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Long live the night raiders!
This page and all of it's contents are copyright Amber Amsbary 2002. Any content othewise stated is copyright it's respective owners.

Ambimie's Home

This is a picture of some inside jokes of me and my two best friends. I will not explain anything outside of the "popcorn" thing, simply because it's too difficult to explain. "Popcorn" is how Cary and I express our love to one another.

Most of this site will be kinda sucky for awhile or at least until i have more time to work on it. I'll try to work on it a little at a time everyday. My quotes page is going pretty well, no where near finished though, and my poetry page is getting there, my friends page however is really awful...the only thing on that is names and that isn't even finished. (which means if you don't see your name up there yet it doesn't mean anything, cause i only just started. :) I hope you enjoy it. Bya.

I actually have a journal on this site also, but it isn't accesible to anyone accept myself...why would i do that to myself? posting EVERYTHING out there just so that people can critisize me, yeah right. I may eventually make it public, or I might just "feature" certain things on my main page, but no one's going to have full access to it. It is actually going to be a private journal for once.

*Favorite Movie Quotes Page
*Friends Page
*My Poetry
*College Life
*Featured Art, Poetry, Pics, etc...

*Cary's Exotikah Page
* Jammer's Anime Page

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