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Old Updates

Uh, dude, I think this is pretty self-explanitory. very month we'll move last months updates here. Example: Novemeber's updates are now here since it's Decemeber.

I updated the discussion, it has an intro now which explains most current events going on at the table now.... stay tuned maybe either sam or I will add some good stuff soon...


Ok, all of the links on "The Lunch Table" work now, though not all have stuff.. if you dont want to be on or want us to change the information on the Characters page (Group) or you want your e-mail off the e-mail page tell us. Feel free to e-mail us pictures and quotes and hopefully the Discussion will start with school...


Hey!Let's see... I made a new link on here called The Lunch Table (note the link over there..) In any case... this will be the start of us actually adding context to the site.. (eventually) it will have everything... - I set up the main idea, now all Sam and I need to do is make it work.. non of those links exist yet.. and if you dont want us to put you there (and we would otherwise) e-mail us at ok?


Hi! I added The Demented Cartoon to our links page, it's a half-hour cartoon we found! It's as good and as random as Yatta!


Sam made a poll! With Brian Nunes' help. (lol Bri)

Well, let's see... I made a new section... Writer's Block It will be a section where any one can submit their thoughts and writings. Of course Sam and I will reveiw the writing before we post it but still.. you can have fun... sorry we havent updated in a bit... I personally havent updated anything in a while... I just worked on my site before coming here... Oh and Sam, by the way... fix the colors... I'm not about to mess with your title page thingy here ... lol (i cant read it!)well anyway.. thats it for now...
(about 10 min later....) Ok, I've added to the Staff & Acknowledgement page... (Sam, you may want to edit it if you dont like it...)


I added the quote. Thanks to Alex.

- Sam

Hey guys, fixed the staff page. I wonder how that templete got there? (no, really, neither me nor Kellye remembers putting it there). Oh well. Anyways, I also lightened the background and re-uploaded it. So what do you guys think? Well, catch ya later! Keep checking! We might actually get to the point of this site one of these days!


Whoo! i checked the site today (looks good sam) and we've had 13 visitors... lol. I'm making the font darker.. (kinda hard to see w/ white on light blue...)umm.. lets see... i think i wanna do something w/ that picture page... ::is horribly scared of the picture page:: lol.. umm... yeah... if i think of something else i'll just write more... umm... oh! i think i'll play w/ the links.. 0:)


Well, Kellye put the skin on the add. Do you guys want a pop-up add or not? Kellye also gave us a email! On the menu to the right, ::feels like a flight attendent:: there's a menu(which I added). Click "Email Us!". Duh.
Also, I uploaded a new background (obviously). The pic was draw last year during Winter Vacation by the talented Jessica Long and edited it in Adobe Photoshop Elements. I've got another question though, is the picture too light/dark? Should we change to font or should I make the pic darker/lighter/change colors? Or do you have any other ideas for backgrounds?


Hey! Well lookie at that.. we've started a soap opera... lol, umm... we don't seem to have much yet so I'll just link you to a bunch of people sites and other fun crap like that.. k? k.
