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my friend rachel and i were bored the other day in study period (it was too hot to work, and that study room smells so bad sometimes you can't concentrate) so we decided to make a list of the qualities a perfect guy would have... here's what we came up with....
p.s/ my friend and i are firm Christians, which is why our perfect guy would have to be a Christian too, so please don't be offended by that or anything else in our list... remember, it's OUR list...

• is taller than you
• has good hair
• has a good sense of humour
• is romantic
• is sensitive
• is honest
• is humble
• treats his mum well
• is intelligent
• isn't a flirt with other girls
• is loyal
• is compassionate
• is a Christian
• doesn't smoke/drink etc.
• isn't mean to kids
• isn't mean to animals
• will massage your feet often :)
• is supportive
• will buy chocolate frequently
• is a good worker/not lazy
• will tell you you're beautiful & mean it
• has a genuine smile
• is responsible
• is mature
• understands your personal needs
• can apologise
• will say 'i love you' first

..... and most of all, HE DOESN'T EXIST!!! ah well, we can dream... : )

p.s/ i have found my perfect guy!!! he's everything on that list, and more... Tarran, babe, i love you!!!