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Welcome to my Playroom!!~~ In the Playroom , you'll be subjected to loads of stuff which always brightens my day and hopefully brightens yours as well.

I promised some new stuff , well here it is . I have added a fanart section in which i displayed some art that was drawn by me and Lola , my internet friend who is an Inoran , J ..slave like me! I am no artist , more like a copycat. ^^ Take a look at the pictures and see what i mean.


I guess i do not need to tell you that cats is my most favourite animal of all time!!~ They are just so KAwaii ne~~ !! What i like about them besides the fact that they are super cute is that cats are independent hunters and they are very agile!! Behind those adorable exterior , lies an accomplished hunter which should not be underestimated!!

Look at these lovelies!!~~ Aren't they just precious??? Everybody now.." AWWWW !!"~~

The Cat Connections

If you fancy looking at more of such adorable pictures of cats then you should check out these sites!!~

Lots of Kawaii Cats here!!~~

My Fav Cartoon Cat

Humour Zone

As the header suggests ..this is the humour zone !!~ Over here i will introduce to you some of the most funniest sites and shows to you!! For starters , let's begin with this wonderful cartoon called "Southpark"!! Created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker ..Southpark has got to be one of the most "Vulgar" cartoon ever!! Lots of dirty jokes and interesting characters in Southpark!!~ A very enjoyable show indeed but this cartoon is definitely not for children!!~~



Before I even knew of the existence of Southpark , The Simpsons is one of my most favourite animation of them all and it still is!! ^^ A truly enjoyable prime time show ..lots of witty jokes !! I love all the characters in The Simpsons..Homer..Apu..Lionel Hutz..Ned Flanders...Ken Brockman...Dr Nick..Moe..all of them are juz great!!!


Next up..from the creators of The Simpsons..we have Futurama!! This animation is simply hilarious!! It is about this guy Fry who woke up in the year 3000 after he fell in a cryogenics chamber 1000 years ago!! So the adventure begins as he starts his new life in the year 3000!! Along the way he made some friends. A one eyed lady called Leela ,a chinese girl called Amy , a robot named Bender , an octopus-crab like creature named Dr Zoidberg and many others!! bender

Allo! Allo!

This show has got to be one the most funniest comedy about WW2 that i have ever watched!! It's plot line..the jokes ..the characters.. all could just rip me apart with laughter whenever i watch an episode of Allo!Allo! The story is set in France during World War 2 and it revolves around this french cafe owner , Rene and his staff who were unwittingly dragged into the resistance movement!! The main plot of the show is to get these 2 British airmen back to England but of course there is more to it than that!! Rene often have to deal with the German soldiers who frequents his cafe one of whom fancies him!! ^_^ Also he has to make sure that his wife does not find out he is having an affair with both his waitresses and the leader of the resistance!!And many more other subplots !! So you see..the story is really rather broad in that sense!!

There are many interesting characters in Allo!Allo! would be hard for me to name favourites because all of them are just so good!! face always lights up when Officer Crabtree , Lieutenant Gruber(the one who fancies Rene) , Herr Flick of the Gestapo and Monsieur Alphonse the undertaker comes in!! All the characters in Allo!Allo!are unique in their own way and what can i say ..i love this show!!!

the many colourful characters of Allo!Allo!

Well.. we have come to the end of the humour zone!! i do hope that i have provided some insight into some of what i think is the best comedy shows ever!! But hey..if you need more information ..just click on any of the links!!

Some links for you!!

More information on Allo!Allo!

The Simpsons's Official Site!!

Futurama's Official Site!!

A place where you can download Southpark episodes!!

Bishounen/Yaoi/Fanart Section

For those of you who enjoys reading fanfictions based on your favourite j-rocker/s and do not mind guyXguy relationship kinda stories , then you must absolutely visit this site THE J-Rock Fanfic Archive!!! This site holds a large collection of fanfiction based on j-rockers such as Dir en Grey , Luna Sea , L'arc-en-ciel , X-Japan , Glay etc!!

Recommended are : J-rock b-day ficcies by this author Visual dream and this Halloween Special by luthien!! A word of warning though , some stories can get really "VIVID"!!!

I have added a new section in my playroom . That is a section where fanart is displayed! Currently i have 9 fanarts for your viewing pleasure. ENJOY!

Go to fanart?

Miscellaneous Stuff!!!

--> An interesting site about doodie!!! Tons of Gifs(i think) on doodie!! A rather funny site..Oh did i mention you can also send e-cards from this site??? ^__^

--> In this site , you can take fun tests such as "Personality Test" , "What breed dog are you?" test , "Are you stressed?" test and many more!! You can even send these tests to your friends and see how they fare!!

--> A collection of weird and not to mention hilarious pics are available here!! Interesting site!!

Do check out these sites!! They are Great!!!

Well guests..that's it for now!! We have come to the end of the PLAYROOM!! Certainly hope you have enjoyed yourselves!! To go to the next portion of labyrinth just click on the lovable totoro!!!!

Return to my Realm!!