starting to turn white.
     If I was a praying man, I'd pray now.
     But, I know it would do no good.
     Blood is emerging from my mouth.
     I think I am dead now.
     I can relax.
          Copyright 2007

     I looked to the sky
     And saw a small opening,
     Access to another world,
     A rift, a nexus.

     I try to reach it,
     So far away it seems
     But I must find out
     What's on the other side.

     So, I climb the highest cliff
     And I fall toward it, exponentially.
     The opening quickly approaching,
     I must be ready to react.

     I grab the opening
     And I rip it open,
     Exposing a new world,
     Ready to be explored.

     I look back at my world,
     One last, disgusted look
     As I turn my attention
     To the world that awaits me.

     As I jump in, excitedly,
     The rift begins to close
     And I realize one thing,
     I'm in a better place.

          Copyright 2007

          "When It's Over"
          By: Bucky
     Words were spoken
     Actions performed
     That would devalue
     Everything I know about myself.

     Together again
     Ever so briefly
     For a romantic encounter
     That would last in my memories forever.

     But, when its over, all truly over,
     There will be a lot of yelling,
     A gunshot will be heard
     Along with the shattering of glass.

     One will be injured
     And the other will walk away,
     Laughing at everything.
     But, it won't be me.

          Copyright 2007

          "The Five Survivors"

     The dust settled around the survivors
     They stood up and looked to the sky.
     It took a few minutes
     For everything to sink in.

     Five of them were gathered
     But they don't know why
     So they look around for clues,
     To help them know the situation.

     They feel a strange connection,
     A bond with each other
     That con not be explained
     For they have never met.

     But, a familiar feeling exists
     They don't know what just happened,
     Each stare at the other
     Almost as if protecting one another.

     Looking skyward once more
     Not realizing before them
     Lay another mysterious sight:
     Twenty dead bodies & an engimatic flash of light.

          Copyright 2007

          "The Dark Side of Relationship 5"

     We erased each other
     From our own lives.
     Starting off friends to lovers,
     Then strangers to enemies.

     It happened by accident,
     We fell in love too quickly
     And we failed to see
     What was really there.

     A mistake on our parts
     But sad events did happen
     And we can't redeem ourselves
     In each other's eyes.

     We will always see each other
     The way when we were together
     At our worst, and at our best
     And it hurts to remember.

     I know it's sad to say
     That it will be easy to forget,
     But that is the truth, and that
     Is the dark side of Relationship 5.

          Copyright 2007

          "Life Purpose"

     The reason I am still here
     The reason I am still alive
     I have not served my life purpose,
     Whatever that may be.

     I have altered many lives,
     Some for the better,
     Some for the worse,
     Maybe I'm supposed to save lives.

     I enjoy watching movies
     Maybe I'm supposed to make a movie,
     One that will make society
     See the way it really is.

     I like writing these words
     People say I use powerful words.
     Maybe I'm supposed to write
     A message for the world to read.

     We are all here for a purpose:
     Firemen and cops save lives,
     Actors keep us entertained,
     And farmers give us food.

     But why am I still here?
     What does Life want me to do?
     Has Life given me any clues?
     My only clue is that I am still here.

          Copyright 2007

          "My Fictional Past?"

     The questions were asked
     All involving my past.
     Questions I couldn't answer
     At least, not at this time.

     Parts of my past
     I will never know,
     Don't know what is real
     And what I have created.

     Parts were created by accident
     Other parts really happened.
     Then, there are the rest
     Which ride the dividing line.

     I have visited places
     Which triggered a memory or two.
     Memories that never happened
     But, I don't know for sure.

     People I have never met
     Say they remember me
     And I just look at them,
     Wondering how that can be.

     I'm still trying to sort
     All the little details
     And find out what really happened
     In the span of my lifetime.

          Copyright 2007

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