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Okay so why the hell an I doing this? for the simple purpose of practicing mt HTML a bit and of course to glorify my fiance who I love above and beyond all else and who will probably kill me for putting this pictire of him in as a background image

well I suppose if I'm putting a picture of him as my background I better put at least one picture of myself on here as well because otherwise he'll kill have to promise to be nice though, cause I already do now how ugly I am so please at least be polite...or I may have to sick my very large very over protective finace on you! so here I am....

so there I am...standing here for all the world to see...

click here to see my fiance's art website!! okay so I'm really easily amuzed late at night which is what it is right now cause I'm waiting for it to be 1 am my time so I can call my fiance so I take these damn quizes then put the results up here so Wes will get fed up with me bugging him and take them here ya go..take them Wes! now damnit!

You are 80% evil! [?]
Well, evil is your one and only name! You're 80%! That's pretty darn bad! You've just got a bit of good in you, but that's alright. A little good never hurt anyone, right?

Which Kiss are You?
Which Kiss Are You?

Which Kiss are You?
Which Kiss Are You?

Find your emotion!

Who are YOU most like?

How Gay Are YOU?

What Seven Deadly Sin Are YOU? [?]

You're LUST! Sex, sex, sex! It's all you think about! You're not opposed to having more than one boy/girlfriend, and you're very flirtatious. You're represented by the color blue.