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Press Release for Jen-Kun-Doe

Jen-Kun-Doe Artists Are a Shot of Seltzer Water in the Face: Announcing Jen-Kun-Doe - a new art gallery featuring the creative expression of partners Jenny Coyle and Alex Acosta. It is a gallery with a sense of humor and the kind of tongue-in-cheek style that perfectly showcases the work of these off-the-wall artists. Jenny, who is definitely not an example of a shrinking violet, has jaws dropping wherever her often controversial pieces are seen. The innovative and highly original perspective of Jennyıs artwork, partnered with Alex's rich, stylized approach to photographic content, makes for a unique yet complementary blend of creative sensibilities. The Jen-Kun-Doe gallery has officially been in existence for a mere three months, but has attracted visitors from all over the world. How is a small Orlando gallery attracting global attention? It's online. "How could I be a starving artist if I could afford to own an actual gallery?" jokes Jenny. And the name? " I am extremely ticklish. Alex knows this and uses it to his advantage. To fend him off, I would flick him repeatedly ­ Alex dubbed this the ancient art of jen-kun-doe. So, when we were thinking about a name for the gallery, it just seemed to fit." Jen-Kun-Doe currently features a selection of Jenny's larger than life pastels and sculpture, and a cross-section of Alex's best photography. Jenny describes Alexıs work as "high-concept and very groovy, baby" and her own as "an impressionistic blend of pop-art and sarcasm if I had to pin it down, I suppose I'd call it hyperliteralism." Very cool, indeed. One of Jenny's vivid pastel images can be found adorning advertisements for filmmaking collective Group 101's Frequent Film Festival. She also works as a production designer and art director in the Central Florida film industry. The gallery will soon be open to other artists, and submissions are encouraged. Most pieces are for sale, and all are available as prints, notecards, and even t-shirts. Watch this space for more great products. Jenny believes that "art shouldn't be seen just on walls and in books. The world needs more color, more life and originality." Amen. If thatıs what youıre looking for ­ not to mention pure wackiness ­ then you've come to the right place. Jenny and Alex will provide that, and plenty of it. You'd be hard pressed to find two more effervescent, playful artists; their constant good-natured torture of each other has earned them the nicknames "Itchy" and "Scratchy" from close friends, among other things. Take the time to browse through the Jen-Kun-Doe gallery and you'll find much to like. The quality of the artwork, coupled with the warmth, fun and pure heart of these artists, delivers a Bruce Lee style knockout punch.