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April 27th 2002 Housewarming/ Fundraiser Party Website

April 27th turned out to be a huge sucessful event! We were able to raise the funds needed for Dan's Marathon Run for Leukemia in California. Myself (Makoto), Mike, Dan and Josh would like to thank everyone who came out and donated to a great cause! We hope that everyone had a great time and we hope for many repeat nights like that one! For all those who didn't make it, well yo lame asses missed out on one huge night. Maybe next time...if we invite you! haha... We would like to thank every DJ who showed off their talents to entertain the crowds that danced throughout the night...

Eric Eiss for his massive three hour marathon set to start off the night at the 1616 north damen loft!

Thank to The Man in the Corner - Steve Prior for getting the party started at the AAA FenCE FaCTorY!

Thanks to Dom D. for his hard slammin' set that kept the party movin'!

Thanks to Diesel, who made the trip all the way from Milwaukee to show how things are done there!

Special thanks to Devo and Chris Gin. These Chicago-greats took the time to come out and rock the place from 3am to the wee morning hours!

Till Next time......

Related Websites

Photo Album - updated NEW PICS! (5/19/02)
Evite link

E-mail: Email yo love to us here!

Thank you for everyone who made the party! Please come back and visit again!

Don't forget to hit your refresh button when you come back, cause I am always updating this website! (I know I need to figure how to automatically update when you return...just give me a sec here...)