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Top 10 Suggestions
by Pastor Bob Jones

1. Put 100% FAITH in YHVH, and Pray to Him many times, every day.

2. Study and Learn his WORD, 100%, to show yourself approved.

3. Follow his WORD, 100%, and use it as the FOUNDATION, to everything you do in life.

4. Teach his TRUE WORD, 100%, to Family and Friends and others of your Brothers and Sisters, which is the White Race.

5. Teach who the enemy of your Father YHVH in the Heavens is, 100%. They are the Canaanite, esau/edomite, sephardic, kazar/ashkanaz, falasha, etc. so called jews of today.

6. Stop doing business with all of YHVH's enemies 100%, in everything you buy and sell, and always fight YHVH's enemies every chance you get. We are to "occupy this Earthly Kingdom for Him, and resist evil", until he returns.

7. "Come out from among them and be ye separate", 100%, and buy a self sufficient farm, grow your own food, and put some away for storage, drill a well for your water, breath good air, raise your Family, have your own power source, and get off the utility system. Arm yourself with guns, ammo, reloading equipment, knives, and whatever else you feel you might need or want.

8. Have a home based business, or go into business for yourself, 100%. Don't work for or depend on any company, as you are a slave and not the master of your own destiny, and that is not the way to prosperity, and not what YHVH your Father in the Heavens has in mind for his children.

9. When it comes to money, the first 10%, YHVH says is His. Therefore, tithe his true Teachers of his WORD. Buy farms and ranches and land for investment. Stay out the the jew-controlled stock and bond market, commodity market, bank accounts, insurance annuities, etc, 100% and other "paper gimmick games" of the jew bankers.

10. Realize our government has been taken over long ago, right after the civil war, by the satanic jew bankers headed by the Rothschild family, and is trying to destroy our Christian heritage and Christians, 100%. Voting will not change it. Our people, getting into government at every level and taking it back over, and restoring our Christian heritage could change it, but will only buy us time to prepare, as we are past the point of no return. It must start at the local level or else invasion and revolution is the only other option. I believe these are the end times as prophecy says, and YHVH is our ONLY hope. Have faith and pray ONLY to Him, OUR FATHER in the Heavens.