Welcome to Yugioh!


Maybe I may not update as usual....but I just posted some photos from ATWO! (Read below)

Click here to go to the gallery! :P

In the meantime, you can find me on http://www.animetheme.com/rpgd_online/ as KATSUYA, Cha Dawn (normally).

Click on the banner above to visit animetheme.com!

View the old Mystic Elf Easter pic 

Joey's Shrine       Seto's Shrine     Joey + Seto's Shrine    Marik's Shrine

Quizzes     Affiliates     Fanlistings      Hatelistings      Card changes      Hatemail

Chain/Hoax letter hatelisting!       Wallpaper      Humor

Other quizzes officially on other sites!      Old Tutorial on how to edit and modify Yugioh pics

Contact me: My different email addresses are all over the place, but I'd much rather prefer it if you email me at wingweaver27@hotmail.com

Credit Given to http://yuugiou.fran-web.net/index.html! If you want to thank me for images, avatars, ect, thank Fran first for the images.

Also I give credit to http://www.endlessvortex.com for giving out the images for the card changes as well.



18/7/04: Read above.

22/5/04: Received more hoaxes.

21/5/04: I've been doing my tests lately, so I had no time to get onto this site. Anyway, I regret to inform you this but the Shrines are now CLOSED. Doesn't seem as if anyone takes interest in them, but if anyone is really interested in the shrines then please tell me and I will try post it back up. New picture up here of Marik as well! And I'm still waiting for approval for a new hatelisting: Ian Van Dahl (Annemie)'s makeup. Sorry for the negative update; I will try make a huge positive update next week or so.

10/5/04: Hoaxes Hatelisting is APPROVED! Lots of updates...ooh yeah. Card Changes has been updated...and even more updates for the Hoaxes Hatelisting. And the new title picture of Isis is above, as you can notice.

2/5/04: Please, nobody, DO NOT SEND ME STUPID EMAILS. If you send me immature emails such as "Have you had a cup of insects for your diaper filled?", I will reply and you will regret it. Burn. I've also had $#!++^ news about the Chain Letter Hatelisting. It's now styled as the Hoaxes Hatelisting.

27/4/04: Another crappy update on Chain Letters

23/4/04: Another quick update for the Chain Letter hatelisting

22/4/04 Silly updates with the Chain Letters hatelisting. Approved by thehatelistings.org, but let's refer it as Hoaxes for now on.

16/4/04 Kind of changed the chain letter hatelisting, so anyone joining does NOT have to give out their country. Also, I've been hearing from some guy who keeps on flaming at my quizzes. I've opened up the page if anyone wants to see it. Anyway, 1 new hatemail. (Finally I posted up real hatemail!)

15/4/04: Made a new humor page.

13/4/04: The chain letter hatelisting isn't approved yet, but I've opened it now.

12/4/04: Happy Easter...again. Notice the picture of Mystical Elf holding that egg? Yeah well...I created the picture and tutorial for no reason. Haha. Oh yeah, notice that I've updated the card changes page too.

11/4/04: Happy Easter! Updated the Card Changes page. Ignore the Chain Letter Hatelisting; I'm still waiting for approval. If you wish to participate in any way, feel free to tell me. I've also added in the Wallpaper page.

4/4/04: Added in a new topic, hatemail. If I find ANYONE flaming, I'll reply to them and then other people who look at them will just laugh...feel free to look at them.

3/4/04 Okay, apologies I have not updated for so long. I've got some fan/hatelistings which are found in the fanlisting and hatelisting pages. I've also added in card changes as well. Please note that even though I'm not updating the news so much, I'm still working on this site and my emails are still active.

19/1/04: NOOO! I haven't updated for so long. I know, the webmistress will punish herself >.< anyway, the reason I couldn't update was because it's just been Xmas and I had to go back to work. Plus, they won't let me have spare time! So this is just a quick update. I've opened the quiz section even though it's not finished. It's only got the Tea quiz so far. The only reason I updated was because I didn't want to bore you guys out there.

2/1/04: Finally finished off the Marik Shrine. I need lots of stuff to be posted so you can help out if you want!


1/1/04: Happy New Year everyone! A friend of mine spotted lots of broken links. I know, I suck :'( but anyhow they should be fixed now. Somehow the Joey + Seto Shrine may not work if you click on 'Back to Index'. I really don't know why it's a broken link because I've done everything I can. But just click on the Back Button on your Internet Explorer browser.


31/12/03: Ha! I got this site up 20 mins before 2004! Well this is the first update.


(I can't believe you're still reading this...)