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]Starcraft and BroodWar Cheats and Tips[

Have you ever gotten killed badly by a computer in the game Starcraft? If so, here are some cheat codes for single player Starcraft or BroodWar that will help you get revenge on the computer, hee hee. These cheats will help you to win, only by cheating though. Cheating is fun to do in this game, so have fun and enjoy, but you will probably die in multiplayer mode because you can't use cheats.

BroodWar cheats(single player only)

Just hit "enter," then type:

operation cwal (lets you build really fast)

noglues (disables enemies' psionic ability)

power overwhelming (you are now invincible)

show me the money (lots of monies)

the gathering (unlimited energy)

black sheep wall (see the whole map)

there is no cow level (win level instantly)

food for thought (max amount of people you can make)

radio free Zerg (neat song, only when playing with Zerg, in Zerg missions)

something for nothing (free upgrades)

staying alive (disables level victory)

game over man (lose your current mission)

breathe deep (receive 10,000 gas)

whats mine is mine (receive 10,000 minerals 4 free)

medievel man (free tech upgrades)

modify the phrase variance (disables your tech-tree)


. The links for that are at the bottom of this page. They will help you out if you are new at single player Starcraft.

Hacks (multiplayer cheats) are for people who are really JUNK Starcraft players who don't know how to play without hacks for crap(they just die really fast!!!).

Oh yeah, if you happen to see people on such as:

  • 2DrUnK2aIm
  • SheT
  • Dont_Speak
  • BomBs
  • Vivid
  • imRilly
  • soultaker69
  • Leo415
  • DrunkenMunkey
  • All are good except for 2dRunK2aIm and SheT

    Visit my links.

    Zerg Tips(single player)
    Protoss Tips(single player)
    Terran Tips(single player only)
    Visit these other official Starcraft websites.

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