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Mushroom World

Kept in the dark and fed on shit...

Biography---- Photos - My Favourite Things---- Poetry ---- Tribute To Layne Staley 1967-2002 --- Links

---- "Journals" - A Note on Decency ---- The State of Rock Music Today ---- The Goth Debate

Welcome To Mushroom World
Feel free to peruse at your leisure.

Thought of the Week (19-26/10/03): People who say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, are those that cannot wield it.


'Thirteenth Step' is out now. The first single, 'Weak and Powerless', can be heard here:
Windows Media High: http://www2.fanscape.com/apc/redirects/apc_weak_hi.asp
Windows Media Low: http://www2.fanscape.com/apc/redirects/apc_weak_lo.asp
Real Player: http://www2.fanscape.com/apc/redirects/apc_weak_real.asp

The video for Weak and Powerless is available here, powered by Launch.com: http://www2.fanscape.com/apc/redirects/weak_launch.asp

Don't forget to spread the word. We have arrived at the Thirteeth Step...

The Archive (old updates)

1st November
And so October is over, and the cold grey of November is upon us. And as we enter this cold grey month, a cold grey war is being raged on this very site.

WHY oh why do I suddenly with no warning whatsoever have adverts for things that I don't even know about, never mind endorse appearing as banners on my site?? I DEMAND JUSTICE!!!!

Apparently they're even advertising viagra or something on one of the pages :S!

Updates soon. I always say that...

Mushroom Girl
PS- I've added an A Perfect Circle newsring link to the bottom of the page, and on this soon will be the Director's Cut of the Weak and Powerless video. This newsring is the ONLY place you can catch it, so take a look.

I've also added a couple of things to the recommended stuff in the Biography. Expect more soon. MG xXx.

19th October
Ah, October. My favourite of all months. There's something special about October, you can smell it in the air. It's not hot, it's not too cold. The sun is a beautiful golden haze. It's your last chance of relishing sunlight before winter sets in. In short, I love it.

Not much is happening again, or, more accurately, still. However, I have had an idea or two for things to put on here, and will be sorting those out very soon. In the meantime, why not check out the new A Perfect Circle material, using the links I've posted above?? Believe me, you NEED to hear this album. It's not a want, it's a need.

Until then,

Mushroom Girl

PS - There seems to be a naff search bar thing at the bottom of the page, I don't know why it's there as it's nothing to do with me. Maybe it's angelfire. It would have been nice to have been told....

UPDATE: ARGH! Advertising has taken over!! Why? I know not. Don't support them! REBEL!!

1st September
And so, we are ever onward into another month, ever drawing nearer to the winter and new year once again.
Unfortunately, I have nothing much to report. I will definately be updating soon with some new material, but what with starting school again and all that malarky (a feeble excuse, I know) things just haven't been getting done around here.

Anyway, as ever, Be Patient.

Mushroom Girl

PS - I know for a fact that people have been visiting here and not signing the guestbook! Shame on thee!! SHAME! I cast thee into the abyss to rot with the Maggot Lord of Quoth!! Oh, for shame, for shame...

14th July
It's been another long while since I did some work on the site. Things have been a bit frantic lately, but now my exams are OVER and I've got the whole summer to lounge around.... I mean, do some work.
Saying that, I'm a bit lost as to what to do. I've slimmed down the poetry and bio sections as of late, but there have been no new sections for quite a considerable while.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to contact me either via the guestbook or e-mail (imsotiredicantsleep@antisocial.com).

For now, Be Patient. I know I say it a lot, but you won't need to be patient for quite as long this time :)

Mushroom Girl

If you see anything in Mushroom World that you believe to hold the copyright for, can prove it and are really quite quite displeased, then please e-mail me at imsotiredicantsleep@antisocial.com and I'll gladly remove the offending material as fast as it's possible for a mushroom to type. Damn these fungus fingers...