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Shout Outs'n'Shit


This is Adam and his perfect teeth. He's laughing because he's stoned.
This is me with my tongue rings.
This tis Krysta.
Me again.
Here's Adam being extremely dramatic. Hes stoned and I dont think he knows what hes talking about
Me with my knife
Ian upside down
This is my buddy James. He always seems to pinch me.. lol
You have NO idea how high jeff is
Jeff is taking a h00t from my baby..
This is my glass homemade bong.. and his name is
Me on Halloween 2002.. I'mma thug.
While at the school, James decides he wants to hotbox the field. Good job James!
James smoking a joint with a chocolate blunt wrap, weeo.
this is james again! he's smoking a blunt!
jeff is in the tree by the highschool.. dont fall !
ben smoking a chocolate blunt!
here's me with my buddy jeff... ssssssssstoned.

"Through unlit passages I walk hand in hand with grace who was once despair. Sickly white fluids flow beneath my feet. I hear the sounds of tragedy. Cities have died tonight as I move deeper within this crevice. I witness bodies together writhing on the floor. And all that was has gone. The daylight shattered and the night reconciles me to thought that I once banished but now cherish. And I float in unending ecstacy and all that civilization represents is squirming beneath my feet. I am the blackest light that radiates throughout this realm. And divinity comes alive and whispers to me that civilization was the true filth. I am the paradigm of a denizen who has embraced his shame. I spit at mans concepts that he created to enslave his own kind. And a culture of blame has been washed away. I chose the Baphomet and I was chosen by the only god that has ever been. I sin with a divinity worth more than a good man's virtue wrapped around him like binds. And your repulsion is but an impotent for of jealousy."- Fredrick Neitzsche.
