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~ Our 2009 Found Treasures ~

Our Family is our most cherished treasure!!!

On the path life leads us we sometimes find some rather
. . . "interesting" . . .
other treasures!
And those finds is what this site is about!

Monthly Finds consist of the little curious things we find here
& there each month. Recycling is the amount of discarded cans we
have been able to gather up. Pocket Change is the tally of
fallen/lost money we have come across. Curb Side
is about items we find or are given that people were getting rid of.
Then on to Monday Motivational Mocha being an area
where I hope to be posting some positive things. Watch Us Grow
( coming soon ) is where we share some of the planting projects
we are attempting. Tithing is about how & who
we try to give back to. What Do You Know . . . is the area where
I seek out your advice on different items I have discovered.
Each page should have other lil baubles & trinkets of info & what
not hidden here & there. So I am hopeful you will take some
time to explore about & enjoy yourself.

* Please Bookmark this site.
Updates are performed weekly.
New areas added often.
Would love to see you visit again
& again!

Being this is a "free" site Pop Up ads are frequent.
I apologize if you find them bothersome or offensive.


~ Monthly Finds ~

Just click a month on the table below
to see the items we have gathered so far!

January Febuary March
April May June
July August September
October November December

Please note that the Flowers and Birthstones I have listed are
only one style of numerous versions. I found them interesting so
I listed them but it does not mean they are correct. Please
explore around & have fun finding out more on your own. You
may just be amazed at your discoveries!


~ Recycling ~

Reduce Reuse Recycle
Please Come Check
For Can & Other
Recycling Fun Facts !!!


~ Please Dig Into These Links ~

Monday Motivational Mocha Curb Side Pocket Change
Tithing Watch Us Grow Calendar
What Do You Know . . .
Facts, Fur & Fun

Our Atomic Mall Store Preview
T.E.A.M. Kiss Your Brain Little McQ

Sour Grapes Make For Bitter Whine
Please Stop By & Visit My Blog

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May you ALWAYS be Blessed
May you ALWAYS Bless others