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All about Bryony

Welcome to a short bio/imfomation page about ME!!:)

..::Likes and Dislikes::..

Well, my FAVOURITE food of all time is most definatly dried apricots! They are a god send! lol. ^_^ Along with Spagetti Bolagnaise...mmmm. :D

My favourite drink is milk! Its so refreshing, and once I drank a whole litre in an hour. mind you I was on the loo for a while /:}, but it just flushes out all the nasty stuff that chocolate leaves behind, so thank you to all those cows out there!

My WORST food ever is anchovies. They taste like what i imagine wee,spit,boogeys and crap all mixed together would taste like, but some people like them- so they're not that bad.

My worst drink is probily tomatoe juice, it tastes like red anchovies mixed into a slushy pulp!

My favourite hobbies are reading, writing, reading, playing on the internet/doll making, reading, making short-films, trampolining and; swimming at the sea water baths with my friends and pontune jumping their! I am currently reading "Calypso Dreams" by Charles Butler [ooo, a posh name.. :D ].

I really don't like spelling. As you can probily see, i'm just no good at it. I also hate keeping my room tidy, you literally have to wade through ankle-thick wad's of clothes and rubbish, also most of my cups have grown mould and started to walk.