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Updates have been slow on these pages and I am sorry for that. I hope to get back to regular updates soon.


and website changes


  • Abednego KISER -if my research pans out I will be able to locate my 5th G Grandfather's grave which is supposed to located here in Norfolk. Abednego died 5 Oct. 1814 while serving in the War of 1812

    *****NOTE-as of 6-07-02 Am still looking for Abednego KISER'S final resting place.


  • August 30- added link on LINKS page to my other website, THE ROSENBAUM - ROSENBALM FAMILY OF SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA
  • June 9 - replaced counter
  • June 7 2002 - Another long period between updates, too involved in research, but changed link pages
  • March 10 - After a long sabbatical added the Willowood Graves page
  • April 1 - Added 2 wills to the Last Testament and Wills Page.
  • Mar 8 - added new buttons to pages
  • Feb. 24 - Changed format of pages.
  • Feb. 4 2001 - Added Wills page and began typing up wills to add to pages.
  • July 26 - Fixed a problem with the C surname database.
  • June 24 - Removed frames and added buttons to home page
  • June 11 - Message Boards added - one general and one pasword protected- later deleted-
  • June 10 - More links added
  • May 30 - Surname buttons added
  • May 15 - Major overhaul of site started. Frame format added
  • May 1 - Surname files made easier to access
  • April 15 - Photo pages added
  • April 10 - Individual Name Index made easier to access
  • March 24, 2000 - MY FAMILY TREE site found a home at Angelfire.


  • Improve format of photos, provide thumbnails with larger clickable images---****DONE****---
  • Add copies of WILLS that relate to individuals found in the family tree---****DONE****---