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<<| My| Profile | >> ^*^NamE:CheLLe ^*^a.k.a:AnG3L!Q ^*^loc:RePrEsEnTiNg 514 ArEa ^*^status:T@K3n By M@H B@bY ^*^age:20 years of @g3 ^*^sex:Amm @ ch!Q ^*^Likes: M@H b@by ^*^hates:b!@tch ^*^ethnicity:PnAy FoH SuR3 ^*^motto:GiVe Ur SmIlE 2 EvErY1,BuT GiVe Ur HeArT 2 OnLy 1

True love *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* When you love someone, And you love them with your heart, It never disappears When you`re apart Andwhen you love someone And you`ve done all you can do, You set them free, And if that love was true When you love someone It`ll all come back to you