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Blinkie Heaven
Inside this box I will write stuff. Read on if you want.

I added a Anti-Clique Clique to my clique page, for blogs and personal cliques. -7/13/02 (6:17 PM EDT)
Wow i updated alot! I added a whole bunch of clique links and stuff. This is really fun!-7/9/02 (6:29 PM EDT)
I made an Anti-Britney Clique for my clique page!!! O you know you wanna join!-7/9/02 (1:40 AM EDT)
Today I just added a whole bunch of cool stuff to my site including:
1. Mailing list
2. Free-For-All Links
3. Customized blinkies form
Please sign up for the maling list!-7/7/02 (5:13 PM EDT) I'm moving on the 22nd!!! o yeah yesterday i went to the beach and go SO} many pixestix. i love pixestix. yum yum flavored sugar! and there is more than one way to have a pixetik....
1.pour into mouth.
2. pour into hand and sniff.
3.pour into hand and lick.
and so on...-8/3/02 (4:26 PM EDT)
Greg is over now I'm onto can REALLY make money...there's a link below. HI NICK! nick you besta be reading this if you are then tell me...just say ROF ROF ROF yay! (for the slow people rof mean rollin on floor)-8/1/02 (11:43 PM EDT)
I met Greg at the movies. All the people who went there were: Greg, David, Dorothy, Jennifer, Christina, Brittany, Jackylin and Justin. Then I decided I didn't really like Greg, but Jackylin did, so I set them up. Jackylin keep thinking I liked him even though I didn't it was hectic. Well at least it's over now and there are more confusing thinmgs to worry about. -7/29/02 (11:11 AM EDT)
I've found out that on Sunday I'm going with Greg, Dorothy and David to the movies, a double with a guy I've never seen before AND an ugly fag with a girlfriend.....-7/26/02 (2:54 PM EDT)
I can't wait to meet Greg on our blind exciting. Today is my brother's birthday we went to Jillian's-7/24/02 (11:48 PM EDT)
I made lots of blinkies today.and....DOROTHY GOES OUT WITH DAVID!!!-7/23/02 (4:31 PM EDT)
Today Dorothy is at my house. Today I have dive practice. Today I updated my site. Today I will make blinkies. Today i will take a shower (DUH). Today I will go online some more (DUH). Fun fun fun. I will talk my friends, hang out with other friends at the pool, call ppl on my sister's cell phone that she lent me, and TALK TALK TALK.-7/22/02 (5:03 PM EDT)
I copied my Animation Shop onto a cd, and then i put opened it on my other computer. Then I moved Animation under accessories, and now i don't need the cd on this computer to make blinkies. So yay!...I can make blinkies and update my computer on the same computer without running and finding and getting the cd!!! YAY!!!!!!-7/21/02 (12:35 PM EDT)
Hey I'm searching the internet to find blinkie icons and stuff like that, if you know of any contact me. in case you're dumb or blind, my email is (there's a 'contact me' link on the menu) ok now bye bye-7/20/02 (1:46 PM EDT)
NEW LAYOUT! isn't it awesome? there's a link to the place i got it on the menu thingy...good luck....- 7/18/02 (12:04 AM EDT)
Today I wanna have bonding time with a friend...we can do manicures and pedicures and stuff. Too bad Marissa's at her aunt's house for the weekend. When she gets back she has to sleepover. Too bad Jennifer hates me. Too bad Dorothy.....I guess I can try with dorothy. But I don't like her nails...but they'll be easier to paint..who knows? We'll see. I'll see if you can come at...2:00PM.-7/13/02 (10:47 AM EDT)
My computer is alive again! I can connect! I'm saved! I'm so happy. Actually, no I'm not but that's something else.-7/12/02 (6:54 PM EDT)
The computer I'm typing this on is on AOL but my other computer connects to something else and i can't go online on that computer but that computer's the one with all my blinkies on it (cuz it's the one with the animation shop thing!!!-7/12/02 (11:58 AM EDT)
My Animation Shop is downloaded and it's only a Try N Buy so it lasts 30 days and after that my mom might buy it for me. How exciting! Now I'm gonna make blinkies for my blinkie page (the blinky below in a link)-7/10/02 (8:18 PM EDT)
I like blinkies. I have some on my computer that i can't use and some i can't make yet because my animation shop is not downloaded yet. Also, today is the day I made this page. Almost every day I will try to add cool stuff and make more blinkies. I can also make customized blinkies. This site will soon be full of blinkies and other cool stuff.-7/09/02 (9:31 PM EDT)
Go here you can really get money...every time you refer someone you can get $50 it's SO cool alotta people have already made money from it!

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Well I hope you like my page! My diary might not be exciting, but you can go to the blinkies page, the animations page, or my friend's pages. Email me if you want me to add a link to your page on my site! Oh yeah, please sign the guestbook on the right!

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About me:I am 1/4 alternative, 1/4 rap, 1/4 blonde, 1/4 crazy psycho bunny. Need you know more? Too bad.
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Right Now

time: 06:17 pm
feeling : bored
thinking: I'm bored
wearing: clothes
eating: butterscotch pudding
drinking: Diet Coke
watching: nothing
listening: 'Thoughtless' By Korn

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My Quilting Bee Quilt
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