Chapter 1 – Fool for Love

Like a picture she was laying there

Moonlight dancing off her hair

The summer of ‘76 was supposed to be the summer of his life.

It was the time when he was supposed to go from being a boy to a man. Spike had just graduated from high school. Most of his fellow students couldn't believe that he had graduated in the top 5% of their class. They all thought he was the classic loner bad boy. That was because they didn't take the time to know him. He had been the new boy when his mum had moved them here so she could get married. Over time he had gone from being the new boy to the bad boy.

It was his shyness and poet's soul that set him apart. His mum had never really settled in one place very long so he never got the chance to make friends. Or have a girl friend. And by the time she had moved him here he didn't care about being around people anymore. So, he changed things to please himself. He started to emulate the punk rock movement wishing that he was brave enough to be as rebellious as they were. To be able to live his life on the edge away from the normalcy that held him captive. In one of his rare moments of independence his hair had gone from the curly brown afro to platinum blond with spikes. That one act had given him the courage to change other things about his looks. A cigarette was never far from his mouth while in his ear shone a diamond solitaire. The catcher in his looks was his leather duster bought from a thrift store. All the guys hated him and the girls watched him walk down the hall. But no one approached him.

For the most part it didn't bother him except for Cecily. One of the popular girls who was both smart and pretty. From the first day he had seen her in English class he had loved her. She was the star of his fantasies and the inspiration for his poems. But she ignored him and he didn't have the guts to approach her. So, he was alone with his thoughts and dreams and class work. Thus giving him the time to make the grades that gave him a full scholarship to any college he wanted. His somewhere distant future was secure while his present was a lonely odyssey of self doubt.

It was the van that actually changed things for him. A graduation present from his stepfather. Spike knew that the old man was just trying to score points with him but it was okay. Even if they never talked about it he was already in Spike’s affection. He had given his mum what she needed to settle down and try to make a decent life. The van was definitely a much appreciated bonus that sealed their relationship. It was a used 1975 Chevy van called the Kozy Kar. It was called that because it had the bed in the back and room for a second row of seats. But he had taken those out because he wasn’t going to be giving rides to anyone.

The van had given him an edge of confidence that he had lacked. It made him feel like the man he wanted to be. Like he could actually be a part of the cool kids crowd. That they might give him a chance to be a part of them filled him with hope that his life might change.

He decided it was time to do something that he never thought he would which was to ask Cecily out on a date. Spike decided now that school was out the best place for him to approach her would be the class graduation party. Since they didn’t move in the same circles he probably wouldn’t see her again after that. So the party was pretty much it for his chances. The plan was made and set into motion.

He spent a lot of time preparing for the party. The right clothes and the right look. It made him feel a little silly primping like a girl. But he wanted as much confidence from his looks as he could get. But he stuck with his punk looks. A t-shirt that proclaimed his allegiance to the music of Patti Smith and faded blue jeans finished off with his steel toed boots. His hair was freshly bleached to the platinum that was his trademark. His cologne was Brut. Actually he had borrowed it from his stepfather but knew that a lot of the girls liked it. After checking himself out in the mirror from every angle he decided he was ready. All he needed was his duster to finish it off.

The other kids had looked at him strangely when he walked in. That was the first time that he had shown up at any of the class functions except for graduation. Ignoring the stares directed at him he moved through the crowd looking for her. Finally he spotted her in the well lit section of the banquet hall. She was with her little group of friends shining like the star she was. They were all dressed in the latest fashion and talking a little too loud. They wanted to make sure everyone knew that they were the ones to watch. That their group were the ones that led the way.

Spike hesitated off to the side waiting for the right moment. In his hand was the poem he had written for her. It had taken him hours to compose it and get it just right. To find a word that rhymed with effulgent. But it was done. And perfect. He started rehearsing what he would say when he asked her out. All he wanted was a shot. There wasn't anything wrong with him. At least he kept telling himself that.

It's going to be okay. Just go up and ask her out. Tell her how pretty she looks. Just don't be hesitant. She likes guys with control.

Taking a deep breath he was ready to approach her as some of her friends wandered off. He moved toward her with the poem clutched tightly in his fingers. His palms were sweaty and his stomach tied up in knots.

"Well, well, look who is here. The class clown. Did you lose your way?" It was Angel. The one who had never let him alone. The star quarterback. He always tormented Spike every chance he got. And he was the one who gave him the nickname Spike. This was his only redeeming quality. To Spike it was way cooler than the previous nickname of Willie. Wee Willie. Guess what that stood for? Not that anyone would know except him. No one had been close enough to find out.

"No. This is the class graduation party right?" Spike answered Angel with a lot more bravado than he felt. His eyes began to dart around for a quick exit. He felt trapped as some of Angel's buddies closed in around him.

"The clown has some balls after all." Angel announced to his admiring audience. His voice boomed over the music and other conversations. The kids close enough to hear stopped what they were doing to turn around and look at the group surrounding Spike. The air crackled in anticipation of what was going to happen.

"Hey, what's this?" Angel looked around him to make sure that people were watching him before snatching the poem from Spike's hand. He tried to snatch it back protesting that it was private. But it only made Angel more determined to humiliate him. He held the poem up in his beefy hands and began to read.

"My heart expands 'tis grown a bulge in't inspired by your beauty effulgent." Angel stopped reading as laughter broke out around him. He got the reaction he was looking for in his fans. And at the expense of poor Spike standing there with his heart breaking. He blinked the tears back before that completed his disgrace. Turning he pushed his way through Angel's group and headed for the nearest exit.

Then he saw her. Cecily was headed down the hallway toward the bathrooms. He followed her after making sure that no one was watching. She had taken a seat on a bench outside of the Women's room. Spike walked up to her slowly. She seemed distressed by what had just happened. That Angel had embarrassed her too by his actions. Hope soared in his heart that maybe she was feeling his pain. That maybe she did have feelings for him after all. Taking another deep breath for courage he went to sit next to her. His knee almost touched hers giving him a chill of the sexual awareness kind. Spike folded his hands in his lap and kept his legs together hoping she wouldn't notice his reaction to her nearness.

Cecily turned to look at him with disdain on her face.

"Leave me alone, Spike." She turned to look down the hall to make sure that no one was approaching. It would be all over town tomorrow that she was seen talking to him. It would ruin her reputation.

Spike took it to mean that she was nervous about being next to him. His feelings projected onto the girl next to him. This was something that he had wanted for so long. To have this girl let him love her. He believed that Cecily had to be hiding her true feelings for him because he was so sure that they were meant to be. She would be free to express herself if he could just make her feel enough at ease.

"They're bullies. Can't you see? They're not like you and I."

Her eyes came back to look questioningly into his face. Spike shivered in anticipation of what he thinks will be the moment when all of his waiting and dreaming will be fulfilled. It fleetingly crossed his mind whether he should attempt to kiss her now or wait until after the words were spoken.

“You and I?” Then she laughed up at him.

Spike tried to form the words to tell her that yes they could be a couple. He wanted to say that he loved her but found that his throat had closed up from the panic that had taken control of his body.

“That poem that Angel was reading was it about me?” She asked so solemn. Like her whole world depended on his answer.

“Yes, it is.” The words came from somewhere inside of him. He didn’t even realize he was saying them. Every part of his being was centered on this girl beside him.

“Why would you write it for me?”

This was the moment he had been waiting for. To tell her what is in his heart. But as he opened his mouth to tell her someone stepped into the hallway. It was Angel.

“Because he’s in love with you.”

Cecily looked up at Angel with a shy smile.

“And the really sad part is he actually thinks he has a chance with someone like you.”

He reached down and took her hand. Spike couldn’t get a cohesive thought much less a word out as Cecily allowed him to take her hand and bring her to her feet.

No! This is wrong. It’s not supposed to be this way.

“Cecily, you don’t need to leave with him. You can be with me if you want.” Spike stumbled over the last words as he completely laid his heart out for her. A huge lump lodged in his throat as he waited for her to give him permission. Permission to protect her. But as he waited she turned to him and laughed.

“Please, Spike, you and me? You’re not good enough for me.”

She turned to Angel allowing him to put his arm around her shoulders. They started to walk down the hallway laughing at his humiliation. The tears burned his eyes as he fought to keep them from falling. As he tried to pull himself together enough to do something Angel turned back to him.

“Here.” A crumpled ball of paper was tossed at him. His reflexes took over as he caught it. “Try to use that shit on someone pitiful enough to actually buy it.”

He didn’t even wait for them to turn and walk away. There was an exit door behind him and he ran for it.

She doesn’t know what she is doing. This was supposed to be our night. Damn Angel. Damn him to hell.

The total devastation of her betrayal swept through his slim frame. He would have done anything for her. Anything. And she had thrown it away to walk on the arm of the walking steroid Angel. He wasn’t good for anything but using his mom’s hair gel and throwing a football. Maybe he should have waited and gotten Cecily out in the parking lot before doing anything. If she had just seen his new ride she would have changed her mind.

He slammed through the door letting the force of his anger carry it. It banged backwards against the wall. Then once the hinges had had enough it brought it back toward him hitting him in the shoulder before he could get away.

“Fuck.” He shouted out to the empty parking lot. Then quickly looked around to make sure he was. At first he didn’t see anyone as his blue eyes penetrated through the darkness. Then he heard giggles. He turned toward the sound and saw them.

Drusilla and Darla.

The class sluts. Or so everyone said. Angel had actually dated them once. At the same time. He told all the guys in the locker room they didn’t mind sharing. Him. Sex was supposed to be about love and the thought of just doing it for a fuck sickened Spike. It went against everything he had believed in. But then at the moment love wasn’t doing anything for him.

He stopped and stared at them. His eyes took in their too short skirts and their too tight shirts. Shirts they had unbuttoned enough so the tops of their breasts were in danger of falling out. Breasts that made him want to touch them. Drusilla was all milky white and soft looking. Darla was all firm and tanned. Both of their legs went on forever. He licked his lips at the sight before him.

They giggled again as they walked toward him.

“What has got you all pissed off?” Drusilla asked as she continued to walk up to him. She didn’t stop until she was practically on top of him.

“Nothing.” The past hour was not something he was going to share. Especially to the likes of them. He inhaled as Drusilla’s perfume tickled his nose. It was Jovan musk an earthy scent that matched her attitude. He had always thought she was kind of flaky but at this point who was he to argue.

“Is that your new van?” Darla came up on the other side of him. Her breasts brushed up against his arm sending him promises of things to come. He could feel himself begin to twitch again in his skin tight jeans.

“Yeah, it is.” He looked down at her in fascination as she licked her lips at him.

He quickly looked back at Drusilla as she trailed a finger down his arm. Watched as goose bumps showed up on his arm in the wake of her flesh. She looked up at him under her lids then she smiled a slow sexy smile.

“Do we get a tour?”

It was now or never. He looked briefly back at the way he had come. Somehow praying that Cecily would come looking for him. His heart sank when he realized that she wasn’t coming. Why not? Did it matter? The girl he had been saving it for didn’t want it.

“Yeah. Come on.”

He took a step forward as the girls attached themselves to either of his arms. They walked together toward the van. Still trying to be the gentlemen that he thought he was he gave them a hand into the van. But he had to admit the view was nice as their skirts went almost the way up to their bottoms and he got a glimpse of panties. The sweat started to gather under his arms as he actually saw underwear on a girl for the first time.

God, please don’t let me blow this. Maybe I shouldn’t be asking you this but I am eighteen and just a little experience would be nice.

He climbed in behind them closing the door behind him. The two girls had sat on the edge of the bed. Darla patted the space between them indicating they wanted him to sit between them. With alternating hope and trepidation of what he thought he wanted. He slipped down between the two girls. His hands clasped between his knees.

“This is really nice, Spike. All the comforts of home.” Drusilla purred in his ear as she slipped her hand on his leg.

He gulped. It was a wonder they didn’t hear him. Or the pounding of his heart as it raced in anticipation. Darla giggled in his ear while she ran a hand along his arm. He had a massive hard on being this close to two girls at the same time. Leaning forward slightly he hoped they wouldn’t notice. Drusilla leaned toward him putting her hand on his face. He turned to look at her just as she came toward him.

Then it was her lips on his.

Oh shit. What do I do? I have actual girl lips on mine. Do something. Damn it. Move your lips.

Her tongue was trying to enter his mouth so he opened it. As she started to move it around he tried to mimic her motions. She broke free from him and then Darla turned him toward her. She was more aggressive in her kiss almost biting his tongue in her enthusiasm. For a few minutes he was passed from one pair of lips to the other.

I have died and gone to heaven. I am the shit. This is so far out. I went from kissing no one to two girls in one night.

Just as he was wondering how to move them to another level. They broke it off. As he stared in amazement from one girl to the other. They exchanged a look between them that he never even noticed.

“What are you planning for the summer?” Drusilla asked him innocently.

He shrugged his shoulders and told her nothing.

“So, how do you feel about San Francisco?” Darla asked him as she squeezed his inner thigh.

“San Francisco?” Spike’s mind was still on making out and it took him a moment to comprehend what the girls were asking him.

"Yeah, you know that city to the north of us." Darla answered her voice thinly disguising her sarcasm. Spike started to withdraw from them as he realized they were toying with him. His eyes became shuttered as he looked at the pretty little blond that was still pressed against him.

"Spike." Drusilla softly called his attention away from her friend. When he turned toward him she began to lay small feather kisses against his cheek moving her way down to his neck. "We want you to go with us on the trip." Her tongue circled his ear. "We're all on the outside of those people that are inside having so much fun." Her hand moved up his thigh to come to lie on his stomach. "I just want us to celebrate graduation with a trip. So, why don't we all just go together?" Her lips came back to settle on his moving her tongue against his while her hand traveled between his legs. She stroked his hardness with a practiced hand. "There is so much fun that we can have together."

Then Dru pulled away from him leaving her hand where it was. Spike looked at her wanting someone to want him so badly. His eyes narrowed as he searched hers for the truth. She looked back at him her eyes openly returning his search. What the hell? Why not just go? What else did he have to do for the next couple of months? Maybe she wasn't lying. Maybe for once someone did want him around.

"Okay. When are we leaving?" He looked at her waiting for some sign of what was to come.

Drusilla pulled back clapping her hands.

"Goody. We are going to San Francisco."

Darla laughed and reached over to hug him while Drusilla hugged him from the other side. He laughed as he hugged them back. They both started talking of what they were going to do while they were there. He just sat back and listened to their excited voices. It was decided that they would leave on Tuesday morning. Darla had a cousin who lived in San Francisco that they could crash with while they were there. The plan just fell together as they sat on either side of him deciding everything. Spike just went along with whatever they decided while he tried to ignore the small nudging of caution that moved through his belly.

Neither one of them touched him anymore that night until he dropped them off at Dru's house. But then it was just quick kisses to his cheek as they told him good night. Phone numbers had been exchanged so they could solidify the plans in the next couple of days. As he drove away from them he worried if he had made the right decision. But for once in his life he just wanted to take a chance. So, he buried his feelings behind a huge wall of hope that this would be okay.

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