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The latest in Afghan music and dance

Afghan dance with nature vawes "Atanvawes"

"Oil on canvas 24"x32", 1999"

Afghan dance with nature vawes "Atanvawes"

"Oil on canvas 22"x38", 1999 Every village have their own artists and musicians.Usually there's one family including a father, son or close a relative who hosts the celebration.These artists are mostly responsible for musical events, hair cuts, weddings and official celebrations.


"Oil on canvas 8"x11", 1999 Some other musical instruments entered the Afghan musical world such as violins.

Zer baghali or naghara

"Oil on canvas 16"x20", 1999 "Zerbaghali" is one of the most popular musical instrument in Afghanistan.

Sound and nature

"Oil on canvas 8"x11", 1999 "Setar" is one of the finest string instruments.This instrument had been modified from it's original version "Afghani Dutar".This instrument is very popular in India.

Final stage of atan

"Oil on canvas 16"x24", 1999"

Usually a large number of people participate in Afghan dance "Atan". By the time the dance reaches it's final stage only the youngest and most dynamic participants are finalizing the dance process.This final stage is very colourful and fast.
