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=News Archive=

Tuesday / April 02 / 2002 - 8:14 PM

Well, unlike all my friends, I am still working hard to bring you, my loyal followers, elite new content. Today's tip of the day: how to get a free copy of MS-Paint: the best program ever. Step one: push start buton. Step too: hit the "RUN" button. Step three, type MSPAINT in the box and hit enter. and there you go, stupid. You have it for free, remember you heard it at the DUNJIN first. And not only that but perhaps my biggest announcement ever, is the debut of Dr. Large Font . This brilliant comic, designed by yours truely, me. It's finnaly here, I've added three strips to begin with,and shall add more when I feel like it. I know it's nothing you haven't seen before but hey hey hey thats ok it's still originial content just from me. Your hit lead source for free online internet content. Have we got content? Yes, yes we do. Come back soon, and don't forget: I love you!

Monday / March 25 / 2002 - 4:21 PM

Damn. Ha. I can't wait for this semester end. The heat is on... if I can get through this I'm free to do whatever I want with the rest of my days. I hope I have the discipline to focus and get done what needs to be done. I've never let myself down before though, and I'm not about to mess this up either. Growl. Go get'em, tiger. Uhh. *blinks* It's been 5 days since my last "update". And I don't have any content yet. My promises have gone unfufilled, my viewing audience: unsatisfied. But I can't be stopped. As soon as I have free time, and it occcurs to me to update, I'll do just that. So nya. Blah. I love you. Hasta la vega.

Wednesday / March 20 / 2002 - 2:24 PM

Hi kids... whats up. Mom left like yesterday for florida she isn't comin back til next wednesday. I'm kinda stressed from school but not too bad. i went to the mall today. ok i am gonna add a cool new shockwave™ intro soon so stay tuned... and i'd link to my girlfriends web page but i cant remember the URL. oops. at least i'm still updating right? haha peace

Monday / March 11 / 2002 - 6:29 PM

What up, all of my nillaz and dawlz... everyone say, "you never update." but yo, I'm updating today and thats only a week since my last. That's not so bad. That gurl who runs the Dinkelo Lair takes longer between updates then that. Yeah yeah I know i dont have much content yet well I'm busy with things. Like games, and sleep. Don't worry when I get half a chance I'll hook u up with some l33t crap. This weekend I plan to go to my nilla Dereck's house (hi dereck!) and play some Halo with the CLAN! Neverghosts all the way. It'll be some good practice, maybe we can do some deathmatch online. Cuz sometime soon they are having a Halo tournement at that silly cyber cafe where Sara had her art show. 16 player deathmatch will be insane. Check the links section to see the Neverghosts clan site, Dereck better at websites then me, and most people. My deal is tho, I really dont care how complicated or flashy as long as it requires minimum effort on my part. And minimum effort, this has. Fun. Also I checkd out Carla's site, before whenever I clicekd the link to it, it had pictures of some dude from india... wtf? her site was ok but a rather creepy, tho mine is certainly no better. Let me give some shout out, to my crackuz: Hollybear, Maelstrom, Ne0Phaze, BioSlayer, Deception, Scarlet, UnderHero, Hatemachine, Hoosier Daddy, Sir Martin, and cow pop. (manoor means cow pop) ok kidz i'll be adding pics and content soon, so check back often, and hold your respective breaths.

Sunday / March 03 / 2002 - 2:52 AM

Wow, my exciting web site is up and running. And and enticed Sara into flaming my Guestbook, lol ^.~ So anyway... mommy and daddy went away for the weekend which gave me control of the home area. I just got back from a hardcore show. Great fun, we got their halfway through the bands, and saw 1000 Yard Stare and Haterape... not bad at all. It was at a stinky little biker-bar roadhouse in East Greenbush. (!?) Their were lots of hicks but a few cool people. I went with Dan and Christie. It was cool. Cooler then you, anyway. Afterwards we stopped at the thruway stop on the way home and the guys at Roy Rogers gave us freeeee food. All we can eat. Anyway, the novelty of having my own little corner of the wild wild cybernet to control has not yet worn off, so expect updates. come every day. i mean it. peace.

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