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About This Fag
I’ve finally put my face to the site, so I guess it’s only natural I’ll let you all in about myself.

Born in December 1979 and raised entirely in Singapore, I’ve been called many names (some of which are regrettably unprintable), but nowadays, I go by the moniker Zal.
Formerly a student of the entire “Temasek” family, which ironically, isn’t affiliated in any way, I’ll soon be pursuing my Bachelors in Business Management at the Singapore Management University.

The reason why I’m here - I’d love to say to spread warmth, joy and happiness, but sadly (or rather gladly), it isn’t so. I got into this web building and journal thingy basically out of boredom, ever since I completed by National Service obligations with HQ 2PDF in the Singapore Armed Forces.

Family, consisting of –
My 45-year-old Dad, current sole breadwinner in the family, otherwise known as “My Bank”. F & B supervisor at the Police Academy. Known for his quick temper and strictness but has never laid his hand on anyone in the family. A truly admirable figure, dad puts high hopes on me to do well and eventually take care of the family some day.

Middle sister – 15 this year, mildly intellectually disabled and usually the target of my erratic temper, physical battering and verbal abuse. The soft side of me will somehow enable me to understand and pity her “predicament”, if you may call it that. I just wish I could see her the way I did when I was 8, an adorable younger sister.

Youngest sister – 5-year-old, perhaps the reason why I can still keep my sanity when I’m at home. Perpetually talking, if not asking questions, non-stop, she’s pretty much like my mom and me in terms of character. Dunno why, but I see good things ahead of her.

Uncle – Single and gay, been living with us for close to a year now. Has been mistaken to be my cousin at times, something that I’m still puzzled by. Currently seeing his divorced ex-colleague. The bitch. Heh.

The Help – Endearingly termed “Third Party” by my dad, she’s been with us for close to six years. Though not an excellent cook, she’s amazed me with her ability to maneuver laundry-laden bamboo poles with the occasional single hand. Has been youngest sister’s motherly companion since…

My mom’s passing due to advanced lung cancer on 4th February 2001. Only 43 at that time, my mom was my constant companion, someone who’d listened to my whines about school and dad. Ever so reliable to hand me that extra pocket money, her premature demise deeply affected me in every way possible.

The immense depression and gloom that had befallen me changed my opinions and view of life ever since. Nowadays, I see her as my source of inspiration. I’ve grown to slowly accept her physical absence, but I know she’ll live forever in my heart, mind and soul.


Often enough, these few guys and gals are occasionally, if not, constantly mentioned in my journal.

Thomas – Ex-school mate from my days in Temasek Polytechnic, I became close friends with him during BMT and ever since then, has been my companion (not that though) in my times of gloom and happiness. Currently in Switzerland doing his Degree in Hospitality Management.

Faisal – Matriarch figure of our group, this mean bitch is known for his constant drooling over Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Knew him back in Clementi Camp, where at one point I stopped talking to him for close to six months (for a rather silly reason). One of my best friends and a wise one at that, he’s currently working for a German designer label with ex-colleague Tracy, a delightfully young at heart former Singapore Girl, who used to shuttle between Singapore and Madrid as a buyer. She’s the unofficial mother during our regular movie outings.

Shafiq – Diva-esque in everyway, Fiq, as he is often called, is another one of my good pals from camp. Sydney/Melbourne bound next year to study Journalism, he is eternally faithful to straight ex-campmate, Blsm (His remaining nameless is just a formality. He knows la!). Constant source of amusement with his exaggerated walks and drag queen impersonations.

Deyi – Fiq’s ex-school mate from college. Architecture student cum web building whiz, he’s the person who got me joining the on-line journal bandwagon. Delightful, yet depressive at times, but ever reliable listening ear. And yeah, impossibly high cheek bones. Bitch.

Furqan – Fashion extraordinaire, enviously nicknamed “David Sparkle” after uncanny resemblance to Malaysian seventies pop icon. Spontaneous, vivacious, and all-round socialite, Furqan deserves utmost respect for staying level-headed in the viciously bitchy fashion industry. I am eternally grateful to him for the media discounts and free entries to Zouk and Velvet. One of the few of us who’s attached, to a lovely young boy named Edwin, for four years.

Alan – Impossibly bimbotic and feminine armourer, but he ain’t no dumb blonde. A walking beauty tip dispenser, Alan had me thinking he’d be a Sarong Party Girl, before he eventually dumped the idea to pursue sweaty army boys. Entertains himself by dancing the Para-Para dance at arcades. Kidding la.

Rachel - Deyi’s and Fiq’s school mate in college, now Arts student in NUS. The only other girl who’d be hanging out with us, be it for coffee or Zouk. I used to think of her as someone cold and aloof. But not any more. She’s a nice girl actually.

Swee Poh – Straight ‘A’s student, Swee Poh was Faisal’s understudy back in camp. His sexually ambiguous countenance and physique would put any pre-pubescent butch wannabe to shame. Has men falling all over him, but mysteriously seeing a particular never-before-seen ex-school mate known to us as “Beemer”.

Inon – The only other one being attached, Inon is as gay as anyone can get really. Has been with a darling of a guy, Ken, for close to a year. Constantly surprises me with his down-to-earth personality amidst his lavish Tai-Tai demeanour.

I’d love to mention everyone but really, I think I’d rather talk about him or her whenever they’re mentioned in my journal.


As dark as the site may appear, I am not that particularly gloomy. Instead, I find great joy in these:-

Chilling out over coffee – Usually at Starbucks, Cartel or Coffee Club.
Retail Therapy
Clubbing – Can be seen getting high at either Zouk or Velvet on Mambo nites, Fridays or Saturdays, and sometimes Centro on Sunday nights

Movies I Love

Leon The Professional
The Crow
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Pretty Woman
The Others
Nang Nak

My Music Marvels

Kylie Minogue
Macy Gray
Zero 7
Skunk Anansie
Anything chill out
Anything spinning at Velvet


Other Links

Sarina @ Kate Jones @ Web Goddess
Lauretta "Mak Kay Poh"


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