Everything is possible in fairyland!

Well i'm not sure what to write here but cheers for visiting my interesting yet boring website, this is like my millionth attempt to make a website, I just cant seem to keep them going! I will try hard to keep this one!

Okay.....hmmmmm about me??? Well I am Laura, the fairy princess! I live in a huge candy castle in fairyland where I am the princess there; only nice people live in fairyland all the evil people are tormented my umpa-lumpas!

The fairies worship me but I don’t make them grovel because that’s evil! They fly around the world secretly and when you wish for something they come help you!

Not many people can see fairies but you can see me because I am a human fairy, I am the only living human fairy...this is why I am the fairy princess, when the stork dropped me off my mummy and daddy discovered I was a fairy and had been taken to the wrong home, I hadn’t grown any wings thus me being a fairy human, most days I live in fairyland but when I’m not in fairyland I am with my mom and dad in sunny old Droitwich! There is not much to do here its full of townies and drug addicts!

I live in a nice house with my parents, my sister Emma, and my cute lil dog named Benson also known as beef as he is a big fat Labrador that looks like a cow!

I go to Droitwich high which is full of inbreeds (*my friends and I are NOT inbreds!) its got to be the crapest school in history situated by a real rough council estate known as the Westlands which is where most of the inbreds are from!

My bestest of best mates is Manda we used to live in the same road but unfortunately she moved away but we still meet up and both of us are completely sane! Other good mates of mine are Nicky, tom, Louie, Kate, Jennie, Emma, Kayleigh and Hollie.

As there is not much to do in Droitwich I spend most my time playing with Barbie’s, and who ever the person pranking my phone is with a talking Barbie which says 'hi I’m Barbie lets play!' beware if I find the talking Barbie I may be forced to steal it! I have a ken doll too who often watches animal porn and has a mad affair with Goth Barbie.

Well as you can see i've managed to keep up with this site so far…….if you have any ideas for me or would like to have your own page just email me. Take care. Love Laura x x

OtHeR pAgEs

Stuff you dont want to know about me!
pics of me and my mates
just names of my friends
cool poems i like!
links 2 cool sites
View my old guest book!
random thoughts
werthers and original...the giraffe tales
dumb american laws
debbie is a bitch campaign
america photos!
skool photos!

Email: fairyprincess1407@hotmail.com