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Legion of the Apocalypse

Welcome to the Official site of the Legion of the Apocalypse. The Legion consists of a group of programmers that live in the same area. We're all friends, and only program for our own uses. This site will not tell you how to program or hack, as you can get in trouble, but it will tell you about the Legion and what it does.

The Legion was created one fine morning during school. I, the creator and main programmer, was sitting in my overwarm classroom thinking of what I should do when I got home. I decided to do what I always do: homework and then go online. Since we were assigned work to do in class, I decided to not do it and work on some programming stuff. I then got a wonderful idea, I should make a group. A programming group that would always stay together and do cool things with computers. And, as you've probably guessed, the Legion came to be.

Current News

11-06-02 HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS IS NO LONGER THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE LEGION OF THE APOCALYPSE!! I MOVED THE SITE TO HTTP://WWW.FREEWEBS.COM/AOCALYPSELEGION. THE SITE HAS HAD A MAKEOVER IN THE PROCESS. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. (NOTE: Most of the stuff is not working. None of the links are there yet, but they will be really soon. This is also the last update for this site. Enjoy the new look, and thanks for your support to bring this group and site together. We will truly miss the old green background, and the white lettering. So long old ways, you were good while you lasted!)

10-25-02 You know what? I actually looked at the site, and in my opinion, I think it's pretty good. I'll be trying to update the site more often, but it will be hard. Hope you understand, since school takes a major part in my life. I was also looking at the Weather Channel website, and realized it should rain on Halloween and the day before it. I guess whoever buys GTA: Vice City will have lots of time to play it:) Anyway, I'm trying to get a copy of the webpage designer Mr. Minnich has, but he's kind of forgetful (kind of?).

Also on the internet, I found this:

10-11-02 Hey, a whole month since last update. Kind of horrible, but you'll have to deal with it. I found out something new about the computers in school, and something about the senior hackers. I'll tell if you e-mail.

09-12-02 Sorry about the lack of updates, and yes I'm still alive. Just trying to live through the homework (the teachers don't know when to stop!) and the rest of life. Hopefully I can get a new motherboard for my computer to actually use it (What's that? It's possible to play GAMES on a computer? And see more than 16 colors on the monitor? I never knew that!)

I'm also hoping to restart my dad's old business (hint hint) which I would probably need a partner (hint hint.) If Drew doesn't get the hint, he's a moron...

08-15-02 If I only had three wishes... If I only had three wishes, here's what they would be: One, I'd want to be a super Saiyan. Two, I'd wish for school to be magically entered into our heads. And three, I'd wish for more wishes.

08-09-02 There are three good reasons why I haven't updated in a while. One, I don't have much time. Two, my computer monitor keeps glitching to the point of having to reset the computer. And three, I forgot my password to access the editor for my site. I'm just glad that I backed-up my site onto my computer so I can edit the site there. My luck just keeps getting better and better.

I have some more news, Dillon has arrived in his new state, Hickville (no offense!) He e-mailed me saying that he is staying in an apartment until his house gets completed. He also informed me that his school year starts earlier than ours by about two weeks.

One last thing I have to say, I need your opinion whether or not I should try taking the ads at the top of the site away or not. It would be as simple as deleting it, but I don't know if Angelfire would be happy...

07-03-02 Blenders are fun.

Let me explain. I made a great-tasting banana milkshake. I drank about half of it, and put the other half in the fridge for my brother to drink later. When he wanted it, he put it back on the blender because the mix settled, and it needed more ice (or so he thought). He used too many ice cubes and another whole banana. He cranked it to full speed and turned the "shake" into mush. He tasted it, decided it was horrible, and dumped it into the sink. He filled the blender with water and again cranked it to full blast. There were so many bubbles and the water spun so fast it looked like a hurricane. Next time you take out your blender, make sure to experiment to see what other fun things you can do.

06-20-02 Hey. I'll add one more update before I leave for my week-long trip to Canada. I can already hear the buzzing of skeeters as they swarm around me, sucking out my blood. Ah, don't you love insects?

This will be the last update until I get home from Canada. If you have any questions, just e-mail me and I'll respond ASAP. See you all later!!

06-12-02 Great news! I recruited two new people today, and am shooting for a third. That brings the total to 5 now. The Legion's moving along great. I might not be able to update more, because my brother got his wisdom teeth extracted today and I need to take care of him. And I still need to add the other members in the member page. I'm going to add another section to the main page soon, which will note my backlog status.

06-11-02 I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that the site is running, and I'm learning more about Angelfire. This makes the site better. The bad news is that a member is moving out of the state. I will still keep in touch with him, but it's just the principal of the idea that makes me unhappy.

Please take time to give your input to tell me how I could improve my site. Thanks!

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Number of members: 5

Site created 06-07-02 15:35 EST

Last updated 10-11-02 13:15 EST

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