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SCM/SCX Color/Overlapping TagsText File.
   By: C_MEN
   Thanks The TheHonorKnight For the discovery of the overlapping character and what it does.
   I hope the people for &Z don't get mad at me for 
   this but the StarCraft BroodWar map editors need to discover this and use it in their maps.
   INSTRUTIONS(Color Tags(Not Overlapping Character)Only):
   Copy the character in front of the color you want to use and paste it on 
   the text square in your map just before the text you want to be that 
   color.The character(colors) are actual characters that can be found from a HEX Editor they are in order 01-08.
    Click Here to download a HEX Editor
   there is no 100% correct way to do this but this way is close(you may need to adjust characters to gain desired effect) 
   []{}Chosen Word {}{}(<-1 or 2 overlapping characters may be used)Chosen Word
   (The overlapping charater is 12 on the HEX Editor)
   Whisper me in to thank me. (C_MEN)
   All text outside of actual game.|
    - Light Blue (default)
    - Light Blue (default)
    - Dark Green
    - Light Green
    - Gray (all text will be grey after this tag, evn if other tags are placed)
    - White
    - Red
    - Invisible (all text will be grey after this tag, evn if other tags are placed)
    - Overlapping
   All text in actual game.        | 
    - Light Blue (default)
    - Light Blue (default)
    - Yellow
    - White
    - Gray (all text will be grey after this tag, evn if other tags are placed)
    - Red
    - Light Green
    - Invisable (all text will be grey after this tag, evn if other tags are placed)
    - Overlapping
File                Description          Download
---Color_Map             The color map file with over lap.                 Color_Map             a powerful editing tool I
                           even use.                           

---Java Runtime              Need this to run GUEdit3                 


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